; Remote NDIS template device setup file
; Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
; This is the template for the INF installation script 
; for the RNDIS-over-USB host driver.
; This INF works for Windows XP SP2, Windows XP x64, 
; Windows Server 2003 SP1 x86, x64, and ia64, and 
; Windows Vista x86 and x64.
; This INF will work with Windows XP, Windows XP SP1, 
; and Windows 2003 after applying specific hotfixes.

; Adapted for Raven USB Stick
; Works with Wireshark 1.2.0 and Winpcap 4.1 Beta5 on
; my AMD Phenom with Windows7x64
; David Kopf dak664@embarqmail.com June 2009

Signature           = "$Windows NT$"
Class               = Net
ClassGUID           = {4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
Provider            = %dak%
DriverVer           =09/25/2008,6.0.6000.16384
;CatalogFile        = device.cat

%dak%         = RndisDevices,NTx86,NTamd64,NTia64

; Decoration for x86 architecture
%RndisDevice%    = RNDIS.NT.5.1, USB\VID_03EB&PID_2021&MI_00

; Decoration for x64 architecture
%RndisDevice%    = RNDIS.NT.5.1, USB\VID_03EB&PID_2021&MI_00

; Decoration for ia64 architecture
%RndisDevice%    = RNDIS.NT.5.1, USB\VID_03EB&PID_2021&MI_00

;@@@ This is the common setting for setup

; DDInstall section
; References the in-build Netrndis.inf
Characteristics = 0x84   ; NCF_PHYSICAL + NCF_HAS_UI
BusType         = 15
include         = netrndis.inf
needs           = Usb_Rndis.ndi
AddReg          = Rndis_AddReg_Vista

; DDInstal.Services section
include     = netrndis.inf
needs       = Usb_Rndis.ndi.Services

; Optional registry settings. You can modify as needed.
HKR, NDI\params\rawmode,      ParamDesc,  0, %RAWMODE%
HKR, NDI\params\rawmode,      base,       0, "10"
HKR, NDI\params\rawmode,      type,       0, "enum"
HKR, NDI\params\rawmode,      default,    0, "0"
HKR, NDI\params\rawmode\enum, "0",        0, "Off"
HKR, NDI\params\rawmode\enum, "1",        0, "On"

; No sys copyfiles - the sys files are already in-build 
; (part of the operating system).

; Modify these strings for your device as needed.
dak             = "dak"
RndisDevice           = "Atmel RAVEN USB Stick"
RAWMODE               = "Raw 802.15.4 Mode"