TIMEOUT(100000, log.log("last msg: " + msg + "\n")); /* print last msg at timeout */ WAIT_UNTIL(msg.contains("Created connection")); YIELD_THEN_WAIT_UNTIL(msg.contains("Created connection")); log.log("Both nodes booted\n"); count = 0; while (count++ < 5) { /* Message from sender process to receiver process */ YIELD_THEN_WAIT_UNTIL(msg.contains("Sender sending")); YIELD_THEN_WAIT_UNTIL(msg.contains("Receiver received")); log.log(count + ": Sender -> Receiver OK\n"); /* Message from receiver process to sender process */ YIELD_THEN_WAIT_UNTIL(msg.contains("Receiver sending")); YIELD_THEN_WAIT_UNTIL(msg.contains("Sender received")); log.log(count + ": Receiver -> Sender OK\n"); } log.testOK(); /* Report test success and quit */