#include <stm32f10x_map.h> #include <sdcard.h> #include <sys/process.h> #include <sys/etimer.h> #include <cfs/cfs.h> #include <efs.h> #include <ls.h> #include <interfaces/sd.h> #include <gpio.h> #include <stdio.h> process_event_t sdcard_inserted_event; process_event_t sdcard_removed_event; static struct process *event_process = NULL; #if 0 #undef TXT #define TXT(x) x #undef DBG #define DBG(x) printf x #endif static void init_spi() { SPI1->CR1 &= ~SPI_CR1_SPE; RCC->APB2ENR |= RCC_APB2ENR_IOPAEN; GPIO_CONF_INPUT_PORT(A,0,FLOATING); GPIO_CONF_INPUT_PORT(A,1,FLOATING); GPIO_CONF_OUTPUT_PORT(A,4,PUSH_PULL,50); GPIOA->BSRR = GPIO_BSRR_BS4; GPIO_CONF_OUTPUT_PORT(A,5,ALT_PUSH_PULL,50); GPIO_CONF_INPUT_PORT(A,6,FLOATING); GPIO_CONF_OUTPUT_PORT(A,7,ALT_PUSH_PULL,50); RCC->APB2ENR |= RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN; SPI1->CR2 = SPI_CR2_SSOE; SPI1->CR1 = (SPI_CR1_SPE | (SPI_CR1_BR_2) /* fPCLK / 32 */ | SPI_CR1_MSTR | SPI_CR1_CPOL | SPI_CR1_CPHA | SPI_CR1_SSM | SPI_CR1_SSI); } void if_spiInit(hwInterface *iface) { unsigned int i; GPIOA->BSRR = GPIO_BSRR_BS4; for(i=0;i<20;i++) { if_spiSend(iface, 0xff); } GPIOA->BSRR = GPIO_BSRR_BR4; } /* Borrowed from at91_spi.c (c)2006 Martin Thomas */ esint8 if_initInterface(hwInterface* file, eint8* opts) { euint32 sc; if_spiInit(file); if(sd_Init(file)<0) { DBG((TXT("Card failed to init, breaking up...\n"))); return(-1); } if(sd_State(file)<0){ DBG((TXT("Card didn't return the ready state, breaking up...\n") )); return(-2); } sd_getDriveSize(file, &sc); file->sectorCount = sc/512; DBG((TXT("Card Capacity is %lu Bytes (%lu Sectors)\n"), sc, file->sectorCount)); return(0); } /* Borrowed from lpc2000_spi.c (c)2005 Martin Thomas */ esint8 if_readBuf(hwInterface* file,euint32 address,euint8* buf) { return(sd_readSector(file,address,buf,512)); } esint8 if_writeBuf(hwInterface* file,euint32 address,euint8* buf) { return(sd_writeSector(file,address, buf)); } esint8 if_setPos(hwInterface* file,euint32 address) { return(0); } euint8 if_spiSend(hwInterface *iface, euint8 outgoing) { euint8 ingoing; SPI1->DR = outgoing; while(!(SPI1->SR & SPI_SR_RXNE)); ingoing = SPI1->DR; /* printf(">%02x <%02x\n", outgoing, ingoing); */ return ingoing; } #define MAX_FDS 4 static EmbeddedFileSystem sdcard_efs; static File file_descriptors[MAX_FDS]; static int find_free_fd() { int fd; for (fd = 0; fd < MAX_FDS; fd++) { if (!file_getAttr(&file_descriptors[fd], FILE_STATUS_OPEN)) { return fd; } } return -1; } static File * get_file(int fd) { if (sdcard_efs.myCard.sectorCount == 0) return NULL; if (fd >= MAX_FDS || fd < 0) return NULL; if (!file_getAttr(&file_descriptors[fd], FILE_STATUS_OPEN)) return NULL; return &file_descriptors[fd]; } int cfs_open (const char *name, int flags) { eint8 mode; int fd; if (sdcard_efs.myCard.sectorCount == 0) return -1; fd = find_free_fd(); if (fd < 0) return -1; if (flags == CFS_READ) { mode = MODE_READ; } else { mode = MODE_APPEND; } if (file_fopen(&file_descriptors[fd], &sdcard_efs.myFs, (char*)name, mode) < 0) { return -1; } return fd; } void cfs_close(int fd) { File *file = get_file(fd); if (!file) return; file_fclose(file); fs_flushFs(&sdcard_efs.myFs); } int cfs_read (int fd, void *buf, unsigned int len) { File *file = get_file(fd); if (!file) return 0; return file_read(file, len, (euint8*)buf); } int cfs_write (int fd, const void *buf, unsigned int len) { File *file = get_file(fd); if (!file) return 0; return file_write(file, len, (euint8*)buf); } cfs_offset_t cfs_seek (int fd, cfs_offset_t offset, int whence) { File *file = get_file(fd); if (!file) return 0; /* TODO take whence int account */ if (file_setpos(file, offset) != 0) return -1; return file->FilePtr; } int cfs_remove(const char *name) { return (rmfile(&sdcard_efs.myFs,(euint8*)name) == 0) ? 0 : -1; } /* Cause a compile time error if expr is false */ #ifdef __GNUC__ #define COMPILE_TIME_CHECK(expr) \ (void) (__builtin_choose_expr ((expr), 0, ((void)0))+3) #else #define COMPILE_TIME_CHECK(expr) #endif #define MAX_DIR_LISTS 4 DirList dir_lists[MAX_DIR_LISTS]; static DirList * find_free_dir_list() { unsigned int l; for(l = 0; l < MAX_DIR_LISTS; l++) { if (dir_lists[l].fs == NULL) { return &dir_lists[l]; } } return NULL; } int cfs_opendir (struct cfs_dir *dirp, const char *name) { DirList *dirs; COMPILE_TIME_CHECK(sizeof(DirList*) <= sizeof(struct cfs_dir)); if (sdcard_efs.myCard.sectorCount == 0) return -1; dirs = find_free_dir_list(); if (!dirs) return -1; if (ls_openDir(dirs, &sdcard_efs.myFs, (eint8*)name) != 0) { dirs->fs = NULL; return -1; } *(DirList**)dirp = dirs; return 0; } int cfs_readdir (struct cfs_dir *dirp, struct cfs_dirent *dirent) { euint8 *start; euint8 *end; char *to = dirent->name; DirList *dirs = *(DirList**)dirp; if (sdcard_efs.myCard.sectorCount == 0) return 1; if (ls_getNext(dirs) != 0) return 1; start = dirs->currentEntry.FileName; end = start + 7; while(end > start) { if (*end > ' ') { end++; break; } end--; } while(start < end) { *to++ = *start++; } start = dirs->currentEntry.FileName + 8; end = start + 3; if (*start > ' ') { *to++ = '.'; *to++ = *start++; while(start < end && *start > ' ') { *to++ = *start++; } } *to = '\0'; if (dirs->currentEntry.Attribute & ATTR_DIRECTORY) { dirent->size = 0; } else { dirent->size = dirs->currentEntry.FileSize; } return 0; } void cfs_closedir (struct cfs_dir *dirp) { (*(DirList**)dirp)->fs = NULL; } PROCESS(sdcard_process, "SD card process"); PROCESS_THREAD(sdcard_process, ev , data) { int fd; static struct etimer timer; PROCESS_BEGIN(); /* Mark all file descriptors as free */ for (fd = 0; fd < MAX_FDS; fd++) { file_setAttr(&file_descriptors[fd], FILE_STATUS_OPEN,0); } /* Card not inserted */ sdcard_efs.myCard.sectorCount = 0; init_spi(); etimer_set(&timer, CLOCK_SECOND); while(1) { PROCESS_WAIT_EVENT_UNTIL(ev == PROCESS_EVENT_EXIT || ev== PROCESS_EVENT_TIMER || ev == PROCESS_EVENT_POLL); if (ev == PROCESS_EVENT_EXIT) break; if (ev == PROCESS_EVENT_TIMER) { if (!(GPIOA->IDR & (1<<0))) { if (sdcard_efs.myCard.sectorCount == 0) { etimer_set(&timer,CLOCK_SECOND/2); PROCESS_WAIT_EVENT_UNTIL(ev== PROCESS_EVENT_TIMER); if (efs_init(&sdcard_efs,0) == 0) { if (event_process) { process_post(event_process, sdcard_inserted_event, NULL); } printf("SD card inserted\n"); } else { printf("SD card insertion failed\n"); } } } else { if (sdcard_efs.myCard.sectorCount != 0) { /* Card removed */ fs_umount(&sdcard_efs.myFs); sdcard_efs.myCard.sectorCount = 0; if (event_process) { process_post(event_process, sdcard_removed_event, NULL); } printf("SD card removed\n"); } } etimer_set(&timer, CLOCK_SECOND); } } PROCESS_END(); } void sdcard_init() { sdcard_inserted_event = process_alloc_event(); sdcard_removed_event = process_alloc_event(); process_start(&sdcard_process, NULL); } int sdcard_ready() { return sdcard_efs.myCard.sectorCount > 0; } void sdcard_event_process(struct process *p) { event_process = p; }