module Blueprint class Namespace # Read html to string, remove namespace if any, # set the new namespace, and update the test file. def initialize(path, namespace) html = File.path_to_string(path) remove_current_namespace(html) add_namespace(html, namespace) File.string_to_file(html, path) end # adds namespace to BP classes in a html file def add_namespace(html, namespace) html.gsub!(/(class=")([a-zA-Z0-9\-_ ]*)(")/) do |m| classes = m.to_s.split('"')[1].split(' ')! { |c| c = namespace + c } 'class="' + classes.join(' ') + '"' end html end # removes a namespace from a string of html def remove_current_namespace(html) current = current_namespace(html) html.gsub!(current, '') html end # returns current namespace in test files # based on container class def current_namespace(html) html =~ /class="([\S]+)container/ current_namespace = $1 if $1 current_namespace || '' end end end