/* * Copyright (c) 2007, Swedish Institute of Computer Science * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the Institute nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE INSTITUTE AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE INSTITUTE OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * This file is part of the Contiki operating system. * * @(#)$Id: simple-cc2420.c,v 1.5 2007/04/03 19:05:44 adamdunkels Exp $ */ /* * This code is almost device independent and should be easy to port. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "contiki.h" #if defined(__AVR__) #include <avr/io.h> #elif defined(__MSP430__) #include <io.h> #endif /* #include "dev/leds.h" */ #include "dev/spi.h" #include "dev/simple-cc2420.h" #include "dev/cc2420_const.h" #define FOOTER1_CRC_OK 0x80 #define FOOTER1_CORRELATION 0x7f #if 0 #define PRINTF(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__) #else #define PRINTF(...) do {} while (0) #endif /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PROCESS(simple_cc2420_process, "CC2420 driver"); /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void (* receiver_callback)(void); signed char simple_cc2420_last_rssi; u8_t simple_cc2420_last_correlation; static u8_t receive_on; /* Radio stuff in network byte order. */ static u16_t pan_id; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static unsigned getreg(enum cc2420_register regname) { unsigned reg; int s = splhigh(); FASTSPI_GETREG(regname, reg); splx(s); return reg; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void setreg(enum cc2420_register regname, unsigned value) { int s = splhigh(); FASTSPI_SETREG(regname, value); splx(s); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void strobe(enum cc2420_register regname) { int s = splhigh(); FASTSPI_STROBE(regname); splx(s); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static unsigned status(void) { u8_t status; int s = splhigh(); FASTSPI_UPD_STATUS(status); splx(s); return status; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define AUTOACK (1 << 4) #define ADR_DECODE (1 << 11) #define RXFIFO_PROTECTION (1 << 9) #define CORR_THR(n) (((n) & 0x1f) << 6) #define FIFOP_THR(n) ((n) & 0x7f) #define RXBPF_LOCUR (1 << 13); /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void simple_cc2420_set_receiver(void (* recv)(void)) { receiver_callback = recv; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void simple_cc2420_init(void) { u16_t reg; { int s = splhigh(); __cc2420_arch_init(); /* Initalize ports and SPI. */ DISABLE_FIFOP_INT(); FIFOP_INT_INIT(); splx(s); } /* Turn on voltage regulator and reset. */ SET_VREG_ACTIVE(); //clock_delay(250); OK SET_RESET_ACTIVE(); clock_delay(127); SET_RESET_INACTIVE(); //clock_delay(125); OK /* Turn on the crystal oscillator. */ strobe(CC2420_SXOSCON); /* Turn off automatic packet acknowledgment. */ reg = getreg(CC2420_MDMCTRL0); reg &= ~AUTOACK; setreg(CC2420_MDMCTRL0, reg); /* Turn off address decoding. */ reg = getreg(CC2420_MDMCTRL0); reg &= ~ADR_DECODE; setreg(CC2420_MDMCTRL0, reg); /* Change default values as recomended in the data sheet, */ /* correlation threshold = 20, RX bandpass filter = 1.3uA. */ setreg(CC2420_MDMCTRL1, CORR_THR(20)); reg = getreg(CC2420_RXCTRL1); reg |= RXBPF_LOCUR; setreg(CC2420_RXCTRL1, reg); /* Set the FIFOP threshold to maximum. */ setreg(CC2420_IOCFG0, FIFOP_THR(127)); /* Turn off "Security enable" (page 32). */ reg = getreg(CC2420_SECCTRL0); reg &= ~RXFIFO_PROTECTION; setreg(CC2420_SECCTRL0, reg); simple_cc2420_set_chan_pan_addr(11, 0xffff, 0x0000, NULL); process_start(&simple_cc2420_process, NULL); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int simple_cc2420_send(const u8_t *payload, u8_t payload_len) { u8_t spiStatusByte; int s, i; /* struct hdr_802_15::len shall *not* be counted, thus the -1. * 2 == sizeof(footer). */ /* if(((hdr_len - 1) + payload_len + 2) > MAX_PACKET_LEN) { return -1; }*/ /* This code uses the CC2420 CCA (Clear Channel Assessment) to * implement Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance * (CSMA-CA) and requires the receiver to be enabled and ready. */ if(!receive_on) { return -2; } /* Wait for previous transmission to finish and RSSI. */ do { spiStatusByte = status(); if(!(spiStatusByte & BV(CC2420_RSSI_VALID))) { /* RSSI needed by CCA */ continue; } } while(spiStatusByte & BV(CC2420_TX_ACTIVE)); #if 0 hdr->dst_pan = pan_id; /* Not at fixed position! xxx/bg */ last_correspondent = hdr->dst; /* Not dst either. */ last_used_seq++; hdr->seq = last_used_seq; cc2420_ack_received = 0; #endif /* Write packet to TX FIFO, appending FCS if AUTOCRC is enabled. */ strobe(CC2420_SFLUSHTX); /* Cancel send that never started. */ s = splhigh(); /* FASTSPI_WRITE_FIFO(hdr, hdr_len);*/ { u8_t total_len = payload_len + 2; /* 2 bytes footer. */ FASTSPI_WRITE_FIFO(&total_len, 1); } FASTSPI_WRITE_FIFO(payload, payload_len); splx(s); PRINTF("simple_cc2420_send: wrote %d bytes\n", payload_len); /* if(hdr->dst == 0xffff) { int i; for(i = 1; i < 3; i++) { if(do_send() >= 0) { return 0; } clock_delay(i*256); } }*/ if(FIFOP_IS_1 && !FIFO_IS_1) { /* RXFIFO overflow, send on retransmit. */ PRINTF("rxfifo overflow!\n"); return -4; } /* The TX FIFO can only hold one packet! Make sure to not overrun * FIFO by waiting for transmission to start here and synchronizing * with the CC2420_TX_ACTIVE check in cc2420_send. * * Note that we may have to wait up to 320 us (20 symbols) before * transmission starts. */ #ifdef TMOTE_SKY #define LOOP_20_SYMBOLS 100 /* 326us (msp430 @ 2.4576MHz) */ #elif __AVR__ #define LOOP_20_SYMBOLS 500 /* XXX */ #endif strobe(CC2420_STXONCCA); for(i = LOOP_20_SYMBOLS; i > 0; i--) { if(SFD_IS_1) { PRINTF("simple_cc2420: do_send() transmission has started\n"); return 0; /* Transmission has started. */ } } PRINTF("simple_cc2420: do_send() transmission never started\n"); return -3; /* Transmission never started! */ } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void simple_cc2420_off(void) { u8_t spiStatusByte; if(receive_on == 0) { return; } receive_on = 0; /* Wait for transmission to end before turning radio off. */ do { spiStatusByte = status(); } while(spiStatusByte & BV(CC2420_TX_ACTIVE)); strobe(CC2420_SRFOFF); DISABLE_FIFOP_INT(); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void simple_cc2420_on(void) { if(receive_on) { return; } receive_on = 1; strobe(CC2420_SRXON); strobe(CC2420_SFLUSHRX); ENABLE_FIFOP_INT(); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void simple_cc2420_set_chan_pan_addr(unsigned channel, /* 11 - 26 */ unsigned pan, unsigned addr, const u8_t *ieee_addr) { /* * Subtract the base channel (11), multiply by 5, which is the * channel spacing. 357 is 2405-2048 and 0x4000 is LOCK_THR = 1. */ u8_t spiStatusByte; u16_t f = channel; int s; f = 5*(f - 11) + 357 + 0x4000; /* * Writing RAM requires crystal oscillator to be stable. */ do { spiStatusByte = status(); } while(!(spiStatusByte & (BV(CC2420_XOSC16M_STABLE)))); pan_id = pan; setreg(CC2420_FSCTRL, f); s = splhigh(); FASTSPI_WRITE_RAM_LE(&pan, CC2420RAM_PANID, 2, f); FASTSPI_WRITE_RAM_LE(&addr, CC2420RAM_SHORTADDR, 2, f); if(ieee_addr != NULL) { FASTSPI_WRITE_RAM_LE(ieee_addr, CC2420RAM_IEEEADDR, 8, f); } splx(s); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static volatile u8_t rx_fifo_remaining_bytes; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void radio_on(void) { simple_cc2420_on(); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void radio_off(void) { /* Turn the receiver off, but only if we have not recently received a packet. */ if(rx_fifo_remaining_bytes == 0) { simple_cc2420_off(); } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * Interrupt either leaves frame intact in FIFO or reads *only* the * MAC header and sets rx_fifo_remaining_bytes. * * In order to quickly empty the FIFO ack processing is done at * interrupt priority rather than poll priority. */ int __cc2420_intr(void) { u8_t length; /* const u8_t *const ack_footer = (u8_t *)&h.dst_pan;*/ CLEAR_FIFOP_INT(); if(spi_busy || rx_fifo_remaining_bytes > 0) { /* SPI bus hardware is currently used elsewhere (UART0 or I2C bus) * or we already have a packet in the works and will have to defer * interrupt processing of this packet in a fake interrupt. */ process_poll(&simple_cc2420_process); return 1; } FASTSPI_READ_FIFO_BYTE(length); if(length > SIMPLE_CC2420_MAX_PACKET_LEN) { /* Oops, we must be out of sync. */ FASTSPI_STROBE(CC2420_SFLUSHRX); FASTSPI_STROBE(CC2420_SFLUSHRX); return 0; } /* The payload and footer is now left in the RX FIFO and will be * picked up asynchronously at poll priority in the cc2420_process * below. */ rx_fifo_remaining_bytes = length; process_poll(&simple_cc2420_process); return 1; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PROCESS_THREAD(simple_cc2420_process, ev, data) { PROCESS_BEGIN(); while(1) { PROCESS_YIELD(); if(receiver_callback != NULL) { receiver_callback(); } else { PRINTF("simple_cc2420_process dropping %d bytes\n", rx_fifo_remaining_bytes); if(rx_fifo_remaining_bytes > 0) { int s; s = splhigh(); FASTSPI_READ_FIFO_GARBAGE(rx_fifo_remaining_bytes); rx_fifo_remaining_bytes = 0; /* RX FIFO emptied! */ splx(s); } } } PROCESS_END(); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int simple_cc2420_read(u8_t *buf, u8_t bufsize) { u8_t footer[2]; int len; int s; len = rx_fifo_remaining_bytes; if(len > 0) { /* Read payload and two bytes of footer */ if(len > bufsize) { PRINTF("simple_cc2420_poll too big len=%d\n", len); s = splhigh(); FASTSPI_READ_FIFO_GARBAGE(len); rx_fifo_remaining_bytes = 0; /* RX FIFO emptied! */ splx(s); len = 2; /* We eventually return len - 2 */ } else { s = splhigh(); FASTSPI_READ_FIFO_NO_WAIT(buf, len - 2); FASTSPI_READ_FIFO_NO_WAIT(footer, 2); rx_fifo_remaining_bytes = 0; /* RX FIFO emptied! */ splx(s); if(footer[1] & FOOTER1_CRC_OK) { simple_cc2420_last_rssi = footer[0]; simple_cc2420_last_correlation = footer[1] & FOOTER1_CORRELATION; /* if((h.fc0 & FC0_TYPE_MASK) == FC0_TYPE_DATA) { uip_len = len - 2; }*/ } } } /* Clean up in case of FIFO overflow! This happens for every full * length frame and is signaled by FIFOP = 1 and FIFO = 0. */ if(FIFOP_IS_1 && !FIFO_IS_1) { strobe(CC2420_SFLUSHRX); strobe(CC2420_SFLUSHRX); } if(FIFOP_IS_1) { s = splhigh(); __cc2420_intr(); /* Fake interrupt! */ splx(s); } return len - 2; /* Remove two bytes for the footer. */ } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/