/* * Example Contiki test script (JavaScript). * A Contiki test script acts on mote output, such as via printf()'s. * The script may operate on the following variables: * Mote mote, int id, String msg */ /* Wait until node has booted */ WAIT_UNTIL(msg.startsWith('Starting')); log.log("Mote started\n"); mymote = mote; /* store mote reference */ /* Wait 3 seconds (3000ms) */ GENERATE_MSG(3000, "continue"); YIELD_THEN_WAIT_UNTIL(msg.equals("continue")); /* Write command to serial port */ log.log("Writing 'ls' to mote serial port\n"); write(mymote, "ls"); /* Read replies */ while (true) { YIELD(); if (mote == mymote) { log.log("Mote replied: " + msg + "\n"); } }