ifndef TARGET TARGET=avr-raven MCU=atmega1284p endif ifndef WEBDIR OUTFILE=webserver6-$(TARGET) else OUTFILE=webserver6-$(WEBDIR)-$(TARGET) endif ifndef MCU #TODO:extract MCU from platform MCU=atmega128rfa1 endif all: ${MAKE} -f Makefile.webserver TARGET=$(TARGET) NOAVRSIZE=1 webserver6.elf #can't just rename, webserver6 may be open in debugger @if [ $(OUTFILE) != "webserver6" ]; then cp webserver6.elf $(OUTFILE).elf;fi avr-objcopy -O ihex -R .eeprom -R .fuse -R .signature $(OUTFILE).elf $(OUTFILE).hex # avr-size -C --mcu=atmega1284p $(OUTFILE).elf avr-size -C --mcu=$(MCU) $(OUTFILE).elf clean: ${MAKE} -f Makefile.webserver TARGET=$(TARGET) clean # Delete httpd-fsdata.c only if your toolchain includes perl # rm ../../platform/avr-raven/apps/raven-webserver/httpd-fsdata.c rm symbols.c symbols.h webserver6.elf $(OUTFILE).elf $(OUTFILE).hex rm -rf obj_avr-raven connect: #Connect to serial debug port for timestamp log (requires PERL). #Change the baud rate and device to agree with your serial connection. ../../tools/serial-log.pl -b 57600 -t /dev/com1 -l