#include <stepper-process.h> #include <stepper-steps.h> #include <stepper.h> #include <stepper-move.h> #include <string.h> #include <interrupt-utils.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <net/uip.h> #include <dev/cc2420.h> #undef putchar static unsigned int parse_uint_hex(const char **pp, const char *end) { unsigned int v = 0; while(*pp < end) { char ch; if ((ch = **pp) >= '0' && ch <= '9') { v = v* 16 + (ch - '0'); } else if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F') { v = v* 16 + (ch - 'A') + 10; } else break; (*pp)++; } return v; } static int parse_int_hex(const char **pp, const char *end) { if (*pp == end) return 0; if (**pp == '-') { (*pp)++; return -parse_uint_hex(pp, end); } else { return parse_uint_hex(pp, end); } } static void skip_white(const char **pp, const char *end) { char ch; while(*pp < end && ((ch = **pp) == ' ' || ch == '\t')) (*pp)++; } static const char hex_chars[] = {'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F'}; static void format_uint_hex(char **str, char *end, unsigned int v) { char buffer[10]; char *p = buffer+10; if (*str == end) return; if (v == 0) { *(*str)++ = '0'; return; } while(v > 0) { *--p = hex_chars[v&0xf]; v >>= 4; } while((p < buffer+10) && (*str < end)) { *(*str)++ = *p++; } } static void format_int_hex(char **str, char *end, int v) { if (v < 0) { if (*str == end) return; *(*str)++ = '-'; v = -v; } format_uint_hex(str, end, v); } static void format_ull_hex(char **str, char *end, unsigned long long int v) { char buffer[16]; char *p = buffer+10; if (*str == end) return; if (v == 0) { *(*str)++ = '0'; return; } while(v > 0) { *--p = hex_chars[v&0xf]; v >>= 4; } while((p < buffer+10) && (*str < end)) { *(*str)++ = *p++; } } static void format_ll_hex(char **str, char *end, long long v) { if (v < 0) { if (*str == end) return; *(*str)++ = '-'; v = -v; } format_ull_hex(str, end, v); } typedef struct _ReplyBuffer ReplyBuffer; struct _ReplyBuffer { char buffer[70]; /* Should be small enough to fit in one packet */ char *write; }; static ReplyBuffer tcp_reply; static ReplyBuffer udp_reply; #define REPLY_BUFFER_END(reply) ((reply)->buffer+sizeof((reply)->buffer)) #define REPLY_BUFFER_LEFT(reply) \ ((reply)->buffer+sizeof((reply)->buffer) - (reply)->write) static void reply_char(ReplyBuffer *reply, char c) { if (REPLY_BUFFER_LEFT(reply) > 0) { *reply->write++ = c; } } static void reply_str(ReplyBuffer *reply, char *str) { while(reply->write < REPLY_BUFFER_END(reply) && *str != '\0') *reply->write++ = *str++; } static void stepper_reply(ReplyBuffer *reply, StepperResult res) { switch(res) { case STEPPER_OK: reply_str(reply, "OK"); break; case STEPPER_ERR_MEM: reply_str(reply, "ERR MEM"); break; case STEPPER_ERR_TOO_LATE: reply_str(reply, "ERR LATE"); break; case STEPPER_ERR_INDEX: /* Sholdn't happen here */ reply_str(reply, "ERR INDEX"); break; default: reply_str(reply, "ERR"); } reply_char(reply, '\n'); } #define CHECK_INPUT_LEFT(x) \ do {\ if ((x) > inend - input_line) {reply_str(reply, "ERR\n");return 0;}\ } while(0) static int handle_line(const char *input_line, const char *inend, ReplyBuffer *reply) { unsigned long when; #if 0 { const char *p = input_line; printf("Got line: '"); while(p < inend) { putchar(*p++); } printf("'\n"); fsync(1); } #endif skip_white(&input_line, inend); CHECK_INPUT_LEFT(1); if (*input_line == '#') { input_line++; reply_char(reply, '#'); while (input_line < inend &&*input_line != ' ') { reply_char(reply, *input_line++); } reply_char(reply, ' '); } skip_white(&input_line, inend); if (*input_line == '@') { input_line++; when = parse_uint_hex(&input_line, inend); } else { when = stepper_current_period() + 3; } skip_white(&input_line, inend); CHECK_INPUT_LEFT(1); if (input_line[0] == 'L' || input_line[0] == 'R') { unsigned int stepper_index = (input_line[0] == 'R' ? 1 : 0); CHECK_INPUT_LEFT(1); input_line++; if (input_line[0] == 'S') { int speed; input_line++; if (input_line == inend) { /* printf("Speed: %ld\n", stepper_current_velocity(stepper_index)/VEL_SCALE);*/ reply_char(reply, input_line[-2]); reply_char(reply, 'S'); format_int_hex(&reply->write, REPLY_BUFFER_END(reply), stepper_current_velocity(stepper_index)/VEL_SCALE); reply_char(reply, '\n'); } else { speed = parse_int_hex(&input_line, inend); if (*input_line == ',') { StepperResult res; unsigned int acc; input_line++; acc = parse_uint_hex(&input_line, inend); /* printf("Speed=%d, Acc=%u\n", speed, acc); */ res = stepper_set_velocity(stepper_index, &when, acc, speed*VEL_SCALE); stepper_reply(reply, res); } else { reply_str(reply, "ERR\n"); } } } else if (input_line[0] == 'C') { reply_char(reply, input_line[-1]); reply_char(reply, 'C'); format_ll_hex(&reply->write, REPLY_BUFFER_END(reply), stepper_current_step(stepper_index)); reply_char(reply, '\n'); } else if (input_line[0] == 'M') { unsigned int speed; unsigned int acc; int move; input_line++; speed = parse_uint_hex(&input_line, inend); CHECK_INPUT_LEFT(1); if (*input_line == ',') { input_line++; acc = parse_uint_hex(&input_line, inend); if (*input_line == ',') { StepperResult res; input_line++; move = parse_int_hex(&input_line, inend); /*printf("Speed=%u, Acc=%u, Move=%d\n", speed, acc, move);*/ res = stepper_move(stepper_index, &when, acc,speed*VEL_SCALE,move*DIST_SCALE); stepper_reply(reply, res); } else { reply_str(reply, "ERR\n"); } } else { reply_str(reply, "ERR\n"); } } else { reply_str(reply, "ERR\n"); } } else if (input_line[0] == 'E') { STEPPER_ENABLE(); printf("Stepper enabled\n"); reply_str(reply, "OK\n"); } else if (input_line[0] == 'D') { STEPPER_DISABLE(); printf("Stepper disabled\n"); reply_str(reply, "OK\n"); } else if (input_line[0] == 'p') { reply_char(reply, 'p'); format_int_hex(&reply->write, REPLY_BUFFER_END(reply), cc2420_last_rssi); reply_char(reply, ','); format_uint_hex(&reply->write, REPLY_BUFFER_END(reply), cc2420_last_correlation); reply_char(reply, '\n'); } else if (input_line[0] == 'T') { reply_char(reply, 'T'); format_int_hex(&reply->write, REPLY_BUFFER_END(reply), stepper_current_period()); reply_char(reply, '\n'); } else if (input_line[0] == 'q') { return 1; } else { reply_str(reply, "ERR\n"); } return 0; } static unsigned int transmit_len = 0; static void send_reply() { if (transmit_len == 0) { transmit_len = tcp_reply.write - tcp_reply.buffer; if (transmit_len > 0) { /* printf("Sending len = %d\n", transmit_len); */ uip_send(tcp_reply.buffer, transmit_len); } } } static void handle_connection() { static char exiting = 0; static char line_buffer[100]; static char *line_end; if (uip_connected()) { exiting = 0; transmit_len = 0; line_end = line_buffer; tcp_reply.write = tcp_reply.buffer; reply_str(&tcp_reply, "Ready\n"); send_reply(); } if (uip_acked()) { if (tcp_reply.write - tcp_reply.buffer > transmit_len) { memmove(tcp_reply.buffer, tcp_reply.buffer + transmit_len, tcp_reply.write - tcp_reply.buffer - transmit_len); } tcp_reply.write -= transmit_len; /* printf("Acked: %d left\n", reply_buffer.write-reply_buffer.buffer); */ transmit_len = 0; if (exiting && tcp_reply.write == tcp_reply.buffer) { uip_close(); exiting = 0; } } if (uip_newdata()) { const char *read_pos = uip_appdata; const char *read_end = read_pos + uip_len; /* printf("Got data\n"); */ while(read_pos < read_end) { if (line_end == line_buffer+sizeof(line_buffer)) { /* Buffer too small, just discard everything */ line_end = line_buffer; } *line_end++ = *read_pos++; if (line_end[-1] == '\n' || line_end[-1] == '\r' || line_end[-1] == ';'){ if (line_end - 1 != line_buffer) { if (handle_line(line_buffer, line_end - 1, &tcp_reply)) { send_reply(); /* Postpone closing if there's reply data left to be sent. */ if (transmit_len == 0) uip_close(); else exiting = 1; break; } } line_end = line_buffer; } } send_reply(); } if (uip_poll()) { send_reply(); } if(uip_rexmit()) { printf("Retransmit\n"); if (transmit_len > 0) uip_send(tcp_reply.buffer, transmit_len); } } PROCESS(udp_stepper_process, "UDP stepper process"); PROCESS_THREAD(udp_stepper_process, ev, data) { static struct etimer timer; static struct uip_udp_conn *conn; static char listening = 1; /* Listen for connections from anyone */ static uip_ipaddr_t any; PROCESS_EXITHANDLER(goto exit); PROCESS_BEGIN(); printf("udp_stepper_process starting\n"); uip_ipaddr(&any, 0,0,0,0); conn = udp_new(&any, HTONS(0), NULL); if (!conn) goto exit; uip_udp_bind(conn, HTONS(1010)); etimer_set(&timer, CLOCK_SECOND*2); while(1) { PROCESS_YIELD(); if(ev == tcpip_event) { if (uip_newdata()) { struct uip_udpip_hdr *header = (struct uip_udpip_hdr *)uip_buf; const char *line_start = uip_appdata; const char *line_end = line_start; const char *packet_end = line_start + uip_len; udp_reply.write = udp_reply.buffer; while(line_end < packet_end) { if (*line_end == '\n' || *line_end == '\r' || *line_end == ';' ) { if (line_end != line_start) { handle_line(line_start, line_end, &udp_reply); } line_start = line_end+1; } line_end++; } /* Check if we are connected to a client, if not reconnect */ if (listening) { uip_udp_remove(conn); conn = udp_new(&header->srcipaddr, header->srcport, &conn); if (!conn) goto exit; uip_udp_bind(conn, HTONS(1010)); listening = 0; } etimer_reset(&timer); tcpip_poll_udp(conn); } else if (uip_poll()) { if (data == &conn) { uip_send(udp_reply.buffer, udp_reply.write - udp_reply.buffer); /* printf("sent %ld\n", udp_reply.write - udp_reply.buffer); */ } } } else if (ev == PROCESS_EVENT_TIMER) { uip_udp_remove(conn); conn = udp_new(&any, HTONS(0), NULL); if (!conn) goto exit; uip_udp_bind(conn, HTONS(1010)); listening = 1; } } exit: /* Contiki does automatic garbage collection of uIP state and we * need not worry about that. */ printf("udprecv_process exiting\n"); PROCESS_END(); } static const uint32_t stepper0_steps_acc[] = MICRO_STEP(0,3); static const uint32_t stepper0_steps_run[] = MICRO_STEP(0,2); static const uint32_t stepper0_steps_hold[] = MICRO_STEP(0,1); static const uint32_t stepper1_steps_acc[] = MICRO_STEP(1,3); static const uint32_t stepper1_steps_run[] = MICRO_STEP(1,2); static const uint32_t stepper1_steps_hold[] = MICRO_STEP(1,1); static StepperAccSeq seq_heap[40]; static void init_seq_heap() { unsigned int i; for(i = 0; i < sizeof(seq_heap)/sizeof(seq_heap[0]); i++) { seq_heap[i].next = NULL; stepper_free_seq(&seq_heap[i]); } } static void robot_stepper_init() { disableIRQ(); init_seq_heap(); stepper_init(AT91C_BASE_TC0, AT91C_ID_TC0); *AT91C_PIOA_OER = STEPPER_INHIBIT; *AT91C_PIOA_MDER = STEPPER_INHIBIT; /* | STEPPER0_IOMASK; */ *AT91C_PIOA_CODR = STEPPER_INHIBIT; stepper_init_io(1, STEPPER_IOMASK(0), stepper0_steps_acc, stepper0_steps_run, stepper0_steps_hold, (sizeof(stepper0_steps_run) / sizeof(stepper0_steps_run[0]))); stepper_init_io(0, STEPPER_IOMASK(1), stepper1_steps_acc, stepper1_steps_run, stepper1_steps_hold, (sizeof(stepper1_steps_run) / sizeof(stepper1_steps_run[0]))); enableIRQ(); } PROCESS(stepper_process, "Stepper control process"); PROCESS_THREAD(stepper_process, ev, data) { PROCESS_EXITHANDLER(goto exit); PROCESS_BEGIN(); robot_stepper_init(); tcp_listen(HTONS(1010)); process_start(&udp_stepper_process, NULL); printf("Stepper starting\n"); while(1) { PROCESS_WAIT_EVENT_UNTIL(ev == tcpip_event); if(uip_connected()) { /* printf("connected\n"); */ handle_connection(); /* Initialise parser */ while(!(uip_aborted() || uip_closed() || uip_timedout())) { PROCESS_WAIT_EVENT_UNTIL(ev == tcpip_event); handle_connection(); } } printf("disconnected\n"); } exit: /* Contiki does automatic garbage collection of uIP state and we * need not worry about that. */ printf("Stepper exiting\n"); PROCESS_END(); }