#!/bin/bash # # This file checks your git index and runs uncrustify on every changed *.c and *.h # file. # # Author: Valentin Sawadski <valentin@sawadski.eu> # Exit if any called command exits nonzero set -e # Determine the repository root as the path returned by porcelain always # start there GIT_REPOSITORY_ROOT=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) # This is the format command that will be run. FORMAT_COMMAND=$GIT_REPOSITORY_ROOT/tools/code-style/uncrustify-fix-style.sh # Parse all the files we get from git. RAW_FILES=$(git status --porcelain) # Set \n to be the field separator IFS=$'\n' # This splits the input by newline GIT_FILES_BY_LINE=( $RAW_FILES ) # Now go throug them once more and remove the GIT status logs. # Count the amount of C and H files we have to format. IFS=$' ' for i in "${!GIT_FILES_BY_LINE[@]}"; do LINE_BY_SPACE=( ${GIT_FILES_BY_LINE[i]} ) FILE=${LINE_BY_SPACE[1]} if [[ ${FILE: -2} = ".c" || ${FILE: -2} = ".h" ]]; then # echo Formatting File: $FILE $FORMAT_COMMAND $GIT_REPOSITORY_ROOT/$FILE fi done