/* Copyright (c) 2008, Swedish Institute of Computer Science * All rights reserved. * * Additional fixes for AVR contributed by: * * Colin O'Flynn coflynn@newae.com * Eric Gnoske egnoske@gmail.com * Blake Leverett bleverett@gmail.com * Mike Vidales mavida404@gmail.com * Kevin Brown kbrown3@uccs.edu * Nate Bohlmann nate@elfwerks.com * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** * \addtogroup radiorf230 * @{ */ /** * \file * \brief This file contains radio driver code. * */ #ifndef RADIO_H #define RADIO_H /*============================ INCLUDE =======================================*/ #include <stdint.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include "at86rf230_registermap.h" #include "hal.h" /*============================ MACROS ========================================*/ #define SUPPORTED_PART_NUMBER ( 2 ) #define RF230_REVA ( 1 ) #define RF230_REVB ( 2 ) #define SUPPORTED_MANUFACTURER_ID ( 31 ) #define RF230_SUPPORTED_INTERRUPT_MASK ( 0x0C ) #define RF230_MIN_CHANNEL ( 11 ) #define RF230_MAX_CHANNEL ( 26 ) #define RF230_MIN_ED_THRESHOLD ( 0 ) #define RF230_MAX_ED_THRESHOLD ( 15 ) #define RF230_MAX_TX_FRAME_LENGTH ( 127 ) /**< 127 Byte PSDU. */ #define TX_PWR_3DBM ( 0 ) #define TX_PWR_17_2DBM ( 15 ) #define BATTERY_MONITOR_HIGHEST_VOLTAGE ( 15 ) #define BATTERY_MONITOR_VOLTAGE_UNDER_THRESHOLD ( 0 ) #define BATTERY_MONITOR_HIGH_VOLTAGE ( 1 ) #define BATTERY_MONITOR_LOW_VOLTAGE ( 0 ) #define FTN_CALIBRATION_DONE ( 0 ) #define PLL_DCU_CALIBRATION_DONE ( 0 ) #define PLL_CF_CALIBRATION_DONE ( 0 ) #define RC_OSC_REFERENCE_COUNT_MAX (1.005*F_CPU*31250UL/8000000UL) #define RC_OSC_REFERENCE_COUNT_MIN (0.995*F_CPU*31250UL/8000000UL) /*============================ TYPEDEFS ======================================*/ /** \brief This macro defines the start value for the RADIO_* status constants. * * It was chosen to have this macro so that the user can define where * the status returned from the TAT starts. This can be useful in a * system where numerous drivers are used, and some range of status codes * are occupied. * * \see radio_status_t */ #define RADIO_STATUS_START_VALUE ( 0x40 ) /** \brief This enumeration defines the possible return values for the TAT API * functions. * * These values are defined so that they should not collide with the * return/status codes defined in the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. * */ typedef enum{ RADIO_SUCCESS = RADIO_STATUS_START_VALUE, /**< The requested service was performed successfully. */ RADIO_UNSUPPORTED_DEVICE, /**< The connected device is not an Atmel AT86RF230. */ RADIO_INVALID_ARGUMENT, /**< One or more of the supplied function arguments are invalid. */ RADIO_TIMED_OUT, /**< The requested service timed out. */ RADIO_WRONG_STATE, /**< The end-user tried to do an invalid state transition. */ RADIO_BUSY_STATE, /**< The radio transceiver is busy receiving or transmitting. */ RADIO_STATE_TRANSITION_FAILED, /**< The requested state transition could not be completed. */ RADIO_CCA_IDLE, /**< Channel is clear, available to transmit a new frame. */ RADIO_CCA_BUSY, /**< Channel busy. */ RADIO_TRX_BUSY, /**< Transceiver is busy receiving or transmitting data. */ RADIO_BAT_LOW, /**< Measured battery voltage is lower than voltage threshold. */ RADIO_BAT_OK, /**< Measured battery voltage is above the voltage threshold. */ RADIO_CRC_FAILED, /**< The CRC failed for the actual frame. */ RADIO_CHANNEL_ACCESS_FAILURE, /**< The channel access failed during the auto mode. */ RADIO_NO_ACK, /**< No acknowledge frame was received. */ }radio_status_t; /** * \name Transaction status codes * \{ */ #define TRAC_SUCCESS 0 #define TRAC_SUCCESS_DATA_PENDING 1 #define TRAC_SUCCESS_WAIT_FOR_ACK 2 #define TRAC_CHANNEL_ACCESS_FAILURE 3 #define TRAC_NO_ACK 5 #define TRAC_INVALID 7 /** \} */ /** \brief This enumeration defines the possible modes available for the * Clear Channel Assessment algorithm. * * These constants are extracted from the datasheet. * */ typedef enum{ CCA_ED = 0, /**< Use energy detection above threshold mode. */ CCA_CARRIER_SENSE = 1, /**< Use carrier sense mode. */ CCA_CARRIER_SENSE_WITH_ED = 2 /**< Use a combination of both energy detection and carrier sense. */ }radio_cca_mode_t; /** \brief This enumeration defines the possible CLKM speeds. * * These constants are extracted from the RF230 datasheet. * */ typedef enum{ CLKM_DISABLED = 0, CLKM_1MHZ = 1, CLKM_2MHZ = 2, CLKM_4MHZ = 3, CLKM_8MHZ = 4, CLKM_16MHZ = 5 }radio_clkm_speed_t; typedef void (*radio_rx_callback) (uint16_t data); extern uint8_t rxMode; /*============================ PROTOTYPES ====================================*/ radio_status_t radio_init(bool cal_rc_osc, hal_rx_start_isr_event_handler_t rx_event, hal_trx_end_isr_event_handler_t trx_end_event, radio_rx_callback rx_callback); uint8_t radio_get_saved_rssi_value(void); uint8_t radio_get_operating_channel( void ); radio_status_t radio_set_operating_channel( uint8_t channel ); uint8_t radio_get_tx_power_level( void ); radio_status_t radio_set_tx_power_level( uint8_t power_level ); uint8_t radio_get_cca_mode( void ); uint8_t radio_get_ed_threshold( void ); radio_status_t radio_set_cca_mode( uint8_t mode, uint8_t ed_threshold ); radio_status_t radio_do_cca( void ); radio_status_t radio_get_rssi_value( uint8_t *rssi ); uint8_t radio_batmon_get_voltage_threshold( void ); uint8_t radio_batmon_get_voltage_range( void ); radio_status_t radio_batmon_configure( bool range, uint8_t voltage_threshold ); radio_status_t radio_batmon_get_status( void ); uint8_t radio_get_clock_speed( void ); radio_status_t radio_set_clock_speed( bool direct, uint8_t clock_speed ); radio_status_t radio_calibrate_filter( void ); radio_status_t radio_calibrate_pll( void ); uint8_t radio_get_trx_state( void ); radio_status_t radio_set_trx_state( uint8_t new_state ); radio_status_t radio_enter_sleep_mode( void ); radio_status_t radio_leave_sleep_mode( void ); void radio_reset_state_machine( void ); void radio_reset_trx( void ); void radio_use_auto_tx_crc( bool auto_crc_on ); radio_status_t radio_send_data( uint8_t data_length, uint8_t *data ); uint8_t radio_get_device_role( void ); void radio_set_device_role( bool i_am_coordinator ); uint16_t radio_get_pan_id( void ); void radio_set_pan_id( uint16_t new_pan_id ); uint16_t radio_get_short_address( void ); void radio_set_short_address( uint16_t new_short_address ); void radio_get_extended_address( uint8_t *extended_address ); void radio_set_extended_address( uint8_t *extended_address ); radio_status_t radio_configure_csma( uint8_t seed0, uint8_t be_csma_seed1 ); bool calibrate_rc_osc_clkm(void); void calibrate_rc_osc_32k(void); uint8_t * radio_frame_data(void); uint8_t radio_frame_length(void); #define delay_us( us ) ( _delay_loop_2( ( F_CPU / 4000000UL ) * ( us ) ) ) #endif /** @} */ /*EOF*/