# # Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Swedish Institute of Computer Science. # # Please refer to the file named LICENSE in the same directory as this file # for licensing information. # # Written and maintained by Lars Albertsson <lalle@sics.se>. # # $Id: threads.py,v 1.1 2009/02/26 13:47:38 fros4943 Exp $ import signal import sys import threading import time import Queue import thread import chakana.error import chakana.linux from chakana.debug import * class ManagedThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, threadManager, ** kwArgs): self._threadManager = threadManager self._exceptionInfo = None resourceAllocated = 0 while resourceAllocated == 0: try: threading.Thread.__init__(self, ** kwArgs) resourceAllocated = 1 except thread.error: resourceAllocated = 0 self.threadManager().registerPIDerror() debug(Event, "Initialising thread " + self.getName()) self._threadManager._registerThread(self) def threadManager(self): return self._threadManager def start(self): try: self._threadManager except: raise RuntimeError("ManagedThread started, but not initialised properly") return threading.Thread.start(self) def run(self): debug(Event, self.getName() + " thread is now running") self.threadManager()._registerThreadStart(self) try: self.doRun() except Exception, err: debug(MajorEvent, "Caught exception in " + self.getName() + " thread" + ":\n" + exceptionDump(sys.exc_info())) self._exceptionInfo = sys.exc_info() except: debug(MajorEvent, "Uncaught exception in " + self.getName() + " thread") self._exceptionInfo = sys.exc_info() if not self._exceptionInfo is None: debug(Event, "Exception caught:\n" + exceptionDump(self._exceptionInfo)) debug(Event, self.getName() + " thread is terminating") if not self.getName() == 'COOJA' and self._exceptionInfo is None: debug(MinorEvent, self.getName() + " terminated quietly") self.threadManager()._listLock.acquire() del self.threadManager()._startedThreads[self.getName()] del self.threadManager()._activeThreads[self.getName()] self.threadManager()._listLock.release() else: debug(MinorEvent, self.getName() + " terminated normally (slow)") self.threadManager()._registerResult(self, self._exceptionInfo) debug(Debug, "End of " + self.getName() + " thread") def doRun(self): threading.Thread.run(self) class ThreadManager(object): """Singleton class for managing active python threads.""" def __init__(self): self._activeThreads = {} self._startedThreads = {} self._threadTerminations = [] self._pidErrors = 0 # Protects the three lists above self._listLock = threading.RLock() self._threadTerminationQueue = Queue.Queue() debug(Debug, self.summary()) def _registerThread(self, thread): "Called by thread classes when a thread is created." assert(isinstance(thread, ManagedThread)) self._listLock.acquire() try: assert(not thread.getName() in self._activeThreads) debug(Debug, "Registering " + thread.getName() + " thread") self._activeThreads[thread.getName()] = thread debug(Debug, self.summary()) finally: self._listLock.release() def _registerThreadStart(self, thread): "Called by the thread classes' run method." assert(isinstance(thread, ManagedThread)) self._listLock.acquire() try: assert(thread.getName() in self._activeThreads) assert(not thread.getName() in self._startedThreads) debug(Debug, "Registering " + thread.getName() + " thread start") self._startedThreads[thread.getName()] = thread debug(Debug, self.summary()) finally: self._listLock.release() def _registerResult(self, thread, exceptionInfo): self._threadTerminationQueue.put((thread.getName(), exceptionInfo)) def runningThreads(self): self._listLock.acquire() try: ret = [] for thread in self._startedThreads.values(): if not thread.getName() in [ te[0].getName() for te in self._threadTerminations]: ret.append(thread) return ret finally: self._listLock.release() def unstartedThreads(self): self._listLock.acquire() try: ret = [] for thread in self._activeThreads.values(): if not thread.getName() in self._startedThreads: ret.append(thread) return ret finally: self._listLock.release() def numThreadsLeft(self): return len(self.unfinishedThreads()) def unfinishedThreads(self): "Return created threads that have not terminated." self._listLock.acquire() try: return self._activeThreads.values() finally: self._listLock.release() def waitAll(self, timeout = 3600, mourningTime = 5): "Wait for all threads to terminate." debug(MajorEvent, "Waiting for all test threads to terminate") debug(MinorEvent, self.summary()) limit = time.time() + timeout while self.numThreadsLeft() > 0: try: nextTimeout = limit - time.time() if nextTimeout <= 0: raise chakana.error.Timeout(self.unfinishedThreads()[0], timeout) else: self.waitOne(nextTimeout) except chakana.error.Timeout, err: debug(Error, "Timeout waiting for " + err.child.getName() + " thread, killing subprocesses.") self.killAll() while self.numThreadsLeft() > 0: try: self.waitOne(mourningTime) except chakana.error.Timeout: debug(Error, "Timeout while mourning threads, aborting") signal.signal(signal.SIGABRT, signal.SIG_DFL) os.abort() raise debug(MinorEvent, "Done waiting for " + str(len(self._startedThreads)) + " threads") debug(Debug, self.summary()) for (thread, excInfo) in self._threadTerminations: if not excInfo is None: debug(MinorEvent, "Rethrowing exception from " + thread.getName() + " thread") raise chakana.error.ChildException(excInfo[1], excInfo) def waitOne(self, timeout): "Wait for any one thread." debug(Event, "Waiting for some thread to finish, timeout = " + str(timeout)) debug(MinorEvent, self.summary()) debug(Debug, "Threads left: " + str(map(ManagedThread.getName, self.unfinishedThreads()))) assert(self.numThreadsLeft() > 0) try: (threadName, exception) = self._threadTerminationQueue.get( timeout = timeout) except Queue.Empty: raise chakana.error.Timeout(self.unfinishedThreads()[0], timeout) debug(MinorEvent, "Received termination signal from thread " + threadName) self._listLock.acquire() try: assert(threadName in self._activeThreads) terminatedThread = self._activeThreads[threadName] assert(terminatedThread.getName() == threadName) if exception is None: debug(Debug, "Thread " + threadName + " completed successfully") else: debug(Debug, "Thread " + threadName + " raised an exception") self._threadTerminations.append((terminatedThread, exception)) self.killAll() terminatedThread.join() debug(Debug, "Deleting " + threadName + " thread from active threads") del self._activeThreads[threadName] del self._startedThreads[threadName] finally: self._listLock.release() def killAll(self, reason = "Error detected, killing remaining processes"): debug(MajorEvent, reason) chakana.linux.Process(os.getpid()).killAllBelow() def registerPIDerror(self): self._pidErrors = self._pidErrors + 1 if self._pidErrors > 100000: self.killAll(reason = "PID allocation errors > 100000") def nrPIDerrors(self): return self._pidErrors def summary(self): return "ThreadManager: " + str(self.numThreadsLeft()) + \ " threads left, " + \ str(len(self.unstartedThreads())) + " unstarted threads,\n" + \ str(len(self.runningThreads())) + " running threads" class TimeoutHelperThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, func, funcArgs, funcKwArgs, ** kwArgs): threading.Thread.__init__(self, ** kwArgs) self._func = func self._args = funcArgs self._kwArgs = funcKwArgs self.result = None self.error = None def run(self): try: self.result = self._func(* self._args, ** self._kwArgs) except Exception, err: debug(Debug, "Caught exception in timeout function: " + str(err) + ":\n" + exceptionDump(sys.exc_info())) self.error = err self.exc_info = sys.exc_info() class RunWithTimeout: """Run func in a separate thread. If timeout seconds elapse, give up, raise Timeout(thread, timeout)""" def __init__(self, timeout, func, name = None): self._timeout = timeout self._func = func if name is None: self._name = "thread running " + str(func) else: self._name = name def __call__(self, * args, ** kwArgs): thread = TimeoutHelperThread(self._func, args, kwArgs, name = self._name) thread.start() thread.join(self._timeout) if thread.isAlive(): raise chakana.error.Timeout(thread, self._timeout) if thread.error is None: return thread.result raise chakana.error.ChildException(thread.error, thread.exc_info) def waitForAll(threads, timeout): startTime = time.time() for t in threads: if timeout is None: t.join() else: t.join(startTime + timeout - time.time()) if t.isAlive(): raise chakana.error.Timeout(t, timeout)