The Contiki Operating System ============================ Contiki is an open source operating system that runs on tiny low-power microcontrollers and makes it possible to develop applications that make efficient use of the hardware while providing standardized low-power wireless communication for a range of hardware platforms. Contiki is used in numerous commercial and non-commercial systems, such as city sound monitoring, street lights, networked electrical power meters, industrial monitoring, radiation monitoring, construction site monitoring, alarm systems, remote house monitoring, and so on. For more information, see the Contiki website: []( This fork of the Contiki Operating System adds support for our Merkur Board, adds a lot of examples (with different hardware) and puts an Arduino compatibility layer on top of Contiki-OS that allows Arduino Sketches -- and a lot of drivers for Arduino compatible hardware -- to run under Contiki-OS. For the licensing terms (also in the light of recent debates of Github changed Terms of Service on 2017-03-01) see the file LICENSE.