This patch does several cleanups in Makefile.x86_common file. The
changes are described above.
1) The CFLAGNO variable was removed since it is used only to assign
the CFLAGS variable. Also, CFLAGNO is not used outside Makefile.x86_
2) The "-I/usr/local/include" option was removed since we provide manually
the include path from newlib in the bsp/ directory.
3) We only support building x86-based platforms on Linux so there is no
point in setting LDFLAGS conditionally.
4) The '-export-dynamic' option was removed from LDFLAGS since we are not
creating a dynamically linked executable.
5) Makefile.x86_quarkX1000 is the only one that includes Makefile.x86_
common. Since it doesn't use the custom rules from Makefile.x86_
common we remove them.