#include "sys/clock.h" #include "dev/clock-avr.h" #include "sys/etimer.h" #include <avr/io.h> #include <avr/interrupt.h> static volatile clock_time_t count, scount; static volatile unsigned long seconds; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ //SIGNAL(SIG_OUTPUT_COMPARE0) ISR(AVR_OUTPUT_COMPARE_INT) { count++; if(++scount == CLOCK_SECOND) { scount = 0; seconds++; } if(etimer_pending()) { etimer_request_poll(); } } /* External clock source does not work ? */ #if 0 void clock_init(void) { cli (); TIMSK &= ((unsigned char)~(1 << (TOIE0))); TIMSK &= ((unsigned char)~(1 << (OCIE0))); /* Disable TC0 interrupt */ /** * set Timer/Counter0 to be asynchronous * from the CPU clock with a second external * clock(32,768kHz)driving it */ ASSR |= (1 << (AS0)); TCCR0 = _BV (CS02) | _BV (CS01) | _BV (WGM1); TCNT0 = 0; OCR0 = 128; TIMSK |= (1 << (OCIE0)); TIMSK |= (1 << (TOIE0)); sei (); } #endif /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void clock_init(void) { cli (); OCRSetup(); /* * Counts the number of ticks. Since clock_time_t is an unsigned * 16 bit data type, time intervals of up to 524 seconds can be * measured. */ scount = count = 0; sei (); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ clock_time_t clock_time(void) { clock_time_t tmp; do { tmp = count; } while(tmp != count); return tmp; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Delay the CPU for a multiple of TODO */ void clock_delay(unsigned int i) { for (; i > 0; i--) { /* Needs fixing XXX */ unsigned j; for (j = 50; j > 0; j--) asm volatile("nop"); } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Wait for a multiple of 1 / 125 sec = 0.008 ms. * */ void clock_wait(int i) { clock_time_t start; start = clock_time(); while(clock_time() - start < (clock_time_t)i); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void clock_set_seconds(unsigned long sec) { // TODO } unsigned long clock_seconds(void) { unsigned long tmp; do { tmp = seconds; } while(tmp != seconds); return tmp; }