/* * Copyright (c) 2004, Adam Dunkels. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the Institute nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE INSTITUTE AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE INSTITUTE OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * This file is part of the Contiki operating system. * * Author: Adam Dunkels <adam@sics.se> * * $Id: ftp.c,v 1.10 2010/10/19 18:29:03 adamdunkels Exp $ */ /* Note to self: It would be nice to have a "View" option in the download dialog. */ #include <string.h> #include <stddef.h> #include "ftpc.h" #include "contiki.h" #include "ctk/ctk.h" #include "cfs/cfs.h" #include "net/resolv.h" #define MAX_USERNAMELEN 16 #define MAX_PASSWORDLEN 16 #define MAX_HOSTNAMELEN 32 #ifdef FTP_CONF_WIDTH #define FILES_WIDTH FTP_CONF_WIDTH #define MAX_FILENAMELEN FTP_CONF_WIDTH #else #define FILES_WIDTH 16 #define MAX_FILENAMELEN 16 #endif #ifdef FTP_CONF_HEIGHT #define FILES_HEIGHT FTP_CONF_HEIGHT #else #define FILES_HEIGHT 18 #endif PROCESS(ftp_process, "FTP client"); AUTOSTART_PROCESSES(&ftp_process); static void *connection; /* --- The main window --- */ static struct ctk_window window; static struct ctk_label localtextlabel = {CTK_LABEL(1, 0, FILES_WIDTH, 1, "Local files")}; static struct ctk_label remotetextlabel = {CTK_LABEL(1 + FILES_WIDTH + 1, 0, FILES_WIDTH, 1, "Remote files")}; static char leftptr[FILES_HEIGHT]; static struct ctk_label leftptrlabel = {CTK_LABEL(0, 1, 1, FILES_HEIGHT, leftptr)}; static char midptr[FILES_HEIGHT]; static struct ctk_label midptrlabel = {CTK_LABEL(1 + FILES_WIDTH, 1, 1, FILES_HEIGHT, midptr)}; static char rightptr[FILES_HEIGHT]; static struct ctk_label rightptrlabel = {CTK_LABEL(1 + FILES_WIDTH + 1 + FILES_WIDTH, 1, 1, FILES_HEIGHT, rightptr)}; static char localfiles[FILES_WIDTH * FILES_HEIGHT]; static struct ctk_label localfileslabel = {CTK_LABEL(1, 1, FILES_WIDTH, FILES_HEIGHT, localfiles)}; static char remotefiles[FILES_WIDTH * FILES_HEIGHT]; static struct ctk_label remotefileslabel = {CTK_LABEL(FILES_WIDTH + 1 + 1, 1, FILES_WIDTH, FILES_HEIGHT, remotefiles)}; static struct ctk_button reloadbutton = {CTK_BUTTON(0, 1 + FILES_HEIGHT, 6, "Reload")}; #if CTK_CONF_WINDOWS static struct ctk_button connectionbutton = {CTK_BUTTON(8, 1 + FILES_HEIGHT, 13, "Connection...")}; static struct ctk_button quitbutton = {CTK_BUTTON(1 + FILES_WIDTH + 1 + FILES_WIDTH - 5, 1 + FILES_HEIGHT, 4, "Quit")}; #else /* CTK_CONF_WINDOWS */ #if FILES_WIDTH < 35 static struct ctk_label usagetextlabel = {CTK_LABEL(9, 1 + FILES_HEIGHT, 24, 1, "<up><down><space><enter>")}; #else static struct ctk_label usagetextlabel = {CTK_LABEL(10, 1 + FILES_HEIGHT, 39, 1, "Keys: <up> <down> <space> <enter> <'u'>")}; #endif static struct ctk_button quitbutton = {CTK_BUTTON(1 + FILES_WIDTH + 1 + FILES_WIDTH - 4, 1 + FILES_HEIGHT, 4, "Quit")}; #endif /* CTK_CONF_WINDOWS */ static char statustext[3 + FILES_WIDTH * 2 + 1]; static struct ctk_label statuslabel = {CTK_LABEL(0, FILES_HEIGHT + 2, 3 + FILES_WIDTH * 2, 1, statustext)}; /* --- The download/upload dialogs --- */ static char remotefilename[MAX_FILENAMELEN + 1]; static char localfilename[MAX_FILENAMELEN + 1]; static struct ctk_window dialog; static struct ctk_label downloadlabel = {CTK_LABEL(6, 1, 13, 1, "Download file")}; static struct ctk_label uploadlabel = {CTK_LABEL(7, 1, 11, 1, "Upload file")}; static struct ctk_label localfilenametextlabel = {CTK_LABEL(2, 3, 15, 1, "Local filename")}; static struct ctk_label localfilenamelabel = {CTK_LABEL(3, 5, 16, 1, localfilename)}; static struct ctk_textentry localfilenameentry = {CTK_TEXTENTRY(2, 5, 16, 1, localfilename, sizeof(localfilename) - 1)}; static struct ctk_label remotefilenametextlabel = {CTK_LABEL(2, 7, 15, 1, "Remote filename")}; static struct ctk_label remotefilenamelabel = {CTK_LABEL(3, 9, 16, 1, remotefilename)}; static struct ctk_textentry remotefilenameentry = {CTK_TEXTENTRY(2, 9, 16, 1, remotefilename, sizeof(remotefilename) - 1)}; static struct ctk_button downloadbutton = {CTK_BUTTON(0, 11, 13, "Download file")}; /* static struct ctk_button uploadbutton = {CTK_BUTTON(0, 11, 11, "Upload file")}; */ static struct ctk_button cancelbutton = {CTK_BUTTON(16, 11, 6, "Cancel")}; /* --- The connection window --- */ static char hostname[MAX_HOSTNAMELEN + 1]; static char username[MAX_USERNAMELEN + 1]; static char password[MAX_PASSWORDLEN + 1]; static struct ctk_window connectionwindow; static struct ctk_label serverlabel = {CTK_LABEL(0, 1, 10, 1, "FTP server")}; static struct ctk_textentry serverentry = {CTK_TEXTENTRY(0, 2, 16, 1, hostname, MAX_HOSTNAMELEN)}; static struct ctk_button anonymousbutton = {CTK_BUTTON(10, 4, 9, "Anonymous")}; static struct ctk_label userlabel = {CTK_LABEL(0, 4, 8, 1, "Username")}; static struct ctk_textentry userentry = {CTK_TEXTENTRY(0, 5, 16, 1, username, sizeof(username) - 1)}; static struct ctk_label passwordlabel = {CTK_LABEL(0, 7, 8, 1, "Password")}; static struct ctk_textentry passwordentry = {CTK_TEXTENTRY(0, 8, 16, 1, password, sizeof(password) - 1)}; static struct ctk_button connectbutton = {CTK_BUTTON(0, 10, 7, "Connect")}; #if CTK_CONF_WINDOWS static struct ctk_button closeconnectionbutton = {CTK_BUTTON(0, 10, 16, "Close connection")}; static struct ctk_button closebutton = {CTK_BUTTON(18, 10, 5, "Close")}; #endif /* CTK_CONF_WINDOWS */ static struct cfs_dir dir; static struct cfs_dirent dirent; static unsigned char localfileptr = 0; static unsigned char remotefileptr = 0; static unsigned char ptractive; static unsigned char ptrstate; #define PTRSTATE_LOCALFILES 0 #define PTRSTATE_REMOTEFILES 1 static unsigned char localptr, remoteptr; static int fd = -1; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void make_uploaddialog(void) { #if CTK_CONF_WINDOWS ctk_dialog_new(&dialog, 24, 13); #else /* CTK_CONF_WINDOWS */ ctk_window_new(&dialog, 24, 13, ""); #endif /* CTK_CONF_WINDOWS */ CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&dialog, &uploadlabel); CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&dialog, &localfilenametextlabel); CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&dialog, &localfilenamelabel); CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&dialog, &remotefilenametextlabel); CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&dialog, &remotefilenameentry); /* CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&dialog, &uploadbutton); */ CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&dialog, &cancelbutton); /* CTK_WIDGET_FOCUS(&dialog, &uploadbutton); */ CTK_WIDGET_FOCUS(&dialog, &cancelbutton); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void make_downloaddialog(void) { #if CTK_CONF_WINDOWS ctk_dialog_new(&dialog, 24, 13); #else /* CTK_CONF_WINDOWS */ ctk_window_new(&dialog, 24, 13, ""); #endif /* CTK_CONF_WINDOWS */ CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&dialog, &downloadlabel); CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&dialog, &localfilenametextlabel); CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&dialog, &localfilenameentry); CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&dialog, &remotefilenametextlabel); CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&dialog, &remotefilenamelabel); CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&dialog, &downloadbutton); CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&dialog, &cancelbutton); CTK_WIDGET_FOCUS(&dialog, &downloadbutton); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void show_statustext(char *text1, char *text2) { int len; len = (int)strlen(text1); if(len < sizeof(statustext)) { strncpy(statustext, text1, sizeof(statustext)); strncpy(statustext + len, text2, sizeof(statustext) - len); CTK_WIDGET_REDRAW(&statuslabel); } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void close_file(void) { if(fd != -1) { cfs_close(fd); fd = -1; } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void quit(void) { close_file(); ctk_window_close(&window); process_exit(&ftp_process); LOADER_UNLOAD(); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void clearptr(void) { rightptr[remoteptr] = ' '; midptr[remoteptr] = ' '; leftptr[localptr] = ' '; midptr[localptr] = ' '; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void showptr(void) { if(ptrstate == PTRSTATE_LOCALFILES) { rightptr[remoteptr] = ' '; midptr[remoteptr] = ' '; leftptr[localptr] = '>'; midptr[localptr] = '<'; } else { leftptr[localptr] = ' '; midptr[localptr] = ' '; rightptr[remoteptr] = '<'; midptr[remoteptr] = '>'; } CTK_WIDGET_REDRAW(&leftptrlabel); CTK_WIDGET_REDRAW(&midptrlabel); CTK_WIDGET_REDRAW(&rightptrlabel); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void start_loaddir(void) { memset(localfiles, 0, sizeof(localfiles)); localfileptr = 0; cfs_opendir(&dir, "."); process_post(&ftp_process, PROCESS_EVENT_CONTINUE, NULL); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void start_loadremote(void) { memset(remotefiles, 0, sizeof(remotefiles)); remotefileptr = 0; clearptr(); remoteptr = 0; showptr(); ftpc_list(connection); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void make_connectionwindow(void) { #if CTK_CONF_WINDOWS ctk_dialog_new(&connectionwindow, 25, 11); #else /* CTK_CONF_WINDOWS */ ctk_window_new(&connectionwindow, 25, 11, ""); #endif /* CTK_CONF_WINDOWS */ CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&connectionwindow, &serverlabel); CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&connectionwindow, &serverentry); CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&connectionwindow, &userlabel); CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&connectionwindow, &anonymousbutton); CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&connectionwindow, &userentry); CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&connectionwindow, &passwordlabel); CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&connectionwindow, &passwordentry); #if CTK_CONF_WINDOWS if(connection == NULL) { #endif /* CTK_CONF_WINDOWS */ CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&connectionwindow, &connectbutton); #if CTK_CONF_WINDOWS } else { CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&connectionwindow, &closeconnectionbutton); } CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&connectionwindow, &closebutton); #endif /* CTK_CONF_WINDOWS */ CTK_WIDGET_FOCUS(&connectionwindow, &serverentry); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PROCESS_THREAD(ftp_process, ev, data) { uip_ipaddr_t ipaddr; uip_ipaddr_t *ipaddrptr; PROCESS_BEGIN(); ftpc_init(); memset(statustext, 0, sizeof(statustext)); memset(remotefiles, 0, sizeof(remotefiles)); memset(localfiles, 0, sizeof(localfiles)); memset(leftptr, 0, sizeof(leftptr)); memset(midptr, 0, sizeof(midptr)); memset(rightptr, 0, sizeof(rightptr)); ptrstate = PTRSTATE_REMOTEFILES; localptr = remoteptr = 0; connection = NULL; ctk_window_new(&window, 3 + FILES_WIDTH * 2, 3 + FILES_HEIGHT, "FTP Client"); CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&window, &localtextlabel); CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&window, &remotetextlabel); CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&window, &leftptrlabel); CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&window, &localfileslabel); CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&window, &midptrlabel); CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&window, &remotefileslabel); CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&window, &rightptrlabel); CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&window, &reloadbutton); #if CTK_CONF_WINDOWS CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&window, &connectionbutton); #else /* CTK_CONF_WINDOWS */ CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&window, &usagetextlabel); #endif /* CTK_CONF_WINDOWS */ CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&window, &quitbutton); CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&window, &statuslabel); #if CTK_CONF_WINDOWS CTK_WIDGET_FOCUS(&window, &connectionbutton); #endif /* CTK_CONF_WINDOWS */ #if CTK_CONF_WINDOWS ctk_window_open(&window); showptr(); start_loaddir(); ptractive = 1; #else /* CTK_CONF_WINDOWS */ make_connectionwindow(); ctk_window_open(&connectionwindow); #endif /* CTK_CONF_WINDOWS */ while(1) { PROCESS_WAIT_EVENT(); if(ev == PROCESS_EVENT_CONTINUE) { if(cfs_readdir(&dir, &dirent) == 0 && localfileptr < FILES_HEIGHT) { strncpy(&localfiles[localfileptr * FILES_WIDTH], dirent.name, FILES_WIDTH); CTK_WIDGET_REDRAW(&localfileslabel); ++localfileptr; process_post(&ftp_process, PROCESS_EVENT_CONTINUE, NULL); } else{ cfs_closedir(&dir); } } else if(ev == PROCESS_EVENT_EXIT) { quit(); } else if(ev == tcpip_event) { ftpc_appcall(data); #if UIP_UDP } else if(ev == resolv_event_found) { /* Either found a hostname, or not. */ if((char *)data != NULL && (ipaddrptr = resolv_lookup((char *)data)) != NULL) { connection = ftpc_connect(ipaddrptr, UIP_HTONS(21)); show_statustext("Connecting to ", hostname); } else { show_statustext("Host not found: ", hostname); } #endif /* UIP_UDP */ } else if( #if CTK_CONF_WINDOWCLOSE ev == ctk_signal_window_close && #endif /* CTK_CONF_WINDOWCLOSE */ data == (process_data_t)&window) { quit(); } else if(ev == ctk_signal_widget_activate) { if((struct ctk_button *)data == &quitbutton) { quit(); } else if((struct ctk_button *)data == &cancelbutton) { #if CTK_CONF_WINDOWS ctk_dialog_close(); #else /* CTK_CONF_WINDOWS */ ctk_window_close(&dialog); ctk_window_open(&window); #endif /* CTK_CONF_WINDOWS */ ptractive = 1; } else if((struct ctk_button *)data == &downloadbutton) { #if CTK_CONF_WINDOWS ctk_dialog_close(); #else /* CTK_CONF_WINDOWS */ ctk_window_close(&dialog); ctk_window_open(&window); #endif /* CTK_CONF_WINDOWS */ ptractive = 1; close_file(); fd = cfs_open(localfilename, CFS_WRITE); if(fd != -1) { show_statustext("Downloading ", remotefilename); ftpc_get(connection, remotefilename); } else { show_statustext("Could not create ", localfilename); } } else if((struct ctk_button *)data == &reloadbutton) { start_loaddir(); #if CTK_CONF_WINDOWS } else if((struct ctk_button *)data == &connectionbutton) { ptractive = 0; make_connectionwindow(); ctk_dialog_open(&connectionwindow); } else if((struct ctk_button *)data == &closebutton) { ctk_dialog_close(); ptractive = 1; #endif /* CTK_CONF_WINDOWS */ } else if((struct ctk_button *)data == &anonymousbutton) { strcpy(username, "anonymous"); strcpy(password, "contiki@ftp"); CTK_WIDGET_REDRAW(&userentry); CTK_WIDGET_REDRAW(&passwordentry); #if CTK_CONF_WINDOWS } else if((struct ctk_button *)data == &closeconnectionbutton) { ctk_dialog_close(); ptractive = 1; ftpc_close(connection); #endif /* CTK_CONF_WINDOWS */ } else if((struct ctk_button *)data == &connectbutton) { #if CTK_CONF_WINDOWS ctk_dialog_close(); #else /* CTK_CONF_WINDOWS */ ctk_window_close(&connectionwindow); ctk_window_open(&window); showptr(); start_loaddir(); #endif /* CTK_CONF_WINDOWS */ ptractive = 1; #if UIP_UDP if(uiplib_ipaddrconv(hostname, &ipaddr) == 0) { ipaddrptr = resolv_lookup(hostname); if(ipaddrptr == NULL) { resolv_query(hostname); show_statustext("Resolving host ", hostname); break; } connection = ftpc_connect(ipaddrptr, UIP_HTONS(21)); show_statustext("Connecting to ", hostname); } else { connection = ftpc_connect(&ipaddr, UIP_HTONS(21)); show_statustext("Connecting to ", hostname); } #else /* UIP_UDP */ uiplib_ipaddrconv(hostname, &ipaddr); connection = ftpc_connect(&ipaddr, UIP_HTONS(21)); show_statustext("Connecting to ", hostname); #endif /* UIP_UDP */ } /* if((struct ctk_button *)data == &closebutton) { ftpc_close(connection); }*/ } else if(ptractive && ev == ctk_signal_keypress) { if((ctk_arch_key_t)(size_t)data == ' ') { if(ptrstate == PTRSTATE_LOCALFILES) { ptrstate = PTRSTATE_REMOTEFILES; } else { ptrstate = PTRSTATE_LOCALFILES; } } else if((ctk_arch_key_t)(size_t)data == CH_CURS_UP) { clearptr(); if(ptrstate == PTRSTATE_LOCALFILES) { if(localptr > 0) { --localptr; } } else { if(remoteptr > 0) { --remoteptr; } } } else if((ctk_arch_key_t)(size_t)data == CH_CURS_DOWN) { clearptr(); if(ptrstate == PTRSTATE_LOCALFILES) { if(localptr < FILES_HEIGHT - 1) { ++localptr; } } else { if(remoteptr < FILES_HEIGHT - 1) { ++remoteptr; } } } else if((ctk_arch_key_t)(size_t)data == CH_ENTER) { if(ptrstate == PTRSTATE_LOCALFILES) { strncpy(localfilename, &localfiles[localptr * FILES_WIDTH], FILES_WIDTH); strncpy(remotefilename, &localfiles[localptr * FILES_WIDTH], FILES_WIDTH); ptractive = 0; make_uploaddialog(); #if CTK_CONF_WINDOWS ctk_dialog_open(&dialog); #else /* CTK_CONF_WINDOWS */ ctk_window_close(&window); ctk_window_open(&dialog); #endif /* CTK_CONF_WINDOWS */ } else { strncpy(localfilename, &remotefiles[remoteptr * FILES_WIDTH], FILES_WIDTH); strncpy(remotefilename, &remotefiles[remoteptr * FILES_WIDTH], FILES_WIDTH); ftpc_cwd(connection, remotefilename); /* make_downloaddialog(); ctk_dialog_open(&dialog);*/ } } else if((ctk_arch_key_t)(size_t)data == 'u') { ftpc_cdup(connection); } if(ptractive) { showptr(); } } } PROCESS_END(); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void ftpc_closed(void) { strcpy(statustext, "Connection closed"); CTK_WIDGET_REDRAW(&statuslabel); connection = NULL; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void ftpc_aborted(void) { strcpy(statustext, "Connection reset"); CTK_WIDGET_REDRAW(&statuslabel); connection = NULL; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void ftpc_timedout(void) { strcpy(statustext, "Connection timed out"); CTK_WIDGET_REDRAW(&statuslabel); connection = NULL; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ char * ftpc_username(void) { return username; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ char * ftpc_password(void) { return password; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void ftpc_list_file(char *filename) { if(remotefileptr < FILES_HEIGHT && filename != NULL) { strncpy(&remotefiles[remotefileptr * FILES_WIDTH], filename, FILES_WIDTH); CTK_WIDGET_REDRAW(&remotefileslabel); ++remotefileptr; } if(filename == NULL) { strcpy(statustext, "Connected"); CTK_WIDGET_REDRAW(&statuslabel); } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void ftpc_cwd_done(unsigned short status) { if(status == FTPC_COMPLETED || status == FTPC_OK) { start_loadremote(); } else { ptractive = 0; make_downloaddialog(); #if CTK_CONF_WINDOWS ctk_dialog_open(&dialog); #else /* CTK_CONF_WINDOWS */ ctk_window_close(&window); ctk_window_open(&dialog); #endif /* CTK_CONF_WINDOWS */ } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void ftpc_connected(void *connection) { strcpy(statustext, "Loading remote directory"); CTK_WIDGET_REDRAW(&statuslabel); start_loadremote(); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void ftpc_data(u8_t *data, u16_t len) { if(data == NULL) { show_statustext("Download complete", ""); close_file(); start_loaddir(); } else { cfs_write(fd, data, len); } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/