/* * Copyright (c) 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/ * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED * OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * \addtogroup cc26xx-uart * @{ * * \file * Implementation of the CC13xx/CC26xx UART driver. */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "contiki-conf.h" #include "cc26xx-uart.h" #include "hw_types.h" #include "hw_memmap.h" #include "sys_ctrl.h" #include "prcm.h" #include "ioc.h" #include "uart.h" #include "lpm.h" #include "ti-lib.h" #include "sys/energest.h" #include <stdint.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <string.h> /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Which events to trigger a UART interrupt */ #define CC26XX_UART_RX_INTERRUPT_TRIGGERS (UART_INT_RX | UART_INT_RT) /* All interrupt masks */ #define CC26XX_UART_INTERRUPT_ALL (UART_INT_OE | UART_INT_BE | UART_INT_PE | \ UART_INT_FE | UART_INT_RT | UART_INT_TX | \ UART_INT_RX | UART_INT_CTS) /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define cc26xx_uart_isr UART0IntHandler /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int (*input_handler)(unsigned char c); /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static bool usable(void) { if(BOARD_IOID_UART_RX == IOID_UNUSED || BOARD_IOID_UART_TX == IOID_UNUSED || CC26XX_UART_CONF_ENABLE == 0) { return false; } return true; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void power_and_clock(void) { /* Power on the SERIAL PD */ ti_lib_prcm_power_domain_on(PRCM_DOMAIN_SERIAL); while(ti_lib_prcm_power_domain_status(PRCM_DOMAIN_SERIAL) != PRCM_DOMAIN_POWER_ON); /* Enable UART clock in active mode */ ti_lib_prcm_peripheral_run_enable(PRCM_PERIPH_UART0); ti_lib_prcm_load_set(); while(!ti_lib_prcm_load_get()); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * Returns 0 if either the SERIAL PD is off, or the PD is on but the run mode * clock is gated. If this function would return 0, accessing UART registers * will return a precise bus fault. If this function returns 1, it is safe to * access UART registers. * * This function only checks the 'run mode' clock gate, since it can only ever * be called with the MCU in run mode. */ static bool accessible(void) { /* First, check the PD */ if(ti_lib_prcm_power_domain_status(PRCM_DOMAIN_SERIAL) != PRCM_DOMAIN_POWER_ON) { return false; } /* Then check the 'run mode' clock gate */ if(!(HWREG(PRCM_BASE + PRCM_O_UARTCLKGR) & PRCM_UARTCLKGR_CLK_EN)) { return false; } return true; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void disable_interrupts(void) { /* Acknowledge UART interrupts */ ti_lib_int_disable(INT_UART0); /* Disable all UART module interrupts */ ti_lib_uart_int_disable(UART0_BASE, CC26XX_UART_INTERRUPT_ALL); /* Clear all UART interrupts */ ti_lib_uart_int_clear(UART0_BASE, CC26XX_UART_INTERRUPT_ALL); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void enable_interrupts(void) { /* Clear all UART interrupts */ ti_lib_uart_int_clear(UART0_BASE, CC26XX_UART_INTERRUPT_ALL); /* Enable RX-related interrupts only if we have an input handler */ if(input_handler) { /* Configure which interrupts to generate: FIFO level or after RX timeout */ ti_lib_uart_int_enable(UART0_BASE, CC26XX_UART_RX_INTERRUPT_TRIGGERS); /* Acknowledge UART interrupts */ ti_lib_int_enable(INT_UART0); } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void configure(void) { uint32_t ctl_val = UART_CTL_UARTEN | UART_CTL_TXE; /* * Make sure the TX pin is output / high before assigning it to UART control * to avoid falling edge glitches */ ti_lib_ioc_pin_type_gpio_output(BOARD_IOID_UART_TX); ti_lib_gpio_pin_write(BOARD_UART_TX, 1); /* * Map UART signals to the correct GPIO pins and configure them as * hardware controlled. */ ti_lib_ioc_pin_type_uart(UART0_BASE, BOARD_IOID_UART_RX, BOARD_IOID_UART_TX, BOARD_IOID_UART_CTS, BOARD_IOID_UART_RTS); /* Configure the UART for 115,200, 8-N-1 operation. */ ti_lib_uart_config_set_exp_clk(UART0_BASE, ti_lib_sys_ctrl_clock_get(), CC26XX_UART_CONF_BAUD_RATE, (UART_CONFIG_WLEN_8 | UART_CONFIG_STOP_ONE | UART_CONFIG_PAR_NONE)); /* * Generate an RX interrupt at FIFO 1/2 full. * We don't really care about the TX interrupt */ ti_lib_uart_fifo_level_set(UART0_BASE, UART_FIFO_TX7_8, UART_FIFO_RX4_8); /* Enable FIFOs */ HWREG(UART0_BASE + UART_O_LCRH) |= UART_LCRH_FEN; if(input_handler) { ctl_val += UART_CTL_RXE; } /* Enable TX, RX (conditionally), and the UART. */ HWREG(UART0_BASE + UART_O_CTL) = ctl_val; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void lpm_drop_handler(uint8_t mode) { /* * First, wait for any outstanding TX to complete. If we have an input * handler, the SERIAL PD will be kept on and the UART module clock will * be enabled under sleep as well as deep sleep. In theory, this means that * we shouldn't lose any outgoing bytes, but we actually do on occasion. * This byte loss may (or may not) be related to the freezing of IO latches * between MCU and AON when we drop to deep sleep. This here is essentially a * workaround */ if(accessible() == true) { while(ti_lib_uart_busy(UART0_BASE)); } /* * If we have a registered input_handler then we need to retain RX * capability. Thus, if this is not a shutdown notification and we have an * input handler, we do nothing */ if((mode != LPM_MODE_SHUTDOWN) && (input_handler != NULL)) { return; } /* * If we reach here, we either don't care about staying awake or we have * received a shutdown notification * * Only touch UART registers if the module is powered and clocked */ if(accessible() == true) { /* Disable the module */ ti_lib_uart_disable(UART0_BASE); /* Disable all UART interrupts and clear all flags */ disable_interrupts(); } /* * Always stop the clock in run mode. Also stop in Sleep and Deep Sleep if * this is a request for full shutdown */ ti_lib_prcm_peripheral_run_disable(PRCM_PERIPH_UART0); if(mode == LPM_MODE_SHUTDOWN) { ti_lib_prcm_peripheral_sleep_disable(PRCM_PERIPH_UART0); ti_lib_prcm_peripheral_deep_sleep_disable(PRCM_PERIPH_UART0); } ti_lib_prcm_load_set(); while(!ti_lib_prcm_load_get()); /* Set pins to low leakage configuration in preparation for deep sleep */ lpm_pin_set_default_state(BOARD_IOID_UART_TX); lpm_pin_set_default_state(BOARD_IOID_UART_RX); lpm_pin_set_default_state(BOARD_IOID_UART_CTS); lpm_pin_set_default_state(BOARD_IOID_UART_RTS); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Declare a data structure to register with LPM. */ LPM_MODULE(uart_module, NULL, lpm_drop_handler, NULL, LPM_DOMAIN_NONE); /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void enable(void) { power_and_clock(); /* Make sure the peripheral is disabled */ ti_lib_uart_disable(UART0_BASE); /* Disable all UART interrupts and clear all flags */ disable_interrupts(); /* Setup pins, Baud rate and FIFO levels */ configure(); /* Enable UART interrupts */ enable_interrupts(); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void cc26xx_uart_init() { bool interrupts_disabled; /* Return early if disabled by user conf or if ports are misconfigured */ if(usable() == false) { return; } /* Disable Interrupts */ interrupts_disabled = ti_lib_int_master_disable(); /* Register ourselves with the LPM module */ lpm_register_module(&uart_module); /* Only TX and EN to start with. RX will be enabled only if needed */ input_handler = NULL; /* * init() won't actually fire up the UART. We turn it on only when (and if) * it gets requested, either to enable input or to send out a character * * Thus, we simply re-enable processor interrupts here */ if(!interrupts_disabled) { ti_lib_int_master_enable(); } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void cc26xx_uart_write_byte(uint8_t c) { /* Return early if disabled by user conf or if ports are misconfigured */ if(usable() == false) { return; } if(accessible() == false) { enable(); } ti_lib_uart_char_put(UART0_BASE, c); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void cc26xx_uart_set_input(int (*input)(unsigned char c)) { input_handler = input; /* Return early if disabled by user conf or if ports are misconfigured */ if(usable() == false) { return; } if(input == NULL) { /* Let the SERIAL PD power down */ uart_module.domain_lock = LPM_DOMAIN_NONE; /* Disable module clocks under sleep and deep sleep */ ti_lib_prcm_peripheral_sleep_disable(PRCM_PERIPH_UART0); ti_lib_prcm_peripheral_deep_sleep_disable(PRCM_PERIPH_UART0); } else { /* Request the SERIAL PD to stay on during deep sleep */ uart_module.domain_lock = LPM_DOMAIN_SERIAL; /* Enable module clocks under sleep and deep sleep */ ti_lib_prcm_peripheral_sleep_enable(PRCM_PERIPH_UART0); ti_lib_prcm_peripheral_deep_sleep_enable(PRCM_PERIPH_UART0); } ti_lib_prcm_load_set(); while(!ti_lib_prcm_load_get()); enable(); return; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ uint8_t cc26xx_uart_busy(void) { /* Return early if disabled by user conf or if ports are misconfigured */ if(usable() == false) { return UART_IDLE; } /* If the UART is not accessible, it is not busy */ if(accessible() == false) { return UART_IDLE; } return ti_lib_uart_busy(UART0_BASE); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void cc26xx_uart_isr(void) { char the_char; uint32_t flags; ENERGEST_ON(ENERGEST_TYPE_IRQ); power_and_clock(); /* Read out the masked interrupt status */ flags = ti_lib_uart_int_status(UART0_BASE, true); /* Clear all UART interrupt flags */ ti_lib_uart_int_clear(UART0_BASE, CC26XX_UART_INTERRUPT_ALL); if((flags & CC26XX_UART_RX_INTERRUPT_TRIGGERS) != 0) { /* * If this was a FIFO RX or an RX timeout, read all bytes available in the * RX FIFO. */ while(ti_lib_uart_chars_avail(UART0_BASE)) { the_char = ti_lib_uart_char_get_non_blocking(UART0_BASE); if(input_handler != NULL) { input_handler((unsigned char)the_char); } } } ENERGEST_OFF(ENERGEST_TYPE_IRQ); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @} */