# Sensinode CC2430 platform makefile # Supported products: N100, N600, N601, N710, N711 # Support for N740 is experimental. # We support defines for product models using the following format # e.g. MODEL_N601. Run make TARGET=sensinode DEFINES=MODEL_N601 to # automatically configure the correct LED, button, UART etc. settings # for that product model. If undefined, MODEL_N100 is chosen by default. # Model settings are defined in /dev/models.h # make sensinode.upload - Will use nano_programmer to upload file using D2xx Devboard # make sensinode.serialdump - Will use the Contiki serialdump tool on the default UART # make foo.model - Will copy foo.ihx to foo-XYZ.ihx (e.g. foo-n740.ihx) PATH:=$(CONTIKI)/platform/$(TARGET)/tools/bin:$(PATH) export PATH ifndef CONTIKI $(error CONTIKI not defined! You must specify where CONTIKI resides!) endif # Determine our model and (later on) add it as part of the .ihx filename # Handy when building for various models so we can easily tell which ihx # is for what model. # Defaults to N100 (which is what the contiki code does as well) MODEL_SUFFIX=n100 ifdef DEFINES MODEL_SUFFIX=$(patsubst MODEL_N%,n%, \ $(filter MODEL_%,$(subst $(COMMA), ,$(DEFINES)))) endif # Define the default UART for tools and tool commands DEFUART = /dev/ttyUSB0 PROG = $(CONTIKI)/tools/sensinode/nano_programmer/nano_programmer -d $(DEFUART) SERIALDUMP = $(CONTIKI)/tools/sky/serialdump-linux -b115200 $(DEFUART) CONTIKI_TARGET_DIRS = . dev CONTIKI_TARGET_MAIN = $(addprefix $(OBJECTDIR)/,contiki-sensinode-main.rel) CONTIKI_TARGET_SOURCEFILES = contiki-sensinode-main.c CONTIKI_TARGET_SOURCEFILES += leds.c leds-arch.c serial-line.c sensors.c CONTIKI_TARGET_SOURCEFILES += sensinode-sensors.c button-sensor.c adc-sensor.c CONTIKI_TARGET_SOURCEFILES += n740.c models.c m25p16.c slip-arch.c slip.c CONTIKI_TARGET_SOURCEFILES += putchar.c debug.c CONTIKI_SOURCEFILES += $(CONTIKI_TARGET_SOURCEFILES) CLEAN += *.sensinode ifeq ($(UIP_CONF_IPV6),1) ifeq ($(OFFSET_FIRMWARE),1) CFLAGS += -DDISCO_ENABLED=1 CONTIKI_TARGET_SOURCEFILES += disco.c endif CONTIKI_TARGET_SOURCEFILES += viztool.c endif FORCE: # .sensinode target so we can behave similar to other targets # Lastly, it will create a %-$(MODEL).ihx file %.$(TARGET): %.hex FORCE cp $< $(<:.hex=.$(TARGET)) if [ -f $(<:.hex=.ihx) ] ; then \ cp $(<:.hex=.ihx) $(<:.hex=-$(MODEL_SUFFIX).ihx); fi @echo "\nReport" @echo "===============" @echo 'Code footprint:' @echo 'Area Addr Size' \ ' Decimal' @echo '---------------------------------- -------- --------' \ ' --------' @echo -n 'HOME,CSEG,CONST,XINIT,GS* $(HOME_START) ' @egrep ',CODE\)' $(<:.hex=.map) | egrep -v '(^BANK[1-9][^=])' | uniq | \ awk '{ SUM += $$5 } END { printf "%08X = %8d", SUM, SUM }' @echo '. bytes (REL,CON,CODE)' @egrep '(^BANK[1-9][^=])' $(<:.hex=.map) | uniq | sort @egrep -A 5 'Other memory' $(<:.hex=.mem) %.upload: %.hex $(PROG) -P $< sensinode.serialdump: $(SERIALDUMP) ### Define the CPU directory CONTIKI_CPU=$(CONTIKI)/cpu/cc2430 include $(CONTIKI)/cpu/cc2430/Makefile.cc2430 contiki-$(TARGET).a:# $(addprefix $(OBJECTDIR)/,symbols.rel) MODULES += core/net/ipv6 core/net/ip core/net/rime core/net core/net/mac core/net/rpl \ core/net/llsec