/* * Copyright (c) 2010, Swedish Institute of Computer Science * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the Institute nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE INSTITUTE AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE INSTITUTE OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** * \file * This component forwards index calls using the generic index * API to specific implementations. * \author * Nicolas Tsiftes <nvt@sics.se> */ #include "contiki.h" #include "lib/memb.h" #include "lib/list.h" #define DEBUG DEBUG_NONE #include "net/uip-debug.h" #include "antelope.h" #include "attribute.h" #include "db-options.h" #include "index.h" #include "storage.h" static index_api_t *index_components[] = {&index_inline, &index_maxheap}; LIST(indices); MEMB(index_memb, index_t, DB_INDEX_POOL_SIZE); static process_event_t load_request_event; PROCESS(db_indexer, "DB Indexer"); static index_api_t * find_index_api(index_type_t index_type) { int i; for(i = 0; i < sizeof(index_components) / sizeof(index_components[0]); i++) { if(index_components[i]->type == index_type) { return index_components[i]; } } return NULL; } void index_init(void) { list_init(indices); memb_init(&index_memb); process_start(&db_indexer, NULL); } db_result_t index_create(index_type_t index_type, relation_t *rel, attribute_t *attr) { tuple_id_t cardinality; index_t *index; index_api_t *api; cardinality = relation_cardinality(rel); if(cardinality == INVALID_TUPLE) { return DB_STORAGE_ERROR; } api = find_index_api(index_type); if(api == NULL) { PRINTF("DB: No API for index type %d\n", (int)index_type); return DB_INDEX_ERROR; } if(attr->index != NULL) { /* Refuse to overwrite the old index. */ PRINTF("DB: The attribute %s is already indexed\n", attr->name); return DB_INDEX_ERROR; } index = memb_alloc(&index_memb); if(index == NULL) { PRINTF("DB: Failed to allocate an index\n"); return DB_ALLOCATION_ERROR; } index->rel = rel; index->attr = attr; index->api = api; index->flags = 0; index->opaque_data = NULL; index->descriptor_file[0] = '\0'; index->type = index_type; if(DB_ERROR(api->create(index))) { memb_free(&index_memb, index); PRINTF("DB: Index-specific creation failed for attribute %s\n", attr->name); return DB_INDEX_ERROR; } attr->index = index; list_push(indices, index); if(index->descriptor_file[0] != '\0' && DB_ERROR(storage_put_index(index))) { api->destroy(index); memb_free(&index_memb, index); PRINTF("DB: Failed to store index data in file \"%s\"\n", index->descriptor_file); return DB_INDEX_ERROR; } if(!(api->flags & INDEX_API_INLINE) && cardinality > 0) { PRINTF("DB: Created an index for an old relation; issuing a load request\n"); index->flags = INDEX_LOAD_NEEDED; process_post(&db_indexer, load_request_event, NULL); } else { /* Inline indexes (i.e., those using the existing storage of the relation) do not need to be reloaded after restarting the system. */ PRINTF("DB: Index created for attribute %s\n", attr->name); index->flags |= INDEX_READY; } return DB_OK; } db_result_t index_destroy(index_t *index) { if(DB_ERROR(index_release(index)) || DB_ERROR(index->api->destroy(index))) { return DB_INDEX_ERROR; } return DB_OK; } db_result_t index_load(relation_t *rel, attribute_t *attr) { index_t *index; index_api_t *api; PRINTF("DB: Attempting to load an index over %s.%s\n", rel->name, attr->name); index = memb_alloc(&index_memb); if(index == NULL) { PRINTF("DB: No more index objects available\n"); return DB_ALLOCATION_ERROR; } if(DB_ERROR(storage_get_index(index, rel, attr))) { PRINTF("DB: Failed load an index descriptor from storage\n"); memb_free(&index_memb, index); return DB_INDEX_ERROR; } index->rel = rel; index->attr = attr; index->opaque_data = NULL; api = find_index_api(index->type); if(api == NULL) { PRINTF("DB: No API for index type %d\n", index->type); return DB_INDEX_ERROR; } index->api = api; if(DB_ERROR(api->load(index))) { PRINTF("DB: Index-specific load failed\n"); return DB_INDEX_ERROR; } list_push(indices, index); attr->index = index; index->flags = INDEX_READY; return DB_OK; } db_result_t index_release(index_t *index) { if(DB_ERROR(index->api->release(index))) { return DB_INDEX_ERROR; } index->attr->index = NULL; list_remove(indices, index); memb_free(&index_memb, index); return DB_OK; } db_result_t index_insert(index_t *index, attribute_value_t *value, tuple_id_t tuple_id) { return index->api->insert(index, value, tuple_id); } db_result_t index_delete(index_t *index, attribute_value_t *value) { if(index->flags != INDEX_READY) { return DB_INDEX_ERROR; } return index->api->delete(index, value); } db_result_t index_get_iterator(index_iterator_t *iterator, index_t *index, attribute_value_t *min_value, attribute_value_t *max_value) { tuple_id_t cardinality; unsigned long range; unsigned long max_range; long max; long min; cardinality = relation_cardinality(index->rel); if(cardinality == INVALID_TUPLE) { return DB_STORAGE_ERROR; } if(index->flags != INDEX_READY) { return DB_INDEX_ERROR; } min = db_value_to_long(min_value); max = db_value_to_long(max_value); range = (unsigned long)max - min; if(range > 0) { /* * Index structures that do not have a natural ability to handle * range queries (e.g., a hash index) can nevertheless emulate them. * * The range query emulation attempts to look up the key for each * value in the search range. If the search range is sparse, this * iteration will incur a considerable overhead per found key. * * Hence, the emulation is preferable when an external module wants * to iterate over a narrow range of keys, for which the total * search cost is smaller than that of an iteration over all tuples * in the relation. */ if(!(index->api->flags & INDEX_API_RANGE_QUERIES)) { PRINTF("DB: Range query requested for an index that does not support it\n"); max_range = cardinality / DB_INDEX_COST; if(range > max_range) { return DB_INDEX_ERROR; } PRINTF("DB: Using the index anyway because the range is small enough (%lu <= %lu)\n", range, max_range); } } iterator->index = index; iterator->min_value = *min_value; iterator->max_value = *max_value; iterator->next_item_no = 0; PRINTF("DB: Acquired an index iterator for %s.%s over the range (%ld,%ld)\n", index->rel->name, index->attr->name, min_value->u.long_value, max_value->u.long_value); return DB_OK; } tuple_id_t index_get_next(index_iterator_t *iterator) { long min; long max; if(iterator->index == NULL) { /* This attribute is not indexed. */ return INVALID_TUPLE; } if((iterator->index->attr->flags & ATTRIBUTE_FLAG_UNIQUE) && iterator->next_item_no == 1) { min = db_value_to_long(&iterator->min_value); max = db_value_to_long(&iterator->max_value); if(min == max) { /* * We stop if this is an equivalence search on an attribute * whose values are unique, and we already found one item. */ PRINTF("DB: Equivalence search finished\n"); return INVALID_TUPLE; } } return iterator->index->api->get_next(iterator); } int index_exists(attribute_t *attr) { index_t *index; index = (index_t *)attr->index; if(index == NULL || index->flags != INDEX_READY) { return 0; } return 1; } static index_t * get_next_index_to_load(void) { index_t *index; for(index = list_head(indices); index != NULL; index = index->next) { if(index->flags & INDEX_LOAD_NEEDED) { return index; } } return NULL; } PROCESS_THREAD(db_indexer, ev, data) { static index_t *index; static db_handle_t handle; static tuple_id_t row; db_result_t result; attribute_value_t value; int column; PROCESS_BEGIN(); load_request_event = process_alloc_event(); for(;;) { PROCESS_WAIT_EVENT_UNTIL(ev == load_request_event); index = get_next_index_to_load(); if(index == NULL) { PRINTF("DB: Request to load an index, but no index is set to be loaded\n"); continue; } PRINTF("DB: Loading the index for %s.%s...\n", index->rel->name, index->attr->name); /* Project the values of the indexed attribute from all tuples in the relation, and insert them into the index again. */ if(DB_ERROR(db_query(&handle, "SELECT %s FROM %s;", index->attr->name, index->rel->name))) { index->flags |= INDEX_LOAD_ERROR; index->flags &= ~INDEX_LOAD_NEEDED; continue; } for(;; row++) { PROCESS_PAUSE(); result = db_process(&handle); if(DB_ERROR(result)) { PRINTF("DB: Index loading failed while processing: %s\n", db_get_result_message(result)); index->flags |= INDEX_LOAD_ERROR; goto cleanup; } if(result == DB_FINISHED) { break; } for(column = 0; column < handle.ncolumns; column++) { if(DB_ERROR(db_get_value(&value, &handle, column))) { index->flags |= INDEX_LOAD_ERROR; goto cleanup; } if(DB_ERROR(index_insert(index, &value, row))) { index->flags |= INDEX_LOAD_ERROR; goto cleanup; } } } PRINTF("DB: Loaded %lu rows into the index\n", (unsigned long)handle.current_row); cleanup: if(index->flags & INDEX_LOAD_ERROR) { PRINTF("DB: Failed to load the index for %s.%s\n", index->rel->name, index->attr->name); } index->flags &= ~INDEX_LOAD_NEEDED; index->flags |= INDEX_READY; db_free(&handle); } PROCESS_END(); }