PROP_SYS_ARCH_S = startup_stm32l152xe.s # Compiler definitions IAR = 1 CC = iccarm LD = ilinkarm AS = iasmarm AR = iarchive OBJCOPY = ielftool STRIP = iobjmanip SIZE = NM = %.ihex: %.$(TARGET) $(OBJCOPY) $^ --ihex $@ %.bin: %.$(TARGET) $(OBJCOPY) --bin $@ # Find the path to compiler; this works with cygwin ifndef IAR_PATH IAR_BIN_PATH := $(shell dirname "`which $(CC)`") IAR_PATH_C := $(shell dirname "$(IAR_BIN_PATH)") IAR_PATH := $(shell cygpath -m "$(IAR_PATH_C)") endif # ------------compiler flags CFLAGS+=\ -I"$(IAR_PATH)/CMSIS/Include" \ --diag_suppress Pa050 \ --no_unroll \ --no_inline \ --no_tbaa \ --no_scheduling \ --debug \ --endian=little \ --cpu=Cortex-M3 \ -Om \ -e \ --fpu=None \ --dlib_config "$(IAR_PATH)/inc/c/DLib_Config_Normal.h" \ -DIAR=1 \ -DWITH_USB_PRINTF=1 # -I$(CONTIKI)/cpu/arm/common/CMSIS \ # ------------assembler flags ASFLAGS+= -s+ -r -DIAR_ARM_CM3 -cAOM -B -t8 --cpu Cortex-M3 --fpu None #iasmarm -s+ -w+ -r -DIAR_ARM_CM3 -cAOM -B -t8 --cpu Cortex-M3 --fpu None startup_stm32l1xx_md.s # ------------archive creation flags AROPTS= --create --output # ----------linker flags # this will also generate log and symbol map files ICF_FILE="$(CONTIKI)/platform/$(TARGET)/stm32cube-lib/stm32cube-prj/linker/iar/stm32l1xx_flash.icf" LDFLAGS+= \ --config $(ICF_FILE) \ --entry __iar_program_start \ --redirect _Printf=_PrintfLarge \ --redirect _Scanf=_ScanfLarge \ --semihosting \ --no_exceptions \ --no_remove \ --cpu=Cortex-M3 \ --log libraries,initialization,modules,redirects,sections,veneers,unused_fragments \ --log_file contiki-$(TARGET).log \ --map contiki-$(TARGET).map \ --vfe CUSTOM_RULE_C_TO_OBJECTDIR_O=yes $(OBJECTDIR)/%.o: %.c | $(OBJECTDIR) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) --dependencies=m $(@:.o=.P) $< -o $@ ifeq ($(HOST_OS),Windows) @$(FINALIZE_CYGWIN_DEPENDENCY) endif %.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DAUTOSTART_ENABLE $< -o $@