GalleryView - jQuery Content Gallery Plugin Author: Jack Anderson Documentation: Version 2.0 - 2009-05-05 ---------------------------------------- Revised required HTML markup for GalleryView Filmstrip frames are generated automatically (no need for two sets of images) Moved majority of aesthetic styling to external CSS Default aesthetics for gallery updated Set GalleryView to wait until images finish loading before building itself Added 'current' class to current filmstrip frame for user customization Allowed for more user-defined styling in panels and filmstrip frames Filmstrip can now be placed on left and right side of gallery, in addition to top and bottom Panel images can now be scaled to fit within panel or zoomed & cropped to fill panel Filmstrip images can now be scaled to fit within frame or zoomed & cropped to fill frame Panel overlay backgrounds are now only added to those panels with overlays 'pause_on_hover' option now pauses when mouse hovers over filmstrip as well as panel Added option to start gallery on any frame Current frame pointer is now built with CSS and its size can be customized easily Increased size of hitbox on panel-navigation buttons Updated options: - filmstrip_position - new allowable values : 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left' Removed options: - overlay_height - overlay_font_size - overlay_color - background_color - overlay_text_color - caption_text_color - border New options: - show_panels (boolean) - show_filmstrip (boolean) - start_frame (integer) - pointer_size (integer) - panel_scale - allowable values : 'crop', 'nocrop' - frame_scale - allowable values : 'crop', 'nocrop' - frame_gap (integer) Version 1.1 - 2009-04-05 ---------------------------------------- Added feature allowing filmstrip w/o panels Added feature allowing panels w/o filmstrip Added feature allowing filmstrip placement above or below panels Added new graphics for panel navigation Anchored navigation buttons to edges of filmstrip, rather than gallery boundaries New options: - filmstrip_position - allowable values : 'top', 'bottom' - overlay_position - allowable values : 'top', 'bottom' Version 1.0.1 - 2009-03-30 ---------------------------------------- Fixed bug allowing blank frames to display in filmstrip Changed pointer graphic from GIF to PNG to allow for greater customization Added 'overflow: hidden' to panels to prevent oversized content from breaking gallery Disabled frame clicking during filmstrip animation Changed pointer border from 4px to 2px Version 1.0 ---------------------------------------- 2009-03-29 : Initial Release