# Methods added to this helper will be available to all templates in the application. module ApplicationHelper def breadcrumbs(sep = "/", include_home = true) levels = request.path.split('?')[0].split('/') levels.delete_at(0) #links = "You are here: " links = content_tag('a', "HOME", :href => "/") if include_home nocrumb = ["collections", "albums", "photos", "tags"] levels.each_with_index do |level, index| level = level.gsub(/[0-9]+-/,"") if levels[index-1] == "photos" level = level.gsub("-", " ") if index+1 == levels.length links += " #{sep} #{level.upcase}" unless nocrumb.include?(level) else links += " #{sep} #{content_tag('a', level.upcase, :href => '/'+levels[0..index].join('/'))}" unless nocrumb.include?(level) end end content_tag("div", content_tag("p", links ), :id => "breadcrumb") end end