; Native: Shawn Jefferson, December 2005 ; POSIX: Stefan Haubenthal, April 2008 .include "atari.inc" .export _opendir, _readdir, _closedir .import findfreeiocb, clriocb .import __oserror, return0, __do_oserror .importzp ptr1, tmp1 .ifdef DEFAULT_DEVICE .import __defdev .endif .proc _opendir sta ptr1 stx ptr1+1 jsr findfreeiocb beq @iocbok bne cioerr @iocbok: stx diriocb jsr clriocb ldx diriocb ldy #0 ; '.' -> "D:*.*" lda (ptr1),y cmp #'.' bne @use_parm ; "." was given as parameter, use default device/dir .ifdef DEFAULT_DEVICE ; construct a "Dn:*.*" like string from the default drive lda __defdev+1 sta dddefdev+1 ; copy drive number (overwrite 2nd 'D') lda #<dddefdev sta ICBAL,x lda #>dddefdev sta ICBAH,x bne @cont .else lda #<defdev sta ICBAL,x lda #>defdev sta ICBAH,x bne @cont .endif @use_parm: lda ptr1 sta ICBAL,x lda ptr1+1 sta ICBAH,x @cont: lda #OPEN sta ICCOM,x lda #OPNIN|DIRECT sta ICAX1,x jsr CIOV bmi cioerr lda #0 sta __oserror tax lda diriocb rts .endproc cioerr: sty __oserror jmp return0 .proc _readdir tax lda #GETREC sta ICCOM,x lda #<entry sta ICBAL,x sta ptr1 lda #>entry sta ICBAH,x sta ptr1+1 lda #DSCTSZ sta ICBLL,x lda #0 sta ICBLH,x jsr CIOV bmi cioerr ldy #0 ; FREE SECTORS lda (ptr1),y cmp #'0' bcs cioerr dey @next: iny ; remove trailing spaces iny iny lda (ptr1),y dey dey sta (ptr1),y cpy #9 bcs @break cmp #' ' bne @next @break: lda #'.' ; extension dot sta (ptr1),y iny ; copy extension sty tmp1 ldy #10 lda (ptr1),y cmp #' ' bne @hasext ; no extension present: remove the trailing dot and be done ldy tmp1 dey bne @done @hasext: jsr copychar ldy #11 jsr copychar ldy #12 jsr copychar @done: lda #0 ; end of string sta (ptr1),y lda ptr1 ldx ptr1+1 rts copychar: lda (ptr1),y ; src=y dest=tmp1 ldy tmp1 cmp #' ' beq @break sta (ptr1),y iny sty tmp1 @break: rts .endproc .proc _closedir tax lda #CLOSE sta ICCOM,x jsr CIOV bmi @cioerr ldx #0 stx __oserror ; clear system specific error code txa rts @cioerr: jmp __do_oserror .endproc .data .ifdef DEFAULT_DEVICE dddefdev: .byte "D" .endif defdev: .asciiz "D:*.*" .bss diriocb: .res 1 entry: .res DSCTSZ