Balder - Photo gallery

Balder is a photo gallery built in Ruby on Rails. It aims to minimalistically beautiful and simple to use.

You can upload multiple photos in the web interface or bulk upload folders over FTP/SFTP to your server. Image and thumbnail sizes are configurable and can be regenerated at any time. Balder reads and writes EXIF/IPTC tags so you can easily take your photos with you to another application. Photos can be browsed from collections, albums, tags or by location with the Google Maps integration.

Balder is available free and the source can be downloaded from GitHub or Gitorious. The code is released under the The MIT License.

Show me

I travelled for ten months last year. You can see some of the places and photos I visited in my photo gallery.

Whatever..just show me some screenshots. Sure:

Public gallery: Administration:

And you are?

I am Espen Antonsen, the modern day balder. You seem to be the curious-type so go ahead and read more about me on my website.


Upcoming features


Balder, or baldr which is the correct old norse spelling, was the norse god of light and beauty.

Fork me on GitHub