module ScanFiles require "find" require "fileutils" #require "scan";ScanFiles.Scan def self.Scan(debug = true) puts " IN DEBUG MODE " if debug self.ScanDirectory( APP_CONFIG[:photos_path], debug ) end def self.ScanDirectory(path, debug) path = File.expand_path( path ) puts "analyze directory " + path Dir.entries( path ).each {|entry| pathentry = path + "/" + entry if && !([".", ".."].include?( entry )) album = Album.find_by_path( pathentry ) || unless entry == entry.parameterize puts pathentry + " will now be moved to " + path + "/" + entry.parameterize pathentry, entry.parameterize) File.rename( pathentry, path + "/" + entry.parameterize ) unless debug pathentry = path + "/" + entry.parameterize end album.path = pathentry! unless debug self.ScanDirectory(pathentry, debug) elsif File.file?(pathentry) self.ScanFile(pathentry, debug) else puts "ignoring " + pathentry end } end def self.ScanFile(path, debug) return unless [".jpeg", ".jpg", ".gif", ".png"].include?( File.extname(path).downcase ) puts "analyze file " + path pathentry = path photo = Photo.find_by_path( path ) || unless File.basename( path, File.extname(path) ) == File.basename(path, File.extname(path)).parameterize pathentry = File.dirname(path) + "/" + File.basename( path, File.extname(path) ).parameterize + File.extname(path).downcase puts path + " will now be moved to " + pathentry path, File.basename( path, File.extname(path) ).parameterize + File.extname(path).downcase ) #File.move( path, File.dirname(path) + "/" + File.basename( path, File.extname(path) ).parameterize + File.extname(path) ) File.rename( path, pathentry ) unless debug end photo.path = pathentry! unless debug end def self.FullScan(debug = false) if debug puts "DEBUG" end puts "Scanning " + APP_CONFIG[:photos_path] prevalbum = "" dirs = Find.find( APP_CONFIG[:photos_path] ) { |path| dirs.push( path ) } dirs.sort.each{|path| if File.file?(path) && [".jpeg", ".jpg", ".gif", ".png"].include?( File.extname(path).downcase ) relpath = File.dirname( path ).sub(APP_CONFIG[:photos_path], '') relfile = path.sub(APP_CONFIG[:photos_path], '') puts relpath album = Album.find_by_path( relpath ) relpathparam = "" relpath.split("/").each{|d| relpathparam += d.parameterize + "/" } relpathparam = relpathparam.slice(0..relpathparam.length-2) if relpath != relpathparam puts APP_CONFIG[:photos_path] + relpath + " will now be moved to " + APP_CONFIG[:photos_path] + relpathparam[:photos_path] + relpath, APP_CONFIG[:photos_path] + relpathparam) unless debug[:thumbs_path] + relpath, APP_CONFIG[:thumbs_path] + relpathparam) unless debug puts "reload!" self.FullScan unless debug return unless debug end if prevalbum != relpath puts relpath prevalbum = relpath end if album.nil? puts "New album : " + File.basename( relpath ) album = album.path = relpath unless debug || raise "unable to save album" end puts "reload!" self.FullScan unless debug return unless debug end photo = Photo.find_by_path( relfile ) photorelpathparam = "" relfile.split("/").each{|d| photorelpathparam += d.parameterize + "/" } photorelpathparam = photorelpathparam.slice(0..photorelpathparam.length-2) puts "check if photo " + relfile + " = " + photorelpathparam if relfile != photorelpathparam puts APP_CONFIG[:photos_path] + relfile + " will now be moved to " + APP_CONFIG[:photos_path] + photorelpathparam unless photo.nil? photo.path = photorelpathparam! unless debug end[:photos_path] + photo.path, APP_CONFIG[:photos_path] + photorelpathparam) unless debug[:thumbs_path] + photo.path, APP_CONFIG[:thumbs_path] + photorelpathparam) unless debug end if photo.nil? puts " New photo added " + photorelpathparam photo = ) photo.album = album photo.path = photorelpathparam unless debug || raise "unable to save photo" end else puts " Found photo " + relfile end end } return end def self.RecreateThumbnails Photo.find(:all).each {|photo| photo.create_thumbnails() } end def self.CreateThumbnail(photo,image,thumbname,width,height) puts "Create thumb of " + photo.path thumb = image.first.resize_to_fill( width, height) thumb2 = image.first.change_geometry!("#{width}x#{ height }") { |cols, rows, img| if cols < width.to_i || rows < height.to_i puts "first if" img.resize!(cols, rows) bg = width, height){self.background_color = "white"} bg.composite(img, Magick::CenterGravity, Magick::OverCompositeOp) else puts "second if" img.resize!(cols, rows) end } puts "write... " + APP_CONFIG[:thumbs_path] + photo.album.path + "/" + + "_" + thumbname + File.extname( APP_CONFIG[:photos_path] + photo.path ) thumb.write(APP_CONFIG[:thumbs_path] + photo.album.path + "/" + + "_" + thumbname + File.extname( APP_CONFIG[:photos_path] + photo.path ) ) { self.quality = 100 } #image.change_geometry!(MAINSITE_SIZE) { |cols, rows, img| # img.resize!(cols, rows) #} #image.write(mainsite_file) end end