/***************************************************************************//** * @file Communication.c * @brief Implementation of the Communication Driver for RL78G14 processor. * @author DBogdan (dragos.bogdan@analog.com) ******************************************************************************** * Copyright 2012(c) Analog Devices, Inc. * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * - Neither the name of Analog Devices, Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * - The use of this software may or may not infringe the patent rights * of one or more patent holders. This license does not release you * from the requirement that you obtain separate licenses from these * patent holders to use this software. * - Use of the software either in source or binary form, must be run * on or directly connected to an Analog Devices Inc. component. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ANALOG DEVICES "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, NON-INFRINGEMENT, * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL ANALOG DEVICES BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * ******************************************************************************** * SVN Revision: $WCREV$ *******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ /***************************** Include Files **********************************/ /******************************************************************************/ #include "Communication.h" // Communication definitions #include "RDKRL78G14.h" // RDKRL78G14 definitions char IICA0_Flag; /******************************************************************************/ /************************ Functions Definitions *******************************/ /******************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************//** * @brief I2C interrupt service routine. * * @return None. *******************************************************************************/ #pragma vector = INTIICA0_vect __interrupt static void IICA0_Interrupt(void) { IICA0_Flag = 1; } /***************************************************************************//** * @brief Initializes the SPI communication peripheral. * * @param lsbFirst - Transfer format (0 or 1). * Example: 0x0 - MSB first. * 0x1 - LSB first. * @param clockFreq - SPI clock frequency (Hz). * Example: 1000 - SPI clock frequency is 1 kHz. * @param clockPol - SPI clock polarity (0 or 1). * Example: 0x0 - Idle state for clock is a low level; active * state is a high level; * 0x1 - Idle state for clock is a high level; active * state is a low level. * @param clockEdg - SPI clock edge (0 or 1). * Example: 0x0 - Serial output data changes on transition * from idle clock state to active clock state; * 0x1 - Serial output data changes on transition * from active clock state to idle clock state. * * @return status - Result of the initialization procedure. * Example: 0 - if initialization was successful; * -1 - if initialization was unsuccessful. *******************************************************************************/ char SPI_Init(char lsbFirst, long clockFreq, char clockPol, char clockEdg) { long mckFreq = 32000000; char sdrValue = 0; char delay = 0; /* Configure the CS pins. */ PMOD1_CS_OUT; PMOD1_CS_HIGH; PMOD2_CS_OUT; PMOD2_CS_HIGH; ST7579_CS_OUT; ST7579_CS_HIGH; /* Enable input clock supply. */ SAU1EN = 1; /* After setting the SAUmEN bit to 1, be sure to set serial clock select register m (SPSm) after 4 or more fCLK clocks have elapsed. */ NOP; NOP; NOP; NOP; /* Select the fCLK as input clock. */ SPS1 = 0x0000; /* Select the CSI operation mode. */ SMR11 = 0x0020; clockPol = 1 - clockPol; SCR11 = (clockEdg << 13) | (clockPol << 12) | 0xC000 | // Operation mode: Transmission/reception. 0x0007; // 8-bit data length. /* clockFreq = mckFreq / (sdrValue * 2 + 2) */ sdrValue = mckFreq / (2 * clockFreq) - 1; SDR11 = sdrValue << 9; /* Set the clock and data initial level. */ clockPol = 1 - clockPol; SO1 &= ~0x0202; SO1 |= (clockPol << 9) | (clockPol << 1); /* Enable output for serial communication operation. */ SOE1 |= 0x0002; /* Configure the MISO pin as input. */ PM7 |= 0x02; /* Configure SCLK and MOSI pins as output. */ P7 |= 0x05; PM7 &= ~0x05; /* Wait for the changes to take place. */ for(delay = 0; delay < 50; delay++) { NOP; } /* Set the SEmn bit to 1 and enter the communication wait status */ SS1 |= 0x0002; return 0; } /***************************************************************************//** * @brief Writes data to SPI. * * @param slaveDeviceId - The ID of the selected slave device. * @param data - Data represents the write buffer. * @param bytesNumber - Number of bytes to write. * * @return Number of written bytes. *******************************************************************************/ char SPI_Write(char slaveDeviceId, unsigned char* data, char bytesNumber) { char byte = 0; unsigned char read = 0; unsigned short originalSCR = 0; unsigned short originalSO1 = 0; if(slaveDeviceId == 1) { PMOD1_CS_LOW; } if(slaveDeviceId == 2) { PMOD2_CS_LOW; } if(slaveDeviceId == 3) { ST1 |= 0x0002; originalSO1 = SO1; originalSCR = SCR11; SO1 &= ~0x0202; SCR11 &= ~0x3000; SS1 |= 0x0002; ST7579_CS_LOW; } for(byte = 0; byte < bytesNumber; byte++) { SIO21 = data[byte]; NOP; while(SSR11 & 0x0040); read = SIO21; } if(slaveDeviceId == 1) { PMOD1_CS_HIGH; } if(slaveDeviceId == 2) { PMOD2_CS_HIGH; } if(slaveDeviceId == 3) { ST7579_CS_HIGH; ST1 |= 0x0002; SO1 = originalSO1; SCR11 = originalSCR; SS1 |= 0x0002; } return bytesNumber; } /***************************************************************************//** * @brief Reads data from SPI. * * @param slaveDeviceId - The ID of the selected slave device. * @param data - Data represents the write buffer as an input parameter * and the read buffer as an output parameter. * @param bytesNumber - Number of bytes to read. * * @return Number of read bytes. *******************************************************************************/ char SPI_Read(char slaveDeviceId, unsigned char* data, char bytesNumber) { char byte = 0; unsigned short originalSCR = 0; unsigned short originalSO1 = 0; if(slaveDeviceId == 1) { PMOD1_CS_LOW; } if(slaveDeviceId == 2) { PMOD2_CS_LOW; } if(slaveDeviceId == 3) { ST1 |= 0x0002; originalSO1 = SO1; originalSCR = SCR11; SO1 &= ~0x0202; SCR11 &= ~0x3000; SS1 |= 0x0002; ST7579_CS_LOW; } for(byte = 0; byte < bytesNumber; byte++) { SIO21 = data[byte]; NOP; while(SSR11 & 0x0040); data[byte] = SIO21; } if(slaveDeviceId == 1) { PMOD1_CS_HIGH; } if(slaveDeviceId == 2) { PMOD2_CS_HIGH; } if(slaveDeviceId == 3) { ST7579_CS_HIGH; ST1 |= 0x0002; SO1 = originalSO1; SCR11 = originalSCR; SS1 |= 0x0002; } return bytesNumber; } /***************************************************************************//** * @brief Initializes the I2C communication peripheral. * * @param clockFreq - I2C clock frequency (Hz). * Example: 100000 - SPI clock frequency is 100 kHz. * @return status - Result of the initialization procedure. * Example: 0 - if initialization was successful; * -1 - if initialization was unsuccessful. *******************************************************************************/ char I2C_Init(long clockFreq) { long fckFreq = 32000000; unsigned char wlValue = 0; unsigned char whValue = 0; /* Enable interrupts */ EI; /* Enable input clock supply. */ IICA0EN = 1; /* Set the fast mode plus operation. */ SMC0 = 1; /* Set transfer rate. */ wlValue = (unsigned char)((0.5 * fckFreq) / clockFreq); whValue = (unsigned char)(wlValue - (fckFreq / (10 * clockFreq))); IICWL0 = wlValue; IICWH0 = whValue; STCEN0 = 1; // After operation is enabled, enable generation of a start // condition without detecting a stop condition. WTIM0 = 1; // Interrupt request is generated at the ninth clock’s // falling edge. /* Enable I2C operation. */ IICE0 = 1; /* Configure SCLA0 and SDAA0 pins as digital output. */ P6 &= ~0x03; PM6 &= ~0x03; return 0; } /***************************************************************************//** * @brief Writes data to a slave device. * * @param slaveAddress - Adress of the slave device. * @param dataBuffer - Pointer to a buffer storing the transmission data. * @param bytesNumber - Number of bytes to write. * @param stopBit - Stop condition control. * Example: 0 - A stop condition will not be sent; * 1 - A stop condition will be sent. * * @return status - Number of read bytes or 0xFF if the slave address was * not acknowledged by the device. *******************************************************************************/ char I2C_Write(char slaveAddress, unsigned char* dataBuffer, char bytesNumber, char stopBit) { char byte = 0; char status = 0; IICAMK0 = 1; // Interrupt servicing disabled. STT0 = 1; // Generate a start condition. IICAMK0 = 0; // Interrupt servicing enabled. /* Send the first byte. */ IICA0_Flag = 0; IICA0 = (slaveAddress << 1); while(IICA0_Flag == 0); if(ACKD0) // Acknowledge was detected. { for(byte = 0; byte < bytesNumber; byte++) { IICA0_Flag = 0; IICA0 = *dataBuffer; while(IICA0_Flag == 0); dataBuffer++; } status = bytesNumber; } else // Acknowledge was not detected. { status = 0xFF; } if(stopBit) { SPT0 = 1; // Generate a stop condition. while(IICBSY0); // Wait until the I2C bus status flag is cleared. } return status; } /***************************************************************************//** * @brief Reads data from a slave device. * * @param slaveAddress - Adress of the slave device. * @param dataBuffer - Pointer to a buffer that will store the received data. * @param bytesNumber - Number of bytes to read. * @param stopBit - Stop condition control. * Example: 0 - A stop condition will not be sent; * 1 - A stop condition will be sent. * * @return status - Number of read bytes or 0xFF if the slave address was * not acknowledged by the device. *******************************************************************************/ char I2C_Read(char slaveAddress, unsigned char* dataBuffer, char bytesNumber, char stopBit) { char byte = 0; char status = 0; IICAMK0 = 1; // Interrupt servicing disabled. STT0 = 1; // Generate a start condition. IICAMK0 = 0; // Interrupt servicing enabled. /* Send the first byte. */ IICA0_Flag = 0; IICA0 = (slaveAddress << 1) + 1; while(IICA0_Flag == 0); if(ACKD0) // Acknowledge was detected. { ACKE0 = 1; // Enable acknowledgment. for(byte = 0; byte < bytesNumber; byte++) { if(byte == (bytesNumber - 1)) { ACKE0 = 0U; // Disable acknowledgment. } WREL0 = 1U; // Cancel wait. IICA0_Flag = 0; while(IICA0_Flag == 0); *dataBuffer = IICA0; dataBuffer++; } status = bytesNumber; } else // Acknowledge was not detected. { status = 0xFF; } if(stopBit) { SPT0 = 1; // Generate a stop condition. while(IICBSY0); // Wait until the I2C bus status flag is cleared. } return status; }