/** * \file * DMA driver * \author * Original: Martti Huttunen <martti@sensinode.com> * Port: Zach Shelby <zach@sensinode.com> * * bankable DMA functions */ #include <stdio.h> #include "contiki.h" #include "banked.h" #include "dev/dma.h" #include "cc2430_sfr.h" dma_config_t dma_conf[4]; struct process * dma_callback[4]; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void dma_init(void) __banked { uint16_t tmp_ptr; memset(dma_conf, 0, 4*sizeof(dma_config_t)); for(tmp_ptr = 0; tmp_ptr < 4; tmp_ptr++) { dma_callback[tmp_ptr] = 0; } tmp_ptr = (uint16_t) &(dma_conf[0]); DMA1CFGH = tmp_ptr >> 8; DMA1CFGL = tmp_ptr; IEN1_DMAIE = 1; /*enable DMA interrupts*/ } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef HAVE_DMA /** * Configure a DMA channel except word mode. * * \param channel channel ID; * \param src source address; * \param src_inc source increment mode; * \param dst dest address; * \param dst_inc dest increment mode; * \param length maximum length; * \param vlen_mode variable length mode; * \param t_mode DMA transfer mode; * \param trigger DMA trigger; * \param proc process that is upon interrupt; * * \return Handle to DMA channel * \return 0 invalid channel */ /* IMPLEMENTED dma_config as macro to reduce stack/code space xDMAHandle dma_config(uint8_t channel, void *src, dma_inc_t src_inc, void *dst, dma_inc_t dst_inc, uint16_t length, dma_vlen_t vlen_mode, dma_type_t t_mode, dma_trigger_t trigger, struct process * proc) __banked { return dma_config2(channel,src,src_inc, dst, dst_inc, length, 0, vlen_mode, t_mode, trigger, proc); } */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Configure a DMA channel. * * \param channel channel ID; * \param src source address; * \param src_inc source increment mode; * \param dst dest address; * \param dst_inc dest increment mode; * \param length maximum length; * \param word_mode set to 1 for 16-bits per transfer; * \param vlen_mode variable length mode; * \param t_mode DMA transfer mode; * \param trigger DMA trigger; * \param proc process that is upon interrupt; * * \return Handle to DMA channel * \return 0 invalid channel */ xDMAHandle dma_config2(uint8_t channel, void *src, dma_inc_t src_inc, void *dst, dma_inc_t dst_inc, uint16_t length, uint8_t word_mode, dma_vlen_t vlen_mode, dma_type_t t_mode, dma_trigger_t trigger, struct process * proc) __banked { unsigned char jj; if((!channel) || (channel > 4)) { return 0; } DMAIRQ &= ~(1 << channel); channel--; dma_conf[channel].src_h = ((uint16_t) src) >> 8; dma_conf[channel].src_l = ((uint16_t) src); dma_conf[channel].dst_h = ((uint16_t) dst) >> 8; dma_conf[channel].dst_l = ((uint16_t) dst); dma_conf[channel].len_h = vlen_mode + (length >> 8); dma_conf[channel].len_l = length; dma_conf[channel].t_mode = ((word_mode&0x1)<<7) | (t_mode << 5) | trigger; dma_conf[channel].addr_mode = (src_inc << 6) + (dst_inc << 4) + 2; /*DMA has priority*/ /*Callback is defined*/ if(proc) { dma_conf[channel].addr_mode |= 8; /*set IRQMASK*/ IEN1_DMAIE = 1; /*enable DMA interrupts*/ } dma_callback[channel] = proc; return (xDMAHandle)channel + 1; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Arm a DMA channel. * * \param channel channel handle; * * \return pdTRUE * \return pdFALSE semaphore creation failed */ uint8_t dma_arm(xDMAHandle channel) __banked { uint8_t ch_id = ((uint8_t)channel); if(!ch_id || (ch_id > 4)) { return 0; } DMAARM |= (1 << ch_id); return 1; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Stop a DMA channel. * * \param channel channel handle; * * \return pdTRUE * \return pdFALSE semaphore creation failed */ uint8_t dma_abort(xDMAHandle channel) __banked { uint8_t ch_id = ((uint8_t) channel); if(!ch_id || (ch_id > 4)) { return 0; } DMAARM = 0x80 + (1 << ch_id); /*ABORT + channel bit*/ return 1; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Trigger a DMA channel. * * \param channel channel handle; * * \return pdTRUE * \return pdFALSE semaphore creation failed */ uint8_t dma_trigger(xDMAHandle channel) __banked { uint8_t ch_id = ((uint8_t) channel); if(!ch_id || (ch_id > 4)) { return 0; } DMAREQ |= (1 << ch_id); return 1; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Get DMA state. * * \param channel channel handle; * * \return pdTRUE active * \return pdFALSE not active */ uint8_t dma_state(xDMAHandle channel) __banked { uint8_t ch_id = ((uint8_t)channel); if(!ch_id || (ch_id > 4)) { return 0; } if((DMAIRQ &(1 << ch_id)) == 0) { return 1; } return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void dma_config_print(xDMAHandle channel) __banked { uint8_t ch_id = channel - 1; if(ch_id > 4) { return; } printf("DMA channel %d @ %x %x ", ch_id, (uint16_t) &(dma_conf[ch_id]) >> 8, (uint16_t) &(dma_conf[ch_id]) & 0xFF); { uint8_t i; uint8_t *ptr = (uint8_t *)&(dma_conf[ch_id]); for(i = 0; i< 8; i++) { if(i != 0) { printf(":%02x", *ptr++); } } printf("\n"); } } #endif