int main (){ double f; /*double f4; long double f1; float f2, f3; float flottant;*/ f = 48656568.256479123456789123456789; /* f1= 48656568.256479123456789123456789; f2 = 456.45366; f3 = 456.45362; */ //printf("Test du printf"); /*Simple test of %f format */ printf("double :%lf\n",f); /* Test with format specifying first number is equal to minimal number of caracter to be print the second one is number of digits */ /* printf("LONG DOUBLE :%Lf - %20.10Lf - %20.15Lf - %20.20Lf - %30.30Lf\n", f1, f1, f1, f1, f1); printf("float2 :%4.2f %+.0e %E \n", 3.1416, 3.1416, 3.1416);*/ /*Note: the output should be float2: 3.14 +3e+000 3.141600E+000*/ /* printf("float3 :%7.3f\n", 1.2345); printf("float3bis :%7.3lf\n",4865.256479 ); printf("float4 :%10.3f\n", 1.2345e3); printf("float5 :%10.3f\n", 1.2345e7); printf("float6 :%12.4e\n", 1.2345); printf("float7 :%12.4e\n", 123.456789e8); printf("float8 :%15.5lf\n",48656568.256479 ); printf("float9 :%15.6lf\n",48656568.256479 - 48656568.256478 ); printf("float9bis :%15.2lf\n",f2*f3 );*/ /*Note : the outputs shoud be for 1.2345, ^^1.235 for 1.2345e5, ^^1234.500 for 1.2345e7, 12345000.000 for 1.2345, ^^1.2345e+00 for 123.456789e8, ^^1.2346e+10 for 48656568.256479 - 48656568.2563,^^^^^^^^0.00001 for f2*f3 ,^^^^^^208349,92 ^ is equal to a space */ /* printf("float10 :01234567 \n" ); printf("float11 :%8g|\n", 12.34 ); printf("float12 :%8g|\n", 1234.5678 ); printf("float13 :%8g|\n", 0.0478 ); printf("float14 :%8g|\n", 422121.0 ); printf("float15 :%8g|\n", 422121234.345345 );*/ /*Note : outputs should be 01234567 12.34| 1234.57| 0.0478| 422121| 4.22121e+08| */ /* printf("float16 :%.0f|\n", 1000.123456789123456789 ); printf("float17 :%.1f|\n", 2000.123456789123456789 ); printf("float18 :%.2f|\n", 3000.123456789123456789 ); printf("float19 :%.10f|\n", 4000.123456789123456789 ); printf("float20 :%.30f|\n", 5000.123456789123456789 ); printf("float21 :%f|\n", 6000.123456789123456789 ); printf("float22 :%.f|\n", 7000.123456789123456789 ); */ /*Note : outputs should be 1000| 2000.1| 3000.12| 4000.1234567891| 5000.12345678912333823973312939761| 6000.123457| 7000| */ //while(1); }