/* * Sample arduino sketch using contiki features. * We turn the LED off * We allow read the moisture sensor * Unfortunately sleeping for long times in loop() isn't currently * possible, something turns off the CPU (including PWM outputs) if a * Proto-Thread is taking too long. We need to find out how to sleep in * a Contiki-compatible way. * Note that for a normal arduino sketch you won't have to include any * of the contiki-specific files here, the sketch should just work. */ #include #include "Barometer.h" #include "Adafruit_HTU21DF.h" #include "BH1750FVI.h" extern "C" { #include "arduino-process.h" #include "rest-engine.h" extern resource_t res_bh1750, res_htu21dtemp, res_htu21dhum, res_bmp085press,res_bmp085atm,res_bmp085alt, res_battery; float bmp085temp; float bmp085press; float bmp085atm; float bmp085alt; char bmp085temp_s[8]; char bmp085press_s[8]; char bmp085atm_s[8]; char bmp085alt_s[8]; Barometer myBarometer; float htu21d_hum; float htu21d_temp; char htu21d_hum_s[8]; char htu21d_temp_s[8]; Adafruit_HTU21DF htu = Adafruit_HTU21DF(); uint16_t lux; BH1750FVI lightMeter; #define LED_PIN 4 } void setup (void) { // switch off the led pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH); // BH1750 sensor Wire.begin(); lightMeter.begin(); // BMP085 sensor myBarometer.init(); // htu21d sensor if (!htu.begin()) { printf("Couldn't find sensor htu21d !"); } // init coap resourcen rest_init_engine (); rest_activate_resource (&res_bmp085press, "s/press"); rest_activate_resource (&res_bmp085atm, "s/atm"); rest_activate_resource (&res_bmp085alt, "s/alt"); rest_activate_resource (&res_htu21dtemp, "s/temp"); rest_activate_resource (&res_htu21dhum, "s/hum"); rest_activate_resource (&res_bh1750, "s/lux"); rest_activate_resource (&res_battery, "s/battery"); } // at project-conf.h // LOOP_INTERVAL (10 * CLOCK_SECOND) void loop (void) { mcu_sleep_off(); // BMP085 Sensor bmp085temp = myBarometer.bmp085GetTemperature(myBarometer.bmp085ReadUT()); //Get the temperature, bmp085ReadUT MUST be called first bmp085press = myBarometer.bmp085GetPressure(myBarometer.bmp085ReadUP());//Get the temperature bmp085alt = myBarometer.calcAltitude(bmp085press); //Uncompensated caculation - in Meters bmp085atm = bmp085press / 101325; dtostrf(bmp085temp , 6, 2, bmp085temp_s ); dtostrf(bmp085press , 6, 2, bmp085press_s ); dtostrf(bmp085alt , 6, 2, bmp085alt_s ); dtostrf(bmp085atm , 6, 2, bmp085atm_s ); // remove space if(bmp085temp_s[0]==' '){ memcpy (bmp085temp_s,bmp085temp_s+1,strlen(bmp085temp_s)+1); } if(bmp085press_s[0]==' '){ memcpy (bmp085press_s,bmp085press_s+1,strlen(bmp085press_s)+1); } if(bmp085alt_s[0]==' '){ memcpy (bmp085alt_s,bmp085alt_s+1,strlen(bmp085alt_s)+1); } if(bmp085atm_s[0]==' '){ memcpy (bmp085atm_s,bmp085atm_s+1,strlen(bmp085atm_s)+1); } // HTU21d Sensor htu21d_temp = htu.readTemperature(); htu21d_hum = htu.readHumidity(); dtostrf(htu21d_temp , 6, 2, htu21d_temp_s ); dtostrf(htu21d_hum , 6, 2, htu21d_hum_s ); // remove space if(htu21d_temp_s[0]==' '){ memcpy (htu21d_temp_s,htu21d_temp_s+1,strlen(htu21d_temp_s)+1); } if(htu21d_hum_s[0]==' '){ memcpy (htu21d_hum_s,htu21d_hum_s+1,strlen(htu21d_hum_s)+1); } // BH1750 lux = lightMeter.getLightLevel(); // Debug Print printf("BMP085"); printf("\t\tPress: %s\n",bmp085press_s); printf("\t\tAltitude: %s\n",bmp085alt_s); printf("\t\tatm: %s\n",bmp085atm_s); printf("\t\tHTU21d"); printf("\t\tTemp: %s",htu21d_temp_s); printf("\t\tHum: %s\n",htu21d_hum_s); printf("\t\tBH1750"); printf("Lux: %d\n",lux); mcu_sleep_on(); }