class Album < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :photos, :dependent => :destroy has_many :collection_albums has_many :collections, :through => :collection_albums validates_uniqueness_of :path, :message => "Album already exsists on disc" validates_presence_of :title, :message => "can't be blank" before_validation :ensure_path, :set_title after_create :create_folders after_destroy :destroy_folders attr_accessor :tags attr_protected :path named_scope :untouched, :conditions => "albums.Id IN ( SELECT DISTINCT photos.album_id FROM photos WHERE photos.description IS NULL AND NOT IN ( SELECT photo_id FROM photo_tags) )", :order => 'title' def to_param "#{id}-#{title.parameterize}" #self.title.gsub(/[^a-z0-9]+/i, '-') end def ensure_path self.path = self.title unless self.path end def set_title self.title = File.basename( self.path) unless self.title || !self.path end def tags # should maybe cache this to database? # should maybe return array instead? tags ={ |photo| if photo.tags.empty? # photo has no tags => no unversial tags for this album return else photo.tags end }.each_with_index{ |photo_tags,i| # returns tag collection for each photo if i == 0 tags = photo_tags else # combine arrays if they have identical tags. # Will remove tags that are only tagged to one photo #tags = tags & photo_tags tags = tags & photo_tags end } return tags end def tags=(tags) tags = tags.split(" ").sort current_tags = ( self.tags.nil? ? [] :{|tag|tag.title} ) return if tags == self.tags # find tags that should be removed from this album - thus remove from all photos in album # i.e. tags listed in self.tag_list but no in parameter tags {|tag|tag if !tags.include?(tag) }.compact (current_tags - tags).each { |tag| {|photo| photo.untag( tag ) } } # add universial tags to all photos in album (tags - current_tags).each do |tag| { |photo| photo.tag( tag ) } end end def photo_tags tags ={ |photo| tags = tags | photo.tags } return tags end protected private def create_folders Dir.mkdir( APP_CONFIG[:photos_path] + self.path ) unless File.exists?( APP_CONFIG[:photos_path] + self.path ) Dir.mkdir( APP_CONFIG[:thumbs_path] + self.path ) unless File.exists?( APP_CONFIG[:thumbs_path] + self.path ) end def destroy_folders #puts "DELETE DIRECTORY " + APP_CONFIG[:photos_path] + self.path Dir.delete( APP_CONFIG[:photos_path] + self.path ) if File.exists?( APP_CONFIG[:photos_path] + self.path ) Dir.delete( APP_CONFIG[:thumbs_path] + self.path ) if File.exists?( APP_CONFIG[:thumbs_path] + self.path ) end end