/** \addtogroup esb @{ */ /** \defgroup slipintro Introduction to Over The Air Reprogramming under Windows \author Joakim Eriksson, Niclas Finne @{ \section slipintro-intro Introduction This is a brief introduction how to program ESB sensor nodes over radio under Windows. It is assumed that you already have the environment setup for programming ESB sensor nodes using JTAG cable. \section slipintro-configuring Configuring SLIP under Windows XP This section describes how to setup a SLIP connection under Windows. A SLIP connection forwards TCP/IP traffic to/from the sensor nodes and lets you communicate with them using standard network tools such as \c ping. -# Click start button and choose 'My Computer'. Right-click 'My Network Places' and choose 'Properties'. <img src="img/esb/slip01.jpg" align="center"> -# Click 'Create a new connection'. <img src="img/esb/slip02.jpg" align="center"> -# Select 'Set up an advanced connection'. <img src="img/esb/slip03.jpg" align="center"> -# Select 'Connect directly to another computer'. <img src="img/esb/slip04.jpg" align="center"> -# Select 'Guest'. <img src="img/esb/slip05.jpg" align="center"> -# Select a name for the slip connection (for example 'ESB'). <img src="img/esb/slip06.jpg" align="center"> -# Select the serial port to use when communicating with the sensor node. <img src="img/esb/slip07.jpg" align="center"> -# Add the connection by clicking 'Finish'. <img src="img/esb/slip08.jpg" align="center"> -# A connection window will open. Choose 'Properties'. <img src="img/esb/slip09.jpg" align="center"> <img src="img/esb/slip10.jpg" align="center"> -# Click on 'Configure...' and deselect all selected buttons. Choose the speed 57600 bps. <img src="img/esb/slip11.jpg" align="center"> -# Close the modem configuration window, and go to the 'Options' tab in the ESB properties. Deselect all except 'Display progress...'. <img src="img/esb/slip12.jpg" align="center"> -# Go to the 'Networking' tab. Change to 'SLIP: Unix Connection' and deselect all except the first two items in the connection item list. <img src="img/esb/slip13.jpg" align="center"> -# Select 'Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)' and click 'Properties'. Enter the IP address ''. <img src="img/esb/slip14b.jpg" align="center"> -# Click 'Advanced' and deselect all checkboxes in the 'Advanced TCP/IP Settings'. Go to the 'WINS' tab and deselect 'Enable LMHOSTS lookup' if it is selected. Also select 'Disable NetBIOS over TCP/IP'. <img src="img/esb/slip15.jpg" align="center"> <img src="img/esb/slip16.jpg" align="center"> \section slipintro-setup Setup ESB for over the air programming -# Make sure you have the latest version of contiki (older versions of contiki might not work with SLIP under Windows) -# Install the contiki kernel by running \code make core.u \endcode -# Attach the ESB node to the serial port and make sure it is turned on. Select your ESB SLIP connection in your 'Network Connections' and choose 'Connect' (or double click on it). If everything works Windows should say that you have a new connection. -# Set the IP address for the node by pinging it (it will claim the IP address of the first ping it hears). Note that the slip interface has IP address but the node will have the IP address \code ping \endcode If everything works the node should click and reply to the pings. \section slipintro-send Send programs over the air Contiki applications to be installed via radio are compiled somewhat different compared to normal applications. Each node needs an IP address for OTA to work. A node id can be specified when you upload the contiki kernel to a node and this is used to construct an IP address for the node. If you specify 2 as node id, the node will have the IP address Each node should have its own unique node id. You need to compile a core and upload it onto the nodes. All nodes must run the same core. Move to the directory '<tt>contiki-2.x/platform/esb</tt>' and run \code make make core.u nodeid=X \endcode to upload the core to your nodes. Use the number 1, 2, 3, etc, as the node id (\c X) for the nodes. This will give the nodes the IP addresses,, etc. Then you need a program to send the application to connected nodes. Compile it by running \code make send \endcode Make sure you have a node with IP address connected to your serial port and have SLIP activated. Then compile and send a testprogram by running \code make beeper.ce ./send beeper.ce \endcode */ /** @} */ /** @} */