/* * Copyright (c) 2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/ * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED * OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * \addtogroup rf-core-ble * @{ * * \file * Implementation of the CC13xx/CC26xx RF BLE driver */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "contiki-conf.h" #include "sys/process.h" #include "sys/clock.h" #include "sys/cc.h" #include "sys/etimer.h" #include "net/netstack.h" #include "net/linkaddr.h" #include "dev/oscillators.h" #include "rf-core/rf-core.h" #include "rf-core/rf-ble.h" #include "rf-core/api/ble_cmd.h" #include "rf-core/api/common_cmd.h" #include "ti-lib.h" /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include <stdint.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdio.h> /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define DEBUG 0 #if DEBUG #define PRINTF(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__) #else #define PRINTF(...) #endif /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* BLE Intervals: Send a burst of advertisements every BLE_ADV_INTERVAL secs */ #define BLE_ADV_INTERVAL (CLOCK_SECOND * 5) #define BLE_ADV_DUTY_CYCLE (CLOCK_SECOND / 10) #define BLE_ADV_MESSAGES 10 /* BLE Advertisement-related macros */ #define BLE_ADV_TYPE_DEVINFO 0x01 #define BLE_ADV_TYPE_NAME 0x09 #define BLE_ADV_TYPE_MANUFACTURER 0xFF #define BLE_ADV_NAME_BUF_LEN 32 #define BLE_ADV_PAYLOAD_BUF_LEN 64 #define BLE_UUID_SIZE 16 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static unsigned char ble_params_buf[32] CC_ALIGN(4); static uint8_t ble_mode_on = RF_BLE_IDLE; static struct etimer ble_adv_et; static uint8_t payload[BLE_ADV_PAYLOAD_BUF_LEN]; static int p = 0; static int i; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef struct default_ble_tx_power_s { uint16_t ib:6; uint16_t gc:2; uint16_t boost:1; uint16_t temp_coeff:7; } default_ble_tx_power_t; static default_ble_tx_power_t tx_power = { 0x29, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* BLE beacond config */ static struct ble_beacond_config { clock_time_t interval; char adv_name[BLE_ADV_NAME_BUF_LEN]; } beacond_config = { .interval = BLE_ADV_INTERVAL }; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* BLE overrides */ static uint32_t ble_overrides[] = { 0x00364038, /* Synth: Set RTRIM (POTAILRESTRIM) to 6 */ 0x000784A3, /* Synth: Set FREF = 3.43 MHz (24 MHz / 7) */ 0xA47E0583, /* Synth: Set loop bandwidth after lock to 80 kHz (K2) */ 0xEAE00603, /* Synth: Set loop bandwidth after lock to 80 kHz (K3, LSB) */ 0x00010623, /* Synth: Set loop bandwidth after lock to 80 kHz (K3, MSB) */ 0x00456088, /* Adjust AGC reference level */ 0xFFFFFFFF, /* End of override list */ }; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PROCESS(rf_ble_beacon_process, "CC13xx / CC26xx RF BLE Beacon Process"); /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int send_ble_adv_nc(int channel, uint8_t *adv_payload, int adv_payload_len) { uint32_t cmd_status; rfc_CMD_BLE_ADV_NC_t cmd; rfc_bleAdvPar_t *params; params = (rfc_bleAdvPar_t *)ble_params_buf; /* Clear both buffers */ memset(&cmd, 0x00, sizeof(cmd)); memset(ble_params_buf, 0x00, sizeof(ble_params_buf)); /* Adv NC */ cmd.commandNo = CMD_BLE_ADV_NC; cmd.condition.rule = COND_NEVER; cmd.whitening.bOverride = 0; cmd.whitening.init = 0; cmd.pParams = params; cmd.channel = channel; /* Set up BLE Advertisement parameters */ params->pDeviceAddress = (uint16_t *)&linkaddr_node_addr.u8[LINKADDR_SIZE - 2]; params->endTrigger.triggerType = TRIG_NEVER; params->endTime = TRIG_NEVER; /* Set up BLE Advertisement parameters */ params = (rfc_bleAdvPar_t *)ble_params_buf; params->advLen = adv_payload_len; params->pAdvData = adv_payload; if(rf_core_send_cmd((uint32_t)&cmd, &cmd_status) == RF_CORE_CMD_ERROR) { PRINTF("send_ble_adv_nc: Chan=%d CMDSTA=0x%08lx, status=0x%04x\n", channel, cmd_status, cmd.status); return RF_CORE_CMD_ERROR; } /* Wait until the command is done */ if(rf_core_wait_cmd_done(&cmd) != RF_CORE_CMD_OK) { PRINTF("send_ble_adv_nc: Chan=%d CMDSTA=0x%08lx, status=0x%04x\n", channel, cmd_status, cmd.status); return RF_CORE_CMD_ERROR; } return RF_CORE_CMD_OK; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void rf_ble_beacond_config(clock_time_t interval, const char *name) { if(RF_BLE_ENABLED == 0) { return; } if(name != NULL) { if(strlen(name) == 0 || strlen(name) >= BLE_ADV_NAME_BUF_LEN) { return; } memset(beacond_config.adv_name, 0, BLE_ADV_NAME_BUF_LEN); memcpy(beacond_config.adv_name, name, strlen(name)); } if(interval != 0) { beacond_config.interval = interval; } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ uint8_t rf_ble_beacond_start() { if(RF_BLE_ENABLED == 0) { return RF_CORE_CMD_ERROR; } if(ti_lib_chipinfo_supports_ble() == false) { return RF_CORE_CMD_ERROR; } if(beacond_config.adv_name[0] == 0) { return RF_CORE_CMD_ERROR; } ble_mode_on = RF_BLE_IDLE; process_start(&rf_ble_beacon_process, NULL); return RF_CORE_CMD_OK; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ uint8_t rf_ble_is_active() { return ble_mode_on; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void rf_ble_beacond_stop() { process_exit(&rf_ble_beacon_process); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static uint8_t rf_radio_setup() { uint32_t cmd_status; rfc_CMD_RADIO_SETUP_t cmd; /* Create radio setup command */ rf_core_init_radio_op((rfc_radioOp_t *)&cmd, sizeof(cmd), CMD_RADIO_SETUP); cmd.txPower.IB = tx_power.ib; cmd.txPower.GC = tx_power.gc; cmd.txPower.tempCoeff = tx_power.temp_coeff; cmd.txPower.boost = tx_power.boost; cmd.pRegOverride = ble_overrides; cmd.mode = 0; /* Send Radio setup to RF Core */ if(rf_core_send_cmd((uint32_t)&cmd, &cmd_status) != RF_CORE_CMD_OK) { PRINTF("rf_radio_setup: CMDSTA=0x%08lx, status=0x%04x\n", cmd_status, cmd.status); return RF_CORE_CMD_ERROR; } /* Wait until radio setup is done */ if(rf_core_wait_cmd_done(&cmd) != RF_CORE_CMD_OK) { PRINTF("rf_radio_setup: wait, CMDSTA=0x%08lx, status=0x%04x\n", cmd_status, cmd.status); return RF_CORE_CMD_ERROR; } return RF_CORE_CMD_OK; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PROCESS_THREAD(rf_ble_beacon_process, ev, data) { uint8_t was_on; int j; uint32_t cmd_status; bool interrupts_disabled; PROCESS_BEGIN(); while(1) { etimer_set(&ble_adv_et, beacond_config.interval); PROCESS_WAIT_EVENT_UNTIL(etimer_expired(&ble_adv_et) || ev == PROCESS_EVENT_EXIT); if(ev == PROCESS_EVENT_EXIT) { PROCESS_EXIT(); } /* Set the adv payload each pass: The device name may have changed */ p = 0; /* device info */ memset(payload, 0, BLE_ADV_PAYLOAD_BUF_LEN); payload[p++] = 0x02; /* 2 bytes */ payload[p++] = BLE_ADV_TYPE_DEVINFO; payload[p++] = 0x1a; /* LE general discoverable + BR/EDR */ payload[p++] = 1 + strlen(beacond_config.adv_name); payload[p++] = BLE_ADV_TYPE_NAME; memcpy(&payload[p], beacond_config.adv_name, strlen(beacond_config.adv_name)); p += strlen(beacond_config.adv_name); for(i = 0; i < BLE_ADV_MESSAGES; i++) { /* * Under ContikiMAC, some IEEE-related operations will be called from an * interrupt context. We need those to see that we are in BLE mode. */ interrupts_disabled = ti_lib_int_master_disable(); ble_mode_on = RF_BLE_ACTIVE; if(!interrupts_disabled) { ti_lib_int_master_enable(); } /* * Send BLE_ADV_MESSAGES beacon bursts. Each burst on all three * channels, with a BLE_ADV_DUTY_CYCLE interval between bursts * * First, determine our state: * * If we are running NullRDC, we are likely in IEEE RX mode. We need to * abort the IEEE BG Op before entering BLE mode. * If we are ContikiMAC, we are likely off, in which case we need to * boot the CPE before entering BLE mode */ was_on = rf_core_is_accessible(); if(was_on) { /* * We were on: If we are in the process of receiving a frame, abort the * BLE beacon burst. Otherwise, terminate the primary radio Op so we * can switch to BLE mode */ if(NETSTACK_RADIO.receiving_packet()) { PRINTF("rf_ble_beacon_process: We were receiving\n"); /* Abort this pass */ break; } rf_core_primary_mode_abort(); } else { /* Request the HF XOSC to source the HF clock. */ oscillators_request_hf_xosc(); /* We were off: Boot the CPE */ if(rf_core_boot() != RF_CORE_CMD_OK) { PRINTF("rf_ble_beacon_process: rf_core_boot() failed\n"); /* Abort this pass */ break; } /* Trigger a switch to the XOSC, so that we can use the FS */ oscillators_switch_to_hf_xosc(); } /* Enter BLE mode */ if(rf_radio_setup() != RF_CORE_CMD_OK) { PRINTF("cc26xx_rf_ble_beacon_process: Error entering BLE mode\n"); /* Continue so we can at least try to restore our previous state */ } else { /* Send advertising packets on all 3 advertising channels */ for(j = 37; j <= 39; j++) { if(send_ble_adv_nc(j, payload, p) != RF_CORE_CMD_OK) { PRINTF("cc26xx_rf_ble_beacon_process: Channel=%d, " "Error advertising\n", j); /* Break the loop, but don't return just yet */ break; } } } /* Send a CMD_STOP command to RF Core */ if(rf_core_send_cmd(CMDR_DIR_CMD(CMD_STOP), &cmd_status) != RF_CORE_CMD_OK) { PRINTF("cc26xx_rf_ble_beacon_process: status=0x%08lx\n", cmd_status); /* Continue... */ } if(was_on) { /* We were on, go back to previous primary mode */ rf_core_primary_mode_restore(); } else { /* We were off. Shut back off */ rf_core_power_down(); /* Switch HF clock source to the RCOSC to preserve power */ oscillators_switch_to_hf_rc(); } etimer_set(&ble_adv_et, BLE_ADV_DUTY_CYCLE); interrupts_disabled = ti_lib_int_master_disable(); ble_mode_on = RF_BLE_IDLE; if(!interrupts_disabled) { ti_lib_int_master_enable(); } /* Wait unless this is the last burst */ if(i < BLE_ADV_MESSAGES - 1) { PROCESS_WAIT_EVENT_UNTIL(etimer_expired(&ble_adv_et)); } } interrupts_disabled = ti_lib_int_master_disable(); ble_mode_on = RF_BLE_IDLE; if(!interrupts_disabled) { ti_lib_int_master_enable(); } } PROCESS_END(); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * @} * @} */