Given /i am logged in as a user in the (.*) role/i do |role| #@user = Factory.create(:user, :name => "Espen Antonsen", # :email => "", # :password => "megmeg") #@role = Factory.create(:role, :rolename => role) #@user.roles << @role visits "/login" fills_in("email", :with => "") fills_in("password", :with => "megmeg") clicks_button("Log in") end Given /^I have albums titled (.+) in collection (.+)$/ do |titles,collection| titles.split(', ').each do |title| CollectionAlbum.create( :collection => Collection.find_by_title(collection), :album => Album.create!(:title => title) ) end end Given /^I have no albums$/ do Album.destroy_all end Then /^I should have ([0-9]+) albums?$/ do |count| Album.count.should == count.to_i end