Added Brazilian Portuguese, German, Russian and Spanish translations.
Added support for file_data_name option to SilverLight runtime.
Added support for better quality image resizing to Flash runtime.
Added support for properly handling images with dimensions up to 8191x8191 pixels to Flash runtime.
Added 'updatelist' event to UI Widget, which will be triggered every time file list will get redrawn.
Added support for dynamically changing options to UI Widget.
Fixed HTML4 runtime bug, when UploadFile handler was attached twice.
Fixed HTML5 to use FileReader.readAsBinaryString() instead of File.getAsBinary() on newer WebKit browsers (like Chrome 9).
Fixed Flash runtime from sending duplicate Filename param, when using FileReference.upload().
Updated S3 example to illustrate support for a proper progress indication.
Version 1.4.1 (2011-02-01)
Added an example on how to use Plupload with Amazon S3 written in PHP but can easily be ported to other languages.
Fixed bug where hidden input elements wasn't created when the multiple_queues option wasn't used.
Fixed bug where FF4 would produce an exception about missing BlobBuilder.
Version 1.4.0 (2011-01-26)
Added removeEvent and removeAllEvents methods and modified addEvent accordingly, in order to support dynamic unload.
Added unbindAll method.
Added UploadComplete event, which fires when internal iterator reaches the end of the queue.
Added public destroy method to plupload object, new event - Destroy, and corresponding handlers to all runtimes.
Added Czech, Italian, French, Dutch translations.
Added support for translatable error messages.
Added two new options: browse_button_hover and browse_button_active, in order to support browse_button interactivity.
Added support for 'multi_selection: false' to Silverlight runtime.
Added support for video/mp4, video/x-m4v and audio/mp4 MIME Types.
Added artificial sendAsBinary method to XMLHttpRequest.prototype for browsers that have support for BlobBuilder and typed arrays.
Added version tracking variable into plupload object and version comment to the header of every file.
Fixed measurements of browse_button element in order to size and position input[type=file] element to fit it fully.
Fixed Flash runtime behavior for multiple_select=false and other simpleUpload usage cases: basically new FileReference has to be created for every select dialog.
Fixed browser sniffer to match only Safari, for fakeSafariDragDrop (seems like Safari on Mac doesn't require it either).
Fixed so that ExternalInterface escapes strings properly, before passing them to JS.
Fixed eventual reinitialization of flash/silverlight runtimes, especially for cases when object wrapper needed to be programmatically hidden and then shown again.
Fixed so that Plupload will now ignore files with duplicate names when adding to the queue, in one set. Mainly introduced to work around Safari on Windows bug (
Fixed bug, when final UploadProgress was firing after FileUploaded for Flash simpleUpload.
Fixed bug where upload would fail if an error was produced inside the FilesAdded event.
Fixed bug in Flash runtime when it used a wrong size when resizing, but not chunking.
Fixed bug in Silverlight runtime that would keep sending 0 byte packages when a picture was chunked before resized.
Disabled blur filter (is going to be replaced with some bilinear resampling in next release).
Completely revised UI Widget, to be more jQuery UI oriented. Optionally depends on UI Button, UI Sortable, UI ProgressBar.
Version 1.3.0 (2010-11-24)
Added new jQuery UI widget that supports jQuery UI themes.
Added new multiple_queues option that enables you to upload multiple times in the queue widgets.
Added support for crossdomain loading of the XAP and SWF files and crossdomain upload.
Added new multiple_queues option that enables you to upload multiple times in the queue widgets.
Added support for crossdomain loading of the XAP and SWF files and crossdomain upload.
Added preinit/init options to to ease up the binding of custom events to queueWidget and the Uploader class.
Added drag/drop support for Safari until they fix the broken drag/drop support on Windows.
Added events example file that show how to bind all events and display event specific data.
Added support for retaining Exif data on images when they where resized using the HTML5 runtime.
Fixed logic issue with the upload.php example file. Chunking wasn't working correctly.
Fixed issue with HTML4 not handling the form encoding correctly on older IE versions. Patch contributed by jinxdone.
Fixed so the HTML4 runtime only submits the defined multipart_params arguments.
Fixes issue where it wasn't possible to dynamically override url or mutlipart_params for the HTML4 runtime.
Fixed so all runtimes pass the name, chunk and chunks parameters as multipart parameters instead of querystring parameters.
Fixed so files are read using the newer FileReader class if it's available if not it tries the older getAsXXX on Gecko.