/** * \file * The ctk-draw implementation for the CTK VNC server. * \author Adam Dunkels <adam@dunkels.com> * */ /** * \defgroup CTKVNCServer The CTK VNC server * @{ */ /* * Copyright (c) 2003, Adam Dunkels. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote * products derived from this software without specific prior * written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE * GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * This file is part of the "ctk" console GUI toolkit for cc65 * * $Id: ctk-vncserver.c,v 1.3 2010/10/19 18:29:04 adamdunkels Exp $ * */ #include <string.h> /* For strlen() */ #include "ctk/ctk.h" #include "ctk/ctk-draw.h" #include "contiki-net.h" #include "ctk/vnc-server.h" #include "ctk/vnc-out.h" #include "ctk/ctk-vncfont.h" #include "ctk/ctk-vncserver.h" static unsigned char sizex, sizey; #define CH_ULCORNER 0x00 #define CH_TITLEBAR 0x01 #define CH_URCORNER 0x02 #define CH_WINDOWRBORDER 0x03 #define CH_LRCORNER 0x04 #define CH_WINDOWLOWERBORDER 0x05 #define CH_LLCORNER 0x06 #define CH_WINDOWLBORDER 0x07 #define CH_DIALOG_ULCORNER 0x12 #define CH_DIALOGUPPERBORDER 0x09 #define CH_DIALOG_URCORNER 0x0a #define CH_DIALOGRBORDER 0x0b #define CH_DIALOG_LRCORNER 0x0c #define CH_DIALOGLOWERBORDER 0x0d #define CH_DIALOG_LLCORNER 0x0e #define CH_DIALOGLBORDER 0x0f #define CH_BUTTONLEFT 0x10 #define CH_BUTTONRIGHT 0x11 #define CH_SEPARATOR 0x13 #include "lib/libconio.h" #define SCREENCOLOR 0 #define BORDERCOLOR 1 #define WIDGETCOLOR 2 #define WIDGETCOLOR_FWIN 3 #define WIDGETCOLOR_FOCUS 4 #define WIDGETCOLOR_DIALOG 5 #define WIDGETCOLOR_HLINK 6 #define WIDGETCOLOR_HLINK_FOCUS 7 #define WINDOWCOLOR 8 #define WINDOWCOLOR_FOCUS 9 #define WINDOWBORDER 10 #define WINDOWBORDER_FOCUS 11 #define DIALOGCOLOR 12 #define OPENMENUCOLOR 13 #define ACTIVEMENUITEMCOLOR 14 #define MENUCOLOR 15 PROCESS(ctk_vncserver_process, "CTK VNC server"); static struct vnc_server_state conns[CTK_VNCSERVER_CONF_NUMCONNS]; #define PRINTF(x) #define revers(x) unsigned char ctk_draw_windowborder_height = 1; unsigned char ctk_draw_windowborder_width = 1; unsigned char ctk_draw_windowtitle_height = 1; /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Add an update request from a client to the list of pending updates * for the connection. * * This function is called from the vnc-out module. * * \param vs The VNC connection state. * \param a The area that is requested to be updated. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void vnc_server_update_add(struct vnc_server_state *vs, struct vnc_server_update *a) { /* XXX: test both head and tail placement!*/ a->next = vs->updates_pending; vs->updates_pending = a; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Allocate an update request from the VNC connection state. * * This function is called from the vnc-out module. * * \param vs The VNC connection state. * * \return Memory for an update structure, or NULL if no update could * be allocated. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ struct vnc_server_update * vnc_server_update_alloc(struct vnc_server_state *vs) { struct vnc_server_update *a; a = vs->updates_free; if(a == NULL) { return NULL; } vs->updates_free = a->next; a->next = NULL; return a; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Deallocate an update request from the VNC connection state. * * This function is called from the vnc-out module. * * \param vs The VNC connection state. * * \param a The update structure to be deallocated. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void vnc_server_update_free(struct vnc_server_state *vs, struct vnc_server_update *a) { a->next = vs->updates_free; vs->updates_free = a; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Dequeue the first update on the queue of updates. * * This function is called from the vnc-out module. * * \param vs The VNC connection state. * * \return The first update on the queue, or NULL if the queue is empty. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ struct vnc_server_update * vnc_server_update_dequeue(struct vnc_server_state *vs) { struct vnc_server_update *a; a = vs->updates_pending; if(a == NULL) { return a; } vs->updates_pending = a->next; a->next = NULL; return a; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Remove a specific update on the queue of updates. * * \param vs The VNC connection state. * \param a The update to be removed. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void vnc_server_update_remove(struct vnc_server_state *vs, struct vnc_server_update *a) { struct vnc_server_update *b, *c; if(a == vs->updates_pending) { vs->updates_pending = a->next; } else { b = vs->updates_pending; for(c = vs->updates_pending; c != a; b = c, c = c->next); b->next = a->next; } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** \internal * Flag an area to be updated for all open VNC server connections. * */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void update_area(u8_t x, u8_t y, u8_t w, u8_t h) { u8_t i; if(h == 0 || w == 0) { return; } /* Update for all active VNC connections. */ for(i = 0; i < CTK_VNCSERVER_CONF_NUMCONNS; ++i) { if(conns[i].state != VNC_DEALLOCATED) { vnc_out_update_area(&conns[i], x, y, w, h); } } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** \internal * Allocate a VNC server connection state from the array of available * VNC connection states. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static struct vnc_server_state * alloc_state(void) { u8_t i; for(i = 0; i < CTK_VNCSERVER_CONF_NUMCONNS; ++i) { if(conns[i].state == VNC_DEALLOCATED) { return &conns[i]; } } /* We are overloaded! XXX: we'll just kick all other connections! */ for(i = 0; i < CTK_VNCSERVER_CONF_NUMCONNS; ++i) { conns[i].state = VNC_DEALLOCATED; } return NULL; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** \internal * Deallocate a VNC connection state. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void dealloc_state(struct vnc_server_state *s) { s->state = VNC_DEALLOCATED; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void cputsn(char *str, unsigned char len) { char c; while(len > 0) { --len; c = *str; if(c == 0) { break; } cputc(c); ++str; } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Initialize the VNC ctk-draw module. Called by the CTK module. * */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void ctk_draw_init(void) { bgcolor(SCREENCOLOR); bordercolor(BORDERCOLOR); screensize(&sizex, &sizey); ctk_draw_clear(0, sizey); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void draw_widget(struct ctk_widget *w, unsigned char x, unsigned char y, unsigned char clipx, unsigned char clipy, unsigned char clipy1, unsigned char clipy2, unsigned char focus) { unsigned char xpos, ypos, xscroll; unsigned char i, j; unsigned char iconnum; char c, *text; unsigned char len; /* if(focus & CTK_FOCUS_WINDOW) { textcolor(WIDGETCOLOR_FWIN); if(focus & CTK_FOCUS_WIDGET) { textcolor(WIDGETCOLOR_FOCUS); } } else if(focus & CTK_FOCUS_DIALOG) { textcolor(WIDGETCOLOR_DIALOG); if(focus & CTK_FOCUS_WIDGET) { textcolor(WIDGETCOLOR_FOCUS); } } else { textcolor(WIDGETCOLOR); } */ xpos = x + w->x; ypos = y + w->y; switch(w->type) { case CTK_WIDGET_SEPARATOR: textcolor(VNC_OUT_SEPARATORCOLOR + focus); if(ypos >= clipy1 && ypos < clipy2) { /* chlinexy(xpos, ypos, w->w);*/ gotoxy(xpos, ypos); for(i = 0; i < w->w; ++i) { cputc(CH_SEPARATOR); } } break; case CTK_WIDGET_LABEL: textcolor(VNC_OUT_LABELCOLOR + focus); text = w->widget.label.text; for(i = 0; i < w->h; ++i) { if(ypos >= clipy1 && ypos < clipy2) { gotoxy(xpos, ypos); cputsn(text, w->w); if(w->w - (wherex() - xpos) > 0) { cclear(w->w - (wherex() - xpos)); } } ++ypos; text += w->w; } break; case CTK_WIDGET_BUTTON: textcolor(VNC_OUT_BUTTONCOLOR + focus); if(ypos >= clipy1 && ypos < clipy2) { if(focus & CTK_FOCUS_WIDGET) { revers(1); } else { revers(0); } cputcxy(xpos, ypos, CH_BUTTONLEFT); cputsn(w->widget.button.text, w->w); cputc(CH_BUTTONRIGHT); revers(0); } break; case CTK_WIDGET_HYPERLINK: textcolor(VNC_OUT_HYPERLINKCOLOR + focus); if(ypos >= clipy1 && ypos < clipy2) { /* if(focus & CTK_FOCUS_WIDGET) { textcolor(WIDGETCOLOR_HLINK_FOCUS); revers(0); } else { textcolor(WIDGETCOLOR_HLINK); revers(1); }*/ gotoxy(xpos, ypos); cputsn(w->widget.button.text, w->w); revers(0); } break; case CTK_WIDGET_TEXTENTRY: textcolor(VNC_OUT_TEXTENTRYCOLOR + focus); text = w->widget.textentry.text; xscroll = 0; if(w->widget.textentry.xpos >= w->w - 1) { xscroll = w->widget.textentry.xpos - w->w + 1; } for(j = 0; j < w->h; ++j) { if(ypos >= clipy1 && ypos < clipy2) { if(w->widget.textentry.state == CTK_TEXTENTRY_EDIT && w->widget.textentry.ypos == j) { revers(0); cputcxy(xpos, ypos, '>'); c = 1; for(i = 0; i < w->w; ++i) { if(c != 0) { c = text[i + xscroll]; } if(i == w->widget.textentry.xpos - xscroll) { textcolor(VNC_OUT_TEXTENTRYCOLOR + (focus ^ 0x01)); revers(1); } else { revers(0); } if(c == 0) { cputc(' '); } else { cputc(c); } revers(0); textcolor(VNC_OUT_TEXTENTRYCOLOR + focus); } cputc('<'); } else { if(focus & CTK_FOCUS_WIDGET && j == w->widget.textentry.ypos) { revers(1); } else { revers(0); } cvlinexy(xpos, ypos, 1); gotoxy(xpos + 1, ypos); cputsn(text, w->w); i = wherex(); if(i - xpos - 1 < w->w) { cclear(w->w - (i - xpos) + 1); } cvline(1); } } ++ypos; text += w->widget.textentry.len + 1; } revers(0); break; #if CTK_CONF_ICONS case CTK_WIDGET_ICON: if(ypos >= clipy1 && ypos < clipy2) { textcolor(VNC_OUT_ICONCOLOR + focus); if(focus & 1) { revers(1); } else { revers(0); } x = xpos; len = strlen(w->widget.icon.title); if(x + len >= sizex) { x = sizex - len; } gotoxy(x, ypos + 3); if(ypos >= clipy1 && ypos < clipy2) { cputs(w->widget.icon.title); } #if CTK_CONF_ICON_BITMAPS if(w->widget.icon.bitmap != NULL) { iconnum = vnc_out_add_icon((struct ctk_icon *)w); textcolor(iconnum | (focus << 6)); gotoxy(xpos, ypos); cputc(0x80); cputc(0x81); cputc(0x82); cputc(0x83); ++ypos; gotoxy(xpos, ypos); cputc(0x90); cputc(0x91); cputc(0x92); cputc(0x93); ++ypos; gotoxy(xpos, ypos); cputc(0xa0); cputc(0xa1); cputc(0xa2); cputc(0xa3); ++ypos; textcolor(0); /* for(i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { if(ypos >= clipy1 && ypos < clipy2) { cputc(w->widget.icon.textmap[0 + 3 * i]); cputc(w->widget.icon.textmap[1 + 3 * i]); cputc(w->widget.icon.textmap[2 + 3 * i]); } ++ypos; }*/ } #endif /* CTK_CONF_ICON_BITMAPS */ revers(0); } break; #endif /* CTK_CONF_ICONS */ default: break; } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Draw a widget on the VNC screen. Called by the CTK module. * * \param w The widget to be drawn. * \param focus The focus of the widget. * \param clipy1 The lower y coordinate bound. * \param clipy2 The upper y coordinate bound. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void ctk_draw_widget(struct ctk_widget *w, unsigned char focus, unsigned char clipy1, unsigned char clipy2) { struct ctk_window *win = w->window; struct ctk_icon *icon; unsigned char posx, posy, x, len; posx = win->x + 1; posy = win->y + 2; if(w == win->focused) { focus |= CTK_FOCUS_WIDGET; } draw_widget(w, posx, posy, posx + win->w, posy + win->h, clipy1, clipy2, focus); if(w->type != CTK_WIDGET_ICON) { update_area(posx + w->x, posy + w->y, w->w + 2, w->h); } else { icon = (struct ctk_icon *)w; len = strlen(icon->title); x = posx + w->x; if(x + len >= sizex) { x = sizex - len; } update_area(x, posy + w->y, len > 4? len: 4, w->h); } #ifdef CTK_CONIO_CONF_UPDATE CTK_CONIO_CONF_UPDATE(); #endif /* CTK_CONIO_CONF_UPDATE */ } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Clear a window on the VNC screen. Called by the CTK module. * * \param window The window to be cleared. * \param focus The focus of the window. * \param clipy1 The lower y coordinate bound. * \param clipy2 The upper y coordinate bound. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void ctk_draw_clear_window(struct ctk_window *window, unsigned char focus, unsigned char clipy1, unsigned char clipy2) { unsigned char i; unsigned char h; /* if(focus & CTK_FOCUS_WINDOW){ textcolor(WINDOWCOLOR_FOCUS); } else { textcolor(WINDOWCOLOR); }*/ textcolor(VNC_OUT_WINDOWCOLOR + focus); h = window->y + 2 + window->h; /* Clear window contents. */ for(i = window->y + 2; i < h; ++i) { if(i >= clipy1 && i < clipy2) { cclearxy(window->x + 1, i, window->w); } } update_area(window->x + 1, window->y + 2, window->w, window->h); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void draw_window_contents(struct ctk_window *window, unsigned char focus, unsigned char clipy1, unsigned char clipy2, unsigned char x1, unsigned char x2, unsigned char y1, unsigned char y2) { struct ctk_widget *w; unsigned char wfocus; /* Draw inactive widgets. */ for(w = window->inactive; w != NULL; w = w->next) { draw_widget(w, x1, y1, x2, y2, clipy1, clipy2, focus); } /* Draw active widgets. */ for(w = window->active; w != NULL; w = w->next) { wfocus = focus; if(w == window->focused) { wfocus |= CTK_FOCUS_WIDGET; } draw_widget(w, x1, y1, x2, y2, clipy1, clipy2, wfocus); } #ifdef CTK_CONIO_CONF_UPDATE CTK_CONIO_CONF_UPDATE(); #endif /* CTK_CONIO_CONF_UPDATE */ } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Draw a window on the VNC screen. Called by the CTK module. * * \param window The window to be drawn. * \param focus The focus of the window. * \param clipy1 The lower y coordinate bound. * \param clipy2 The upper y coordinate bound. * \param draw_borders The flag for border drawing. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void ctk_draw_window(struct ctk_window *window, unsigned char focus, unsigned char clipy1, unsigned char clipy2, unsigned char draw_borders) { unsigned char x, y; unsigned char h; unsigned char x1, y1, x2, y2; unsigned char i; if(window->y + 1 >= clipy2) { return; } x = window->x; y = window->y + 1; x1 = x + 1; y1 = y + 1; x2 = x1 + window->w; y2 = y1 + window->h; if(draw_borders) { /* Draw window frame. */ textcolor(VNC_OUT_WINDOWCOLOR + focus); /* if(focus & CTK_FOCUS_WINDOW) { textcolor(WINDOWCOLOR_FOCUS); } else { textcolor(WINDOWCOLOR); }*/ if(y >= clipy1) { cputcxy(x, y, CH_ULCORNER); for(i = wherex() + window->titlelen + CTK_CONF_WINDOWMOVE * 2; i < x2; ++i) { cputcxy(i, y, CH_TITLEBAR); } cputcxy(x2, y, CH_URCORNER); } h = window->h; if(clipy1 > y1) { if(clipy1 - y1 < h) { h = clipy1 - y1; y1 = clipy1; } else { h = 0; } } if(clipy2 < y1 + h) { if(y1 >= clipy2) { h = 0; } else { h = clipy2 - y1; } } for(i = y1; i < y1 + h; ++i) { cputcxy(x, i, CH_WINDOWLBORDER); cputcxy(x2, i, CH_WINDOWRBORDER); } /* cvlinexy(x, y1, h); cvlinexy(x2, y1, h); */ if(y + window->h >= clipy1 && y + window->h < clipy2) { cputcxy(x, y2, CH_LLCORNER); for(i = x1; i < x2; ++i) { cputcxy(i, y2, CH_WINDOWLOWERBORDER); } /* chlinexy(x1, y2, window->w);*/ cputcxy(x2, y2, CH_LRCORNER); } } draw_window_contents(window, focus, clipy1, clipy2, x1, x2, y + 1, y2); update_area(window->x, window->y, window->w + 2, window->h + 2); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Draw a dialog on the VNC screen. Called by the CTK module. * * \param dialog The dialog to be drawn. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void ctk_draw_dialog(struct ctk_window *dialog) { unsigned char x, y; unsigned char i; unsigned char x1, y1, x2, y2; /* textcolor(DIALOGCOLOR);*/ textcolor(VNC_OUT_WINDOWCOLOR + CTK_FOCUS_DIALOG); x = dialog->x; y = dialog->y + 1; x1 = x + 1; y1 = y + 1; x2 = x1 + dialog->w; y2 = y1 + dialog->h; /* Draw dialog frame. */ for(i = y1; i < y1 + dialog->h; ++i) { cputcxy(x, i, CH_DIALOGLBORDER); cputcxy(x2, i, CH_DIALOGRBORDER); } /* cvlinexy(x, y1, dialog->h); cvlinexy(x2, y1, dialog->h);*/ for(i = x1; i < x2; ++i) { cputcxy(i, y, CH_DIALOGUPPERBORDER); cputcxy(i, y2, CH_DIALOGLOWERBORDER); } /* chlinexy(x1, y, dialog->w); chlinexy(x1, y2, dialog->w);*/ cputcxy(x, y, CH_DIALOG_ULCORNER); cputcxy(x, y2, CH_DIALOG_LLCORNER); cputcxy(x2, y, CH_DIALOG_URCORNER); cputcxy(x2, y2, CH_DIALOG_LRCORNER); /* Clear dialog contents. */ for(i = y1; i < y2; ++i) { cclearxy(x1, i, dialog->w); } draw_window_contents(dialog, CTK_FOCUS_DIALOG, 0, sizey, x1, x2, y1, y2); update_area(dialog->x, dialog->y, dialog->w + 4, dialog->h + 4); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Clear parts of the VNC desktop. Called by the CTK module. * * \param y1 The lower y coordinate bound. * \param y2 The upped y coordinate bound. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void ctk_draw_clear(unsigned char y1, unsigned char y2) { unsigned char i; textcolor(VNC_OUT_BACKGROUNDCOLOR); for(i = y1; i < y2; ++i) { cclearxy(0, i, sizex); } update_area(0, y1, sizex, y2 - y1); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** \internal * Draw one menu on the VNC desktop. * * \param m The CTK menu to be drawn. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void draw_menu(struct ctk_menu *m) { unsigned char x, x2, y; textcolor(VNC_OUT_MENUCOLOR); x = wherex(); cputs(m->title); cputc(' '); x2 = wherex(); if(x + CTK_CONF_MENUWIDTH > sizex) { x = sizex - CTK_CONF_MENUWIDTH; } for(y = 0; y < m->nitems; ++y) { if(y == m->active) { textcolor(VNC_OUT_ACTIVEMENUCOLOR); revers(0); } else { textcolor(VNC_OUT_MENUCOLOR); } gotoxy(x, y + 1); if(m->items[y].title[0] == '-') { chline(CTK_CONF_MENUWIDTH); } else { cputs(m->items[y].title); } if(x + CTK_CONF_MENUWIDTH > wherex()) { cclear(x + CTK_CONF_MENUWIDTH - wherex()); } revers(1); } gotoxy(x2, 0); textcolor(VNC_OUT_MENUCOLOR); update_area(x, 0, CTK_CONF_MENUWIDTH, m->nitems + 1); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Draw the menus on the virtual VNC desktop. Called by the CTK module. * * \param menus The CTK menubar. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void ctk_draw_menus(struct ctk_menus *menus) { struct ctk_menu *m; /* Draw menus */ textcolor(VNC_OUT_MENUCOLOR); gotoxy(0, 0); revers(1); cputc(' '); for(m = menus->menus->next; m != NULL; m = m->next) { if(m != menus->open) { update_area(wherex(), 0, strlen(m->title) + 1, 1); cputs(m->title); cputc(' '); } else { draw_menu(m); } } if(wherex() + strlen(menus->desktopmenu->title) + 1>= sizex) { gotoxy(sizex - strlen(menus->desktopmenu->title) - 1, 0); } else { cclear(sizex - wherex() - strlen(menus->desktopmenu->title) - 1); update_area(wherex(), 0, sizex - wherex() - strlen(menus->desktopmenu->title) - 1, 1); } /* Draw desktopmenu */ if(menus->desktopmenu != menus->open) { update_area(wherex(), 0, strlen(menus->desktopmenu->title) + 1, 1); cputs(menus->desktopmenu->title); cputc(' '); } else { draw_menu(menus->desktopmenu); } revers(0); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Obtain the height of the VNC desktop. Called by the CTK module. * * \return The height of the VNC desktop, in characters. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned char ctk_draw_height(void) { return sizey; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Obtain the height of the VNC desktop. Called by the CTK module. * * \return The height of the VNC desktop, in characters. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned char ctk_draw_width(void) { return sizex; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned char ctk_mouse_xtoc(unsigned short x) { return x / CTK_VNCFONT_WIDTH; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned char ctk_mouse_ytoc(unsigned short y) { return y / CTK_VNCFONT_HEIGHT; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** \internal * Converts between ASCII and the VNC screen character encoding. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static unsigned char ascii2screen(unsigned char c) { if(c == '|') { return 0x68; } if(c < 0x20) { return c + 0x60; } if(c > 0x20 && c < 0x40) { return c; } if(c >= 0x40 && c < 0x60) { return c; } if(c >= 0x60 && c < 0x80) { return c - 0x60; } if(c >= 0x80) { return c; } return 32; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Draws a character on the virtual VNC screen. Called by the libconio module. * * \param c The character to be drawn. * \param xpos The x position of the character. * \param ypos The y position of the character. * \param reversedflag Determines if the character should be reversed or not. * \param color The color of the character. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void ctk_arch_draw_char(char c, unsigned char xpos, unsigned char ypos, unsigned char reversedflag, unsigned char color) { vnc_out_update_screen(xpos, ypos, ascii2screen(c), color); /* vnc_out_update_screen(xpos, ypos, c | (reversedflag? 0x80: 0));*/ } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Checks the key press input queue to see if there are pending * keys. Called by the CTK module. * * \return Zero if no key presses are in buffer, non-zero if there are * key presses in input buffer. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned char ctk_arch_keyavail(void) { return vnc_out_keyavail(); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Retrieves key presses from the VNC client. Called by the CTK * module. * * \return The next key in the input queue. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ctk_arch_key_t ctk_arch_getkey(void) { return vnc_out_getkey() & 0x7f; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** \internal * The uIP event handler. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void ctk_vncserver_appcall(void *state) { static struct vnc_server_state *vs; vs = (struct vnc_server_state *)(state); if(uip_connected()) { /* Since we've just been connected, the state pointer should be NULL and we need to allocate a new state object. If we have run out of memory for state objects, we'll have to abort the connection and return. */ if(vs == NULL) { vs = alloc_state(); if(vs == NULL) { uip_close(); return; } tcp_markconn(uip_conn, (void *)vs); } } else if(uip_closed() || uip_aborted()) { if(vs != NULL) { dealloc_state(vs); } return; } vnc_server_appcall(vs); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PROCESS_THREAD(ctk_vncserver_process, ev, data) { int i; PROCESS_BEGIN(); tcp_listen(UIP_HTONS(5900)); for(i = 0; i < CTK_VNCSERVER_CONF_NUMCONNS; ++i) { conns[i].state = VNC_DEALLOCATED; } while(1) { PROCESS_WAIT_EVENT(); if(ev == tcpip_event) { ctk_vncserver_appcall(data); } } PROCESS_END(); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @} */