/* * Sample arduino sketch using contiki features. * We turn the LED off * We allow read the moisture sensor * Unfortunately sleeping for long times in loop() isn't currently * possible, something turns off the CPU (including PWM outputs) if a * Proto-Thread is taking too long. We need to find out how to sleep in * a Contiki-compatible way. * Note that for a normal arduino sketch you won't have to include any * of the contiki-specific files here, the sketch should just work. */ extern "C" { #include "opentrigger.h" #include "rest-engine.h" #include "er-coap-engine.h" #include "generic_resource.h" #include "net/netstack.h" #include "dev/button-sensor.h" #include "ChainableLED.h" extern resource_t res_led, res_bled, res_battery, res_cputemp, res_event, res_separate, res_server; uint8_t led_pin=4; uint8_t led_status; uint8_t bled_pin=7; uint8_t bled_status; } #define REMOTE_PORT UIP_HTONS(COAP_DEFAULT_PORT) // should be the same :-) #define UIP_NTOHS(x) UIP_HTONS(x) #define SERVER_NODE(ip) \ uip_ip6addr(ip,0xaaaa,0,0,0,0,0,0,0x01) uip_ipaddr_t server_ipaddr, tmp_addr; char server_resource [20] = "button"; static int32_t levent_counter; #define NUM_LEDS 1 // Merkurboard grove i2c D8, D9 ChainableLED leds(8, 9, NUM_LEDS); uint8_t color_rgb [3] = {0, 0, 0}; static uint8_t name_to_offset (const char * name) { uint8_t offset = 0; if (0 == strcmp (name, "green")) { offset = 1; } else if (0 == strcmp (name, "blue")) { offset = 2; } return offset; } static size_t color_to_string (const char *name, const char *uri, char *buf, size_t bsize) { return snprintf (buf, bsize, "%d", color_rgb [name_to_offset (name)]); } int color_from_string (const char *name, const char *uri, const char *s) { color_rgb [name_to_offset (name)] = atoi (s); leds.setColorRGB(0,color_rgb [0], color_rgb [1], color_rgb [2]); return 0; } #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wwrite-strings" GENERIC_RESOURCE ( red , RED_LED , s , 1 , color_from_string , color_to_string ); GENERIC_RESOURCE ( green , GREEN_LED , s , 1 , color_from_string , color_to_string ); GENERIC_RESOURCE ( blue , BLUE_LED , s , 1 , color_from_string , color_to_string ); #pragma GCC diagnostic pop void setup (void) { // switch off the led pinMode(led_pin, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(led_pin, HIGH); led_status=0; // switch off the bled pinMode(bled_pin, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(bled_pin, LOW); bled_status=0; // init chainable led leds.init(); leds.setColorRGB(0,color_rgb [0], color_rgb [1], color_rgb [2]); // sensors SENSORS_ACTIVATE(button_sensor); // init coap resourcen rest_init_engine (); SERVER_NODE (&server_ipaddr); #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wwrite-strings" rest_activate_resource (&res_led, "s/led"); rest_activate_resource (&res_bled, "s/bled"); rest_activate_resource (&res_battery, "s/battery"); rest_activate_resource (&res_cputemp, "s/cputemp"); rest_activate_resource(&res_event, "s/button"); rest_activate_resource (&res_red, "led/R"); rest_activate_resource (&res_green, "led/G"); rest_activate_resource (&res_blue, "led/B"); #pragma GCC diagnostic pop // mcu_sleep_set(64); NETSTACK_MAC.off(1); } int coap_server_post(void) { static coap_packet_t request [1]; /* Array: treat as pointer */ char buf [25]; printf("post\n"); coap_transaction_t *transaction; int buttonstate = button_sensor.value(0); sprintf (buf, "state=%d&event=%lu",buttonstate,levent_counter++); // printf ("%s\n", buf); coap_init_message (request, COAP_TYPE_NON, COAP_PUT, 0); coap_set_header_uri_path (request, server_resource); coap_set_header_content_format (request, REST.type.TEXT_PLAIN); coap_set_payload (request, buf, strlen (buf)); request->mid = coap_get_mid (); transaction = coap_new_transaction (request->mid, &server_ipaddr, REMOTE_PORT); transaction->packet_len = coap_serialize_message (request, transaction->packet); coap_send_transaction (transaction); return 0; } void loop (void) { // test caop srever post static int buttonstate = 1; if(buttonstate != button_sensor.value(0)){ coap_server_post(); buttonstate=button_sensor.value(0); } // test chainable led /* static byte power=0; for (byte i=0; i