/* * Copyright (c) 2011, Institute for Pervasive Computing, ETH Zurich * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the Institute nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE INSTITUTE AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE INSTITUTE OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * This file is part of the Contiki operating system. */ /** * \file * An implementation of the Constrained Application Protocol (draft 07) * \author * Matthias Kovatsch <kovatsch@inf.ethz.ch> */ #ifndef COAP_07_H_ #define COAP_07_H_ #include <stddef.h> /* for size_t */ #include "contiki-net.h" #include "erbium.h" #define COAP_DEFAULT_PORT 5683 #ifndef COAP_SERVER_PORT #define COAP_SERVER_PORT COAP_DEFAULT_PORT #endif #define COAP_DEFAULT_MAX_AGE 60 #define COAP_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT 2 #define COAP_RESPONSE_RANDOM_FACTOR 1.5 #define COAP_MAX_RETRANSMIT 4 #define COAP_HEADER_LEN 4 /* | oc:0xF0 type:0x0C version:0x03 | code | mid:0x00FF | mid:0xFF00 | */ #define COAP_ETAG_LEN 8 /* The maximum number of bytes for the ETag */ #define COAP_TOKEN_LEN 8 /* The maximum number of bytes for the Token */ #define COAP_MAX_ACCEPT_NUM 2 /* The maximum number of accept preferences to parse/store */ #define COAP_HEADER_VERSION_MASK 0xC0 #define COAP_HEADER_VERSION_POSITION 6 #define COAP_HEADER_TYPE_MASK 0x30 #define COAP_HEADER_TYPE_POSITION 4 #define COAP_HEADER_OPTION_COUNT_MASK 0x0F #define COAP_HEADER_OPTION_COUNT_POSITION 0 #define COAP_HEADER_OPTION_DELTA_MASK 0xF0 #define COAP_HEADER_OPTION_SHORT_LENGTH_MASK 0x0F /* * Conservative size limit, as not all options have to be set at the same time. */ /* Hdr CoT Age Tag Obs Tok Blo strings */ #define COAP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE (4 + 3 + 5 + 1+COAP_ETAG_LEN + 3 + 1+COAP_TOKEN_LEN + 4 + 10) /* 50 */ #define COAP_MAX_PACKET_SIZE (COAP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE + REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE) /* 0/14 48 for IPv6 (28 for IPv4) */ #if COAP_MAX_PACKET_SIZE > (UIP_BUFSIZE - UIP_LLH_LEN - UIP_IPUDPH_LEN) #error "UIP_CONF_BUFFER_SIZE too small for REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE" #endif /* * Maximum number of failed request attempts before action */ #ifndef COAP_MAX_ATTEMPTS #define COAP_MAX_ATTEMPTS 4 #endif /* COAP_MAX_ATTEMPTS */ #define UIP_IP_BUF ((struct uip_ip_hdr *)&uip_buf[UIP_LLH_LEN]) #define UIP_UDP_BUF ((struct uip_udp_hdr *)&uip_buf[UIP_LLH_LEN + UIP_IPH_LEN]) #define SET_OPTION(packet, opt) ((packet)->options |= 1L<<opt) #define IS_OPTION(packet, opt) ((packet)->options & 1L<<opt) #ifndef MIN #define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b)? (a) : (b)) #endif /* MIN */ /* CoAP message types */ typedef enum { COAP_TYPE_CON, /* confirmables */ COAP_TYPE_NON, /* non-confirmables */ COAP_TYPE_ACK, /* acknowledgements */ COAP_TYPE_RST /* reset */ } coap_message_type_t; /* CoAP request method codes */ typedef enum { COAP_GET = 1, COAP_POST, COAP_PUT, COAP_DELETE } coap_method_t; /* CoAP response codes */ typedef enum { NO_ERROR = 0, CREATED_2_01 = 65, /* CREATED */ DELETED_2_02 = 66, /* DELETED */ VALID_2_03 = 67, /* NOT_MODIFIED */ CHANGED_2_04 = 68, /* CHANGED */ CONTENT_2_05 = 69, /* OK */ BAD_REQUEST_4_00 = 128, /* BAD_REQUEST */ UNAUTHORIZED_4_01 = 129, /* UNAUTHORIZED */ BAD_OPTION_4_02 = 130, /* BAD_OPTION */ FORBIDDEN_4_03 = 131, /* FORBIDDEN */ NOT_FOUND_4_04 = 132, /* NOT_FOUND */ METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED_4_05 = 133, /* METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED */ NOT_ACCEPTABLE_4_06 = 134, /* NOT_ACCEPTABLE */ PRECONDITION_FAILED_4_12 = 140, /* BAD_REQUEST */ REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE_4_13 = 141, /* REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE */ UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE_4_15 = 143, /* UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE */ INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR_5_00 = 160, /* INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR */ NOT_IMPLEMENTED_5_01 = 161, /* NOT_IMPLEMENTED */ BAD_GATEWAY_5_02 = 162, /* BAD_GATEWAY */ SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE_5_03 = 163, /* SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE */ GATEWAY_TIMEOUT_5_04 = 164, /* GATEWAY_TIMEOUT */ PROXYING_NOT_SUPPORTED_5_05 = 165, /* PROXYING_NOT_SUPPORTED */ /* Erbium errors */ MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR = 192, PACKET_SERIALIZATION_ERROR, /* Erbium hooks */ MANUAL_RESPONSE } coap_status_t; /* CoAP header options */ typedef enum { COAP_OPTION_CONTENT_TYPE = 1, /* 0-2 B */ COAP_OPTION_MAX_AGE = 2, /* 0-4 B */ COAP_OPTION_PROXY_URI = 3, /* 1-270 B */ COAP_OPTION_ETAG = 4, /* 1-8 B */ COAP_OPTION_URI_HOST = 5, /* 1-270 B */ COAP_OPTION_LOCATION_PATH = 6, /* 1-270 B */ COAP_OPTION_URI_PORT = 7, /* 0-2 B */ COAP_OPTION_LOCATION_QUERY = 8, /* 1-270 B */ COAP_OPTION_URI_PATH = 9, /* 1-270 B */ COAP_OPTION_OBSERVE = 10, /* 0-2 B */ COAP_OPTION_TOKEN = 11, /* 1-8 B */ COAP_OPTION_ACCEPT = 12, /* 0-2 B */ COAP_OPTION_IF_MATCH = 13, /* 0-8 B */ COAP_OPTION_FENCE_POST = 14, /* 0 B */ COAP_OPTION_URI_QUERY = 15, /* 1-270 B */ COAP_OPTION_BLOCK2 = 17, /* 1-3 B */ COAP_OPTION_BLOCK1 = 19, /* 1-3 B */ COAP_OPTION_IF_NONE_MATCH = 21 /* 0 B */ } coap_option_t; /* CoAP content-types */ typedef enum { TEXT_PLAIN = 0, TEXT_XML = 1, /* Intented types are not in the initial registry. */ TEXT_CSV = 2, TEXT_HTML = 3, IMAGE_GIF = 21, IMAGE_JPEG = 22, IMAGE_PNG = 23, IMAGE_TIFF = 24, AUDIO_RAW = 25, VIDEO_RAW = 26, APPLICATION_LINK_FORMAT = 40, /* Actually not in registry!? */ APPLICATION_XML = 41, APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM = 42, APPLICATION_RDF_XML = 43, APPLICATION_SOAP_XML = 44, APPLICATION_ATOM_XML = 45, APPLICATION_XMPP_XML = 46, APPLICATION_EXI = 47, APPLICATION_FASTINFOSET = 48, APPLICATION_SOAP_FASTINFOSET = 49, APPLICATION_JSON = 50, APPLICATION_X_OBIX_BINARY = 51 } coap_content_type_t; typedef struct { uint8_t *buffer; /* pointer to CoAP header / incoming packet buffer / memory to serialize packet */ uint8_t version; coap_message_type_t type; uint8_t option_count; uint8_t code; uint16_t mid; uint32_t options; /* Bitmap to check if option is set */ coap_content_type_t content_type; /* Parse options once and store; allows setting options in random order */ uint32_t max_age; size_t proxy_uri_len; const char *proxy_uri; uint8_t etag_len; uint8_t etag[COAP_ETAG_LEN]; size_t uri_host_len; const char *uri_host; size_t location_path_len; const char *location_path; uint16_t uri_port; size_t location_query_len; const char *location_query; size_t uri_path_len; const char *uri_path; uint16_t observe; uint8_t token_len; uint8_t token[COAP_TOKEN_LEN]; uint8_t accept_num; uint16_t accept[COAP_MAX_ACCEPT_NUM]; uint8_t if_match_len; uint8_t if_match[COAP_ETAG_LEN]; uint32_t block2_num; uint8_t block2_more; uint16_t block2_size; uint32_t block2_offset; uint32_t block1_num; uint8_t block1_more; uint16_t block1_size; uint32_t block1_offset; size_t uri_query_len; const char *uri_query; uint8_t if_none_match; uint16_t payload_len; uint8_t *payload; } coap_packet_t; /* To store error code and human-readable payload */ extern coap_status_t coap_error_code; extern char *coap_error_message; void coap_init_connection(uint16_t port); uint16_t coap_get_mid(void); void coap_init_message(void *packet, coap_message_type_t type, uint8_t code, uint16_t mid); size_t coap_serialize_message(void *packet, uint8_t *buffer); void coap_send_message(uip_ipaddr_t *addr, uint16_t port, uint8_t *data, uint16_t length); coap_status_t coap_parse_message(void *request, uint8_t *data, uint16_t data_len); int coap_get_query_variable(void *packet, const char *name, const char **output); int coap_get_post_variable(void *packet, const char *name, const char **output); /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int coap_set_status_code(void *packet, unsigned int code); unsigned int coap_get_header_content_type(void *packet); int coap_set_header_content_type(void *packet, unsigned int content_type); int coap_get_header_accept(void *packet, const uint16_t **accept); int coap_set_header_accept(void *packet, uint16_t accept); int coap_get_header_max_age(void *packet, uint32_t *age); int coap_set_header_max_age(void *packet, uint32_t age); int coap_get_header_etag(void *packet, const uint8_t **etag); int coap_set_header_etag(void *packet, const uint8_t *etag, size_t etag_len); int coap_get_header_if_match(void *packet, const uint8_t **etag); int coap_set_header_if_match(void *packet, const uint8_t *etag, size_t etag_len); int coap_get_header_if_none_match(void *packet); int coap_set_header_if_none_match(void *packet); int coap_get_header_token(void *packet, const uint8_t **token); int coap_set_header_token(void *packet, const uint8_t *token, size_t token_len); int coap_get_header_proxy_uri(void *packet, const char **uri); /* In-place string might not be 0-terminated. */ int coap_set_header_proxy_uri(void *packet, const char *uri); int coap_get_header_uri_host(void *packet, const char **host); /* In-place string might not be 0-terminated. */ int coap_set_header_uri_host(void *packet, const char *host); int coap_get_header_uri_path(void *packet, const char **path); /* In-place string might not be 0-terminated. */ int coap_set_header_uri_path(void *packet, const char *path); int coap_get_header_uri_query(void *packet, const char **query); /* In-place string might not be 0-terminated. */ int coap_set_header_uri_query(void *packet, const char *query); int coap_get_header_location_path(void *packet, const char **path); /* In-place string might not be 0-terminated. */ int coap_set_header_location_path(void *packet, const char *path); /* Also splits optional query into Location-Query option. */ int coap_get_header_location_query(void *packet, const char **query); /* In-place string might not be 0-terminated. */ int coap_set_header_location_query(void *packet, const char *query); int coap_get_header_observe(void *packet, uint32_t *observe); int coap_set_header_observe(void *packet, uint32_t observe); int coap_get_header_block2(void *packet, uint32_t *num, uint8_t *more, uint16_t *size, uint32_t *offset); int coap_set_header_block2(void *packet, uint32_t num, uint8_t more, uint16_t size); int coap_get_header_block1(void *packet, uint32_t *num, uint8_t *more, uint16_t *size, uint32_t *offset); int coap_set_header_block1(void *packet, uint32_t num, uint8_t more, uint16_t size); int coap_get_payload(void *packet, const uint8_t **payload); int coap_set_payload(void *packet, const void *payload, size_t length); #endif /* COAP_07_H_ */