#ifndef CDC_H_K1Q26ESJOC__ #define CDC_H_K1Q26ESJOC__ #include <usb.h> /* Communication Class */ /* Class code */ #define CDC 0x02 /* Interface subclass codes */ #define CDC_RESERVED 0x00 #define DIRECT_LINE_CONTROL_MODEL 0x01 #define ABSTRACT_CONTROL_MODEL 0x02 #define TELEPHONE_CONTROL_MODEL 0x03 #define MULTI_CHANNEL_CONTROL_MODEL 0x04 #define CAPI_CONTROL_MODEL 0x05 #define ETHERNET_NETWORKING_CONTROL_MODEL 0x06 #define ATM_NETWORKING_CONTROL_MODEL 0x07 /* Protocols */ #define V_25TER_PROTOCOL 0x01 /* Requests */ #define SEND_ENCAPSULATED_COMMAND 0x00 #define GET_ENCAPSULATED_RESPONSE 0x01 #define SET_COMM_FEATURE 0x02 #define GET_COMM_FEATURE 0x03 #define CLEAR_COMM_FEATURE 0x04 #define SET_AUX_LINE_STATE 0x10 #define SET_HOOK_STATE 0x11 #define PULSE_SETUP 0x12 #define SEND_PULSE 0x13 #define SET_PULSE_TIME 0x14 #define RING_AUX_JACK 0x15 #define SET_LINE_CODING 0x20 #define GET_LINE_CODING 0x21 #define SET_CONTROL_LINE_STATE 0x22 #define SEND_BREAK 0x23 #define SET_RINGER_PARMS 0x30 #define GET_RINGER_PARMS 0x31 #define SET_OPERATION_PARMS 0x32 #define GET_OPERATION_PARMS 0x33 #define SET_LINE_PARMS 0x34 #define GET_LINE_PARMS 0x35 #define DIAL_DIGITS 0x36 #define SET_UNIT_PARAMETER 0x37 #define GET_UNIT_PARAMETER 0x38 #define CLEAR_UNIT_PARAMETER 0x39 #define GET_PROFILE 0x3a #define SET_ETHERNET_MULTICAST_FILTERS 0x40 #define GET_ETHERNET_MULTICAST_FILTERS 0x41 #define GET_ETHERNET_POWER_MANAGEMENT_PATTERN_FILTER 0x42 #define SET_ETHERNET_POWER_MANAGEMENT_PATTERN_FILTER 0x43 #define GET_ETHERNET_STATISTIC 0x44 #define SET_ATM_D ATA_FORMAT 0x50 #define GET_ATM_DEVICE_STATISTICS 0x51 #define SET_ATM_DEFAULT_VC 0x52 #define GET_ATM_VC_STATISTICS 0x53 /* Notifications */ #define NETWORK_CONNECTION 0x00 #define RESPONSE_AVAILABLE 0x01 #define AUX_JACK_HOOK_STATE 0x08 #define RING_DETECT 0x09 #define SERIAL_STATE 0x20 #define CALL_STATE_CHANGE 0x28 #define LINE_STATE_CHANGE 0x29 #define CONNECTION_SPEED_CHANGE 0x2a /* Data interface */ /* Class code */ #define CDC_DATA 0x0a /* Protocols */ #define I_430_PROTOCOL 0x30 #define ISO_IEC_3_1993_PROTOCOL 0x31 #define TRANSPARENT_PROTOCOL 0x32 #define Q_921M_PROTOCOL 0x50 #define Q_921_PROTOCOL 0x51 #define Q_921TM_PROTOCOL 0x52 #define V_42BIS_PROTOCOL 0x90 #define Q_931_PROTOCOL 0x91 #define V_120_PROTOCOL 0x93 #define CDC_PROTOCOL 0xfe /* Descriptor subtypes */ #define CDC_FUNC_DESCR_HEADER 0x00 #define CDC_FUNC_DESCR_CALL_MGMNT 0x01 #define CDC_FUNC_DESCR_ABSTRACT_CTRL_MGMNT 0x02 #define CDC_FUNC_DESCR_DIRECT_LINE_MGMNT 0x03 #define CDC_FUNC_DESCR_RINGER_MGMNT 0x04 #define CDC_FUNC_DESCR_TEL_STATE 0x05 #define CDC_FUNC_DESCR_UNION 0x06 #define CDC_FUNC_DESCR_COUNTRY 0x07 #define CDC_FUNC_DESCR_TEL_MODE 0x08 #define CDC_FUNC_DESCR_USB_TERM 0x09 #define CDC_FUNC_DESCR_NET_TERM 0x0a #define CDC_FUNC_DESCR_PROTOCOL_UNIT 0x0b #define CDC_FUNC_DESCR_EXTENSION_UNIT 0x0c #define CDC_FUNC_DESCR_MULTICH_MGMNT 0x0d #define CDC_FUNC_DESCR_CAPI_MGMNT 0x0e #define CDC_FUNC_DESCR_ETHERNET 0x0f #define CDC_FUNC_DESCR_ATM 0x10 struct usb_cdc_header_func_descriptor { Uchar bLength; /* Size of this descriptor in bytes */ Uchar bDescriptorType; /* CS_INTERFACE descriptor type */ Uchar bDescriptorSubtype; /* CDC_FUNC_DESCR_HEADER subtype */ Uint16 bcdCDC; /* Revision of class specification */ } BYTE_ALIGNED; struct usb_cdc_call_mgmnt_func_descriptor { Uchar bLength; /* Size of this descriptor in bytes */ Uchar bDescriptorType; /* CS_INTERFACE descriptor type */ Uchar bDescriptorSubtype; /* CDC_FUNC_DESCR_CALL_MGMNT subtype */ Uchar bmCapabilities; /* Capabilities */ Uchar bDataInterface; /* Management data interface */ } BYTE_ALIGNED; struct usb_cdc_abstract_ctrl_mgmnt_func_descriptor { Uchar bLength; /* Size of this descriptor in bytes */ Uchar bDescriptorType; /* CS_INTERFACE descriptor type */ Uchar bDescriptorSubtype; /* CDC_FUNC_DESCR_ABSTRACT_CTRL_MGMNT subtype*/ Uchar bmCapabilities; /* Capabilities */ } BYTE_ALIGNED; struct usb_cdc_direct_line_mgmnt_func_descriptor { Uchar bLength; /* Size of this descriptor in bytes */ Uchar bDescriptorType; /* CS_INTERFACE descriptor type */ Uchar bDescriptorSubtype; /* CDC_FUNC_DESCR_DIRECT_LINE_MGMNT subtype*/ Uchar bmCapabilities; /* Capabilities */ } BYTE_ALIGNED; struct usb_cdc_ringer_mgmnt_func_descriptor { Uchar bLength; /* Size of this descriptor in bytes */ Uchar bDescriptorType; /* CS_INTERFACE descriptor type */ Uchar bDescriptorSubtype; /* CDC_FUNC_DESCR_RINGER_MGMNT subtype*/ Uchar bRingerVolSteps; /* Ringer volume steps */ Uchar bNumRingerPatterns; /* Number of ringer patterns supported */ } BYTE_ALIGNED; struct usb_cdc_tel_mode_func_descriptor { Uchar bLength; /* Size of this descriptor in bytes */ Uchar bDescriptorType; /* CS_INTERFACE descriptor type */ Uchar bDescriptorSubtype; /* CDC_FUNC_DESCR_TEL_MODE subtype*/ Uchar bmCapabilities; /* Capabilities */ } BYTE_ALIGNED; struct usb_cdc_tel_state_func_descriptor { Uchar bLength; /* Size of this descriptor in bytes */ Uchar bDescriptorType; /* CS_INTERFACE descriptor type */ Uchar bDescriptorSubtype; /* CDC_FUNC_DESCR_TEL_STATE subtype*/ Uchar bmCapabilities; /* Capabilities */ } BYTE_ALIGNED; struct usb_cdc_union_func_descriptor { Uchar bLength; /* Size of this descriptor in bytes */ Uchar bDescriptorType; /* CS_INTERFACE descriptor type */ Uchar bDescriptorSubtype; /* CDC_FUNC_DESCR_UNION subtype*/ Uchar bMasterInterface; /* Master interface for union */ Uchar bSlaveInterface[1]; /* Slave interfaces in union */ } BYTE_ALIGNED; struct usb_cdc_country_func_descriptor { Uchar bLength; /* Size of this descriptor in bytes */ Uchar bDescriptorType; /* CS_INTERFACE descriptor type */ Uchar bDescriptorSubtype; /* CDC_FUNC_DESCR_COUNTRY subtype*/ Uchar iCountryCodeRelDate; /* Release date for country codes */ Uint16 wCountryCode[1]; /* Country codes */ } BYTE_ALIGNED; struct usb_cdc_ethernet_func_descriptor { Uchar bLength; /* Size of this descriptor in bytes */ Uchar bDescriptorType; /* CS_INTERFACE descriptor type */ Uchar bDescriptorSubtype; /* CDC_FUNC_DESCR_ETHERNET subtype*/ Uchar iMACAddress; /* MAC address string descriptor */ Uint32 bmEthernetStatistics; /* Supported statistics */ Uint16 wMaxSegmentSize; Uint16 wNumberMCFilters; /* Number of multicast filters */ Uchar bNumberPowerFilters; /* Number of wake-up pattern filters */; } BYTE_ALIGNED; struct usb_cdc_line_coding { Uint32 dwDTERate; Uchar bCharFormat; Uchar bParityType; Uchar bDataBits; } BYTE_ALIGNED; #endif /* CDC_H_K1Q26ESJOC__ */