#require "image_science" require 'mini_exiftool' class Photo < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :album has_many :photo_tags, :dependent => :destroy has_many :tags, :through => :photo_tags mount_uploader :file, FileUploader #validates_uniqueness_of :path, :message => "Photo already exsists on disc" validates_presence_of :title before_validation :set_title before_create :exif_read before_update :exif_write # should only write if tags are changed as images can be large and thus ExifTool will take a while to write to the file attr_accessor :tag_list #attr_protected :path named_scope :untouched, :conditions => "photos.description IS NULL AND photos.id NOT IN ( SELECT photo_id FROM photo_tags)", :include => :album named_scope :previous, lambda { |p,a| { :conditions => ["id < :id AND album_Id = :album ", { :id => p, :album => a } ], :limit => 1, :order => "id DESC"} } named_scope :next, lambda { |p,a| { :conditions => ["id > :id AND album_Id = :album ", { :id => p, :album => a } ], :limit => 1, :order => "id ASC"} } def to_param "#{id}-#{title.parameterize}" end def tag(title) return if self.tags.collect{|tag|tag.title}.include?( title ) self.photo_tags.create(:tag => Tag.find_or_create_by_title( :title => title) ) self.reload end def untag(title) return if !self.tags.collect{|tag|tag.title}.include?( title ) # perhaps not the best way but it finds the correct PhotoTag and deletes it self.photo_tags.select{|photo_tag| photo_tag.tag.title == title }.each {|photo_tag|photo_tag.destroy} self.reload end def tag_list return self.tags.find(:all, :order => 'title').map{ |t| t.title }.sort.join(" ") end def tag_list=(tags) ts = Array.new tags.split(" ").each do |tag| ts.push( Tag.find_or_create_by_title( :title => tag.downcase) ) end self.tags = ts end def exif_info photo = MiniExiftool.new(self.path_original) #photo.tags.sort.each do |tag| # puts tag.ljust(28) + photo[tag].to_s #end end protected private def set_title self.title = self.file.filename.titleize unless self.title end def ensure_file #self.destroy if !File.exists?( APP_CONFIG[:photos_path] + self.path ) end def exif_read photo = MiniExiftool.new(self.file.path) self.longitude = photo.GPSLongitude if self.longitude.nil? self.latitude = photo.GPSLatitude if self.latitude.nil? self.title = photo.DocumentName if self.title.nil? self.description = photo.ImageDescription if self.description.nil? || photo.ImageDescription != 'Exif_JPEG_PICTURE' self.tag_list = (self.tags.empty? ? "" : self.album.tag_list) + " " + (photo.Keywords.nil? ? "" : photo.Keywords.to_a.map { |tag| tag.gsub(" ", "_") }.join(" ")) end def exif_write photo = MiniExiftool.new(self.path.file) photo.GPSLongitude = self.longitude photo.GPSLatitude = self.latitude photo.DocumentName = self.title photo.ImageDescription = self.description photo.Keywords = self.tags photo.save end end