/* * Copyright (c) 2005, Swedish Institute of Computer Science * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the Institute nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE INSTITUTE AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE INSTITUTE OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * This file is part of the Contiki operating system. * */ #include "contiki-net.h" #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> struct ip_hdr { /* IP header. */ uint8_t vhl, tos, len[2], ipid[2], ipoffset[2], ttl, proto; uint16_t ipchksum; uint8_t srcipaddr[4], destipaddr[4]; }; #define TCP_FIN 0x01 #define TCP_SYN 0x02 #define TCP_RST 0x04 #define TCP_PSH 0x08 #define TCP_ACK 0x10 #define TCP_URG 0x20 #define TCP_CTL 0x3f struct tcpip_hdr { /* IP header. */ uint8_t vhl, tos, len[2], ipid[2], ipoffset[2], ttl, proto; uint16_t ipchksum; uint8_t srcipaddr[4], destipaddr[4]; /* TCP header. */ uint16_t srcport, destport; uint8_t seqno[4], ackno[4], tcpoffset, flags, wnd[2]; uint16_t tcpchksum; uint8_t urgp[2]; uint8_t optdata[4]; }; #define ICMP_ECHO_REPLY 0 #define ICMP_ECHO 8 struct icmpip_hdr { /* IP header. */ uint8_t vhl, tos, len[2], ipid[2], ipoffset[2], ttl, proto; uint16_t ipchksum; uint8_t srcipaddr[4], destipaddr[4]; /* The ICMP and IP headers. */ /* ICMP (echo) header. */ uint8_t type, icode; uint16_t icmpchksum; uint16_t id, seqno; }; /* The UDP and IP headers. */ struct udpip_hdr { /* IP header. */ uint8_t vhl, tos, len[2], ipid[2], ipoffset[2], ttl, proto; uint16_t ipchksum; uint8_t srcipaddr[4], destipaddr[4]; /* UDP header. */ uint16_t srcport, destport; uint16_t udplen; uint16_t udpchksum; }; #define ETHBUF ((struct eth_hdr *)&packet[0]) #define IPBUF ((struct ip_hdr *)&packet[0]) #define UDPBUF ((struct udpip_hdr *)&packet[0]) #define ICMPBUF ((struct icmpip_hdr *)&packet[0]) #define TCPBUF ((struct tcpip_hdr *)&packet[0]) /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void tcpflags(unsigned char flags, char *flagsstr) { if(flags & TCP_FIN) { *flagsstr++ = 'F'; } if(flags & TCP_SYN) { *flagsstr++ = 'S'; } if(flags & TCP_RST) { *flagsstr++ = 'R'; } if(flags & TCP_ACK) { *flagsstr++ = 'A'; } if(flags & TCP_URG) { *flagsstr++ = 'U'; } *flagsstr = 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static char * n(uint16_t num, char *ptr) { uint16_t d; uint8_t a, f; if(num == 0) { *ptr = '0'; return ptr + 1; } else { f = 0; for(d = 10000; d >= 1; d /= 10) { a = (num / d) % 10; if(f == 1 || a > 0) { *ptr = a + '0'; ++ptr; f = 1; } } } return ptr; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static char * d(char *ptr) { *ptr = '.'; return ptr + 1; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static char * s(char *str, char *ptr) { strcpy(ptr, str); return ptr + strlen(str); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int tcpdump_format(uint8_t *packet, uint16_t packetlen, char *buf, uint16_t buflen) { char flags[8]; if(IPBUF->proto == UIP_PROTO_ICMP) { if(ICMPBUF->type == ICMP_ECHO) { return s(" ping", n(IPBUF->destipaddr[3], d( n(IPBUF->destipaddr[2], d( n(IPBUF->destipaddr[1], d( n(IPBUF->destipaddr[0], s(" ", n(IPBUF->srcipaddr[3], d( n(IPBUF->srcipaddr[2], d( n(IPBUF->srcipaddr[1], d( n(IPBUF->srcipaddr[0], buf)))))))))))))))) - buf; /* return sprintf(buf, "%d.%d.%d.%d %d.%d.%d.%d ping", IPBUF->srcipaddr[0], IPBUF->srcipaddr[1], IPBUF->srcipaddr[2], IPBUF->srcipaddr[3], IPBUF->destipaddr[0], IPBUF->destipaddr[1], IPBUF->destipaddr[2], IPBUF->destipaddr[3]);*/ } else if(ICMPBUF->type == ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) { return s(" pong", n(IPBUF->destipaddr[3], d( n(IPBUF->destipaddr[2], d( n(IPBUF->destipaddr[1], d( n(IPBUF->destipaddr[0], s(" ", n(IPBUF->srcipaddr[3], d( n(IPBUF->srcipaddr[2], d( n(IPBUF->srcipaddr[1], d( n(IPBUF->srcipaddr[0], buf)))))))))))))))) - buf; /* return sprintf(buf, "%d.%d.%d.%d %d.%d.%d.%d pong", IPBUF->srcipaddr[0], IPBUF->srcipaddr[1], IPBUF->srcipaddr[2], IPBUF->srcipaddr[3], IPBUF->destipaddr[0], IPBUF->destipaddr[1], IPBUF->destipaddr[2], IPBUF->destipaddr[3]);*/ } } else if(IPBUF->proto == UIP_PROTO_UDP) { return s(" UDP", n(uip_htons(UDPBUF->destport), d( n(IPBUF->destipaddr[3], d( n(IPBUF->destipaddr[2], d( n(IPBUF->destipaddr[1], d( n(IPBUF->destipaddr[0], s(" ", n(uip_htons(UDPBUF->srcport), d( n(IPBUF->srcipaddr[3], d( n(IPBUF->srcipaddr[2], d( n(IPBUF->srcipaddr[1], d( n(IPBUF->srcipaddr[0], buf)))))))))))))))))))) - buf; /* return sprintf(buf, "%d.%d.%d.%d.%d %d.%d.%d.%d.%d UDP", IPBUF->srcipaddr[0], IPBUF->srcipaddr[1], IPBUF->srcipaddr[2], IPBUF->srcipaddr[3], uip_htons(UDPBUF->srcport), IPBUF->destipaddr[0], IPBUF->destipaddr[1], IPBUF->destipaddr[2], IPBUF->destipaddr[3], uip_htons(UDPBUF->destport));*/ } else if(IPBUF->proto == UIP_PROTO_TCP) { tcpflags(TCPBUF->flags, flags); return s(flags, s(" ", n(uip_htons(TCPBUF->destport), d( n(IPBUF->destipaddr[3], d( n(IPBUF->destipaddr[2], d( n(IPBUF->destipaddr[1], d( n(IPBUF->destipaddr[0], s(" ", n(uip_htons(TCPBUF->srcport), d( n(IPBUF->srcipaddr[3], d( n(IPBUF->srcipaddr[2], d( n(IPBUF->srcipaddr[1], d( n(IPBUF->srcipaddr[0], buf))))))))))))))))))))) - buf; /* return sprintf(buf, "%d.%d.%d.%d.%d %d.%d.%d.%d.%d %s", IPBUF->srcipaddr[0], IPBUF->srcipaddr[1], IPBUF->srcipaddr[2], IPBUF->srcipaddr[3], uip_htons(TCPBUF->srcport), IPBUF->destipaddr[0], IPBUF->destipaddr[1], IPBUF->destipaddr[2], IPBUF->destipaddr[3], uip_htons(TCPBUF->destport), flags); */ } else { strcpy(buf, "Unrecognized protocol"); } return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/