; ; Copyright (c) 2003-2007, Adam Dunkels, Josef Soucek and Oliver Schmidt ; All rights reserved. ; ; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ; are met: ; 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ; 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ; documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ; 3. Neither the name of the Institute nor the names of its contributors ; may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software ; without specific prior written permission. ; ; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE INSTITUTE AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ; ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE ; IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ; ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE INSTITUTE OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE ; FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL ; DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS ; OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) ; HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT ; LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY ; OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF ; SUCH DAMAGE. ; ; This file is part of the Contiki operating system. ; ; Author: Adam Dunkels , Josef Soucek , ; Oliver Schmidt ; ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- .segment "JUMPTABLE" ; Driver signature .byte $65, $74, $68 ; "eth" .byte $01 ; Ethernet driver API version number ; Ethernet address mac: .byte $00, $80, $0F ; OUI of Standard Microsystems .byte $11, $11, $11 ; Buffer attributes bufaddr:.res 2 ; Address bufsize:.res 2 ; Size ; Jump table. .addr init .addr poll .addr send .addr exit ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- .zeropage sp: .res 2 ; Stack pointer (Do not trash !) reg: .res 2 ; Address of register base ptr: .res 2 ; Indirect addressing pointer len: .res 2 ; Frame length ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- .rodata fixup: .byte fixup02-fixup01, fixup03-fixup02, fixup04-fixup03 .byte fixup05-fixup04, fixup06-fixup05, fixup07-fixup06 .byte fixup08-fixup07, fixup09-fixup08, fixup10-fixup09 .byte fixup11-fixup10, fixup12-fixup11, fixup13-fixup12 .byte fixup14-fixup13, fixup15-fixup14, fixup16-fixup15 .byte fixup17-fixup16, fixup18-fixup17, fixup19-fixup18 .byte fixup20-fixup19, fixup21-fixup20, fixup22-fixup21 .byte fixup23-fixup22, fixup24-fixup23, fixup25-fixup24 .byte fixup26-fixup25, fixup27-fixup26, fixup28-fixup27 .byte fixup29-fixup28, fixup30-fixup29, fixup31-fixup30 .byte fixup32-fixup31, fixup33-fixup32, fixup34-fixup33 .byte fixup35-fixup34, fixup36-fixup35, fixup37-fixup36 .byte fixup38-fixup37 fixups = * - fixup ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ethbsr := $FF0E ; Bank select register R/W (2B) ; Register bank 0 ethtcr := $FF00 ; Transmition control register R/W (2B) ethephsr := $FF02 ; EPH status register R/O (2B) ethrcr := $FF04 ; Receive control register R/W (2B) ethecr := $FF06 ; Counter register R/O (2B) ethmir := $FF08 ; Memory information register R/O (2B) ethmcr := $FF0A ; Memory Config. reg. +0 R/W +1 R/O (2B) ; Register bank 1 ethcr := $FF00 ; Configuration register R/W (2B) ethbar := $FF02 ; Base address register R/W (2B) ethiar := $FF04 ; Individual address register R/W (6B) ethgpr := $FF0A ; General address register R/W (2B) ethctr := $FF0C ; Control register R/W (2B) ; Register bank 2 ethmmucr := $FF00 ; MMU command register W/O (1B) ethautotx := $FF01 ; AUTO TX start register R/W (1B) ethpnr := $FF02 ; Packet number register R/W (1B) etharr := $FF03 ; Allocation result register R/O (1B) ethfifo := $FF04 ; FIFO ports register R/O (2B) ethptr := $FF06 ; Pointer register R/W (2B) ethdata := $FF08 ; Data register R/W (4B) ethist := $FF0C ; Interrupt status register R/O (1B) ethack := $FF0C ; Interrupt acknowledge register W/O (1B) ethmsk := $FF0D ; Interrupt mask register R/W (1B) ; Register bank 3 ethmt := $FF00 ; Multicast table R/W (8B) ethmgmt := $FF08 ; Management interface R/W (2B) ethrev := $FF0A ; Revision register R/W (2B) ethercv := $FF0C ; Early RCV register R/W (2B) .data ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- init: ; Save address of register base sta reg stx reg+1 ; Start with first fixup location lda #<(fixup01+1) ldx #>(fixup01+1) sta ptr stx ptr+1 ldx #$FF ldy #$00 ; Fixup address at location : lda reg ora (ptr),y sta (ptr),y iny lda reg+1 sta (ptr),y dey ; Advance to next fixup location inx cpx #fixups bcs :+ lda ptr clc adc fixup,x sta ptr bcc :- inc ptr+1 bcs :- ; Always ; Reset ETH card : lda #$00 ; Bank 0 fixup01:sta ethbsr lda #%10000000 ; Software reset fixup02:sta ethrcr+1 ldy #$00 fixup03:sty ethrcr fixup04:sty ethrcr+1 ; Delay : cmp ($FF,x) ; 6 cycles cmp ($FF,x) ; 6 cycles iny ; 2 cycles bne :- ; 3 cycles ; 17 * 256 = 4352 -> 4,4 ms ; Enable transmit and receive lda #%10000001 ; Enable transmit TXENA, PAD_EN ldx #%00000011 ; Enable receive, strip CRC ??? fixup05:sta ethtcr fixup06:stx ethrcr+1 lda #$01 ; Bank 1 fixup07:sta ethbsr fixup08:lda ethcr+1 ora #%00010000 ; No wait (IOCHRDY) fixup09:sta ethcr+1 lda #%00001001 ; Auto release fixup10:sta ethctr+1 ; Set MAC address ldy #$00 : lda mac,y fixup11:sta ethiar,y iny cpy #$06 bcc :- ; Set interrupt mask lda #$02 ; Bank 2 fixup12:sta ethbsr lda #%00000000 ; No interrupts fixup13:sta ethmsk rts ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- poll: fixup14:lda ethist and #%00000001 ; RCV INT bne :+ ; No packet available tax rts ; Process the incoming packet ; --------------------------- : lda #$00 ldx #%11100000 ; RCV, AUTO INCR., READ fixup15:sta ethptr fixup16:stx ethptr+1 ; Last word contains 'last data byte' and $60 or 'fill byte' and $40 fixup17:lda ethdata ; Status word fixup18:lda ethdata ; Need high byte only ; Move ODDFRM bit into carry: ; - Even packet length -> carry clear -> subtract 6 bytes ; - Odd packet length -> carry set -> subtract 5 bytes lsr lsr lsr lsr lsr ; The packet contains 3 extra words fixup19:lda ethdata ; Total number of bytes sbc #$05 ; Actually 5 or 6 depending on carry sta len fixup20:lda ethdata sbc #$00 sta len+1 ; Is bufsize < len ? sec lda bufsize sbc len lda bufsize+1 sbc len+1 bcs :+ ; Yes, skip packet ; Remove and release RX packet from the FIFO lda #%10000000 fixup21:sta ethmmucr ; No packet available lda #$00 tax rts ; Read bytes into buffer : jsr adjustptr : fixup22:lda ethdata sta (ptr),y iny bne :- inc ptr+1 dex bpl :- ; Remove and release RX packet from the FIFO lda #%10000000 fixup23:sta ethmmucr ; Return packet length lda len ldx len+1 rts ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- send: ; Save packet length sta len stx len+1 ; Allocate memory for TX txa ora #%00100000 fixup24:sta ethmmucr ; 8 retries ldy #$08 ; Wait for allocation ready : fixup25:lda ethist and #%00001000 ; ALLOC INT bne :+ ; Shouldn't we do something here to actively free memory, ; maybe removing and releasing an RX packet from the FIFO ??? ; And try again dey bne :- rts ; Acknowledge interrupt, is it necessary ??? : lda #%00001000 fixup26:sta ethack ; Set packet address fixup27:lda etharr fixup28:sta ethpnr lda #$00 ldx #%01000000 ; AUTO INCR. fixup29:sta ethptr fixup30:stx ethptr+1 ; Status written by CSMA lda #$00 fixup31:sta ethdata fixup32:sta ethdata ; Check packet length parity: ; - Even packet length -> carry set -> add 6 bytes ; - Odd packet length -> carry clear -> add 5 bytes lda len eor #$01 lsr ; The packet contains 3 extra words lda len adc #$05 ; Actually 5 or 6 depending on carry fixup33:sta ethdata lda len+1 adc #$00 fixup34:sta ethdata ; Send the packet ; --------------- ; Write bytes from buffer jsr adjustptr : lda (ptr),y fixup35:sta ethdata iny bne :- inc ptr+1 dex bpl :- ; Odd packet length ? lda len lsr bcc :+ ; Yes lda #%00100000 ; ODD bne :++ ; Always ; No : lda #$00 fixup36:sta ethdata ; Fill byte : fixup37:sta ethdata ; Control byte ; Add packet to FIFO lda #%11000000 ; ENQUEUE PACKET - transmit packet fixup38:sta ethmmucr rts ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- exit: rts ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- adjustptr: lda len eor #$FF ; Two's complement part 1 tay iny ; Two's complement part 2 sty reg sec lda bufaddr sbc reg sta ptr lda bufaddr+1 sbc #$00 sta ptr+1 ldx len+1 rts ;---------------------------------------------------------------------