require 'fileutils' module Blueprint # path to the root Blueprint directory ROOT_PATH = File.join(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)), "../../") # path to where the Blueprint CSS files are stored BLUEPRINT_ROOT_PATH = File.join(Blueprint::ROOT_PATH, 'blueprint') # path to where the Blueprint CSS raw CSS files are stored SOURCE_PATH = File.join(Blueprint::BLUEPRINT_ROOT_PATH, 'src') # path to where the Blueprint CSS generated test files are stored TEST_PATH = File.join(Blueprint::ROOT_PATH, 'tests') # path to the root of the Blueprint scripts LIB_PATH = File.join(Blueprint::ROOT_PATH, 'lib', 'blueprint') # path to where Blueprint plugins are stored PLUGINS_PATH = File.join(Blueprint::BLUEPRINT_ROOT_PATH, 'plugins') # settings YAML file where custom user settings are saved SETTINGS_FILE = File.join(Blueprint::ROOT_PATH, 'lib', 'settings.yml') # path to validator jar file to validate generated CSS files VALIDATOR_FILE = File.join(Blueprint::LIB_PATH, 'validate', 'css-validator.jar') # hash of compressed and source CSS files CSS_FILES = { 'screen.css' => ['reset.css', 'typography.css', 'forms.css', 'grid.css'], 'print.css' => ['print.css'], 'ie.css' => ['ie.css'] } # default number of columns for Blueprint layout COLUMN_COUNT = 24 # default column width (in pixels) for Blueprint layout COLUMN_WIDTH = 30 # default gutter width (in pixels) for Blueprint layout GUTTER_WIDTH = 10 INPUT_PADDING = 5 INPUT_BORDER = 1 end Dir["#{File.join(Blueprint::LIB_PATH)}/*"].each do |file| require "#{file}" if file =~ /\.rb$/ && file !~ /blueprint.rb/ end