; ; Copyright (c) 2010, Kajtar Zsolt <soci@c64.rulez.org> ; All rights reserved. ; ; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ; are met: ; 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ; 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ; documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ; 3. Neither the name of the Institute nor the names of its contributors ; may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software ; without specific prior written permission. ; ; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE INSTITUTE AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ; ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE ; IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ; ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE INSTITUTE OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE ; FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL ; DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS ; OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) ; HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT ; LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY ; OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF ; SUCH DAMAGE. ; ; This file is part of the Contiki operating system. ; ; Author: Kajtar Zsolt <soci@c64.rulez.org> ; ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- .define F_IDE64 0 ; support IDE64, not on C128 .constructor init_pfs .destructor done_pfs .importzp ptr1, ptr2, ptr3, sp .import curunit, __filetype, popax, addysp, subysp .export pfs_rwcommon, pfs_rwsetflags, pfs_rwcommonend .if F_IDE64 .export ide64_rwprepare, ide64_rwfinish .endif .export _pfs_open, _pfs_read, _pfs_close ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- F_EOF = $80 F_NBLK = $40 F_OPEN = $20 F_MAXLEN = 80 ;max filename length ST = $90 ;status FN = $BB ;filename FNL = $B7 ;filenamelength LF = $B8 ;logical file number SA = $B9 ;secondary address OPEN = $FFC0 CLOSE = $FFC3 CHKIN = $FFC6 CHKOUT = $FFC9 CLRCHN = $FFCC CHRIN = $FFCF CHROUT = $FFD2 SETLFS = $FFBA SETNAM = $FFBD CLALL = $FFE7 WRITE = $DEF1 READ = $DEF4 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- .data illchr: .byte $3A, $2A, $3F, $3D ;illegal chars pw: .byte $2C, $50, $2C, $57 ;,p,w cmdc: .byte 0 flags: .res 10 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- .segment "INIT" init_pfs: ldy #F_MAXLEN+8 jsr subysp ;allocate lda #0 sta FNL ;no name ldy #15-1 jsr open2 ;open command channel sta cmdc rts ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- .code error3: jmp error _pfs_open: sta ptr2 ; Pop and store name jsr popax sta FN stx FN+1 ;filename (kernal) ldy #F_MAXLEN+8 jsr subysp ;allocate name ldy #255 sty ptr3 sty ptr1 @L10: iny cpy #F_MAXLEN bcs error3 ;too long... ldx #4 ;4+1 (comma) @L12: cmp illchr,x beq error3 ;illegal char? dex bpl @L12 cmp #$2F bne @L11 sty ptr1 ;last slash @L11: lda (FN),y bne @L10 sty FNL tay tax lda #$30 ;this partition sta (sp),y iny inc ptr1 beq nopath lda #$2F @L13: sta (sp),y iny lda (FN,x) inc FN bne @L14 inc FN+1 @L14: cpy ptr1 bcc @L13 lda #$2F sta (sp),y iny nopath: lda #$3A @L16: sta (sp),y iny lda (FN,x) inc FN bne @L15 inc FN+1 @L15: ora #0 bne @L16 lsr ptr2 bcs ro ;read only lda __filetype sta pw+1 ;set filetype ldx #252 @L20: lda pw-252,x sta (sp),y ;write iny inx bne @L20 ro: tya ;name length (kernal) ldx sp ldy sp+1 jsr SETNAM lda #0 ;file number tay ;secondary address open2: sta ptr2 sty ptr2+1 next: inc ptr2 ;next file number ldx ptr2 ;file number cpx #11 bcs error ;no more files lda flags-1,x bne next ;already used lda ptr2+1 bne nextsa inx stx ptr2+1 nextsa: inc ptr2+1 ;next channel retr: lda ptr2 ;file number ldx curunit ldy ptr2+1 ;secondary address jsr SETLFS jsr OPEN ;open bcs oerr ldx cmdc beq opok ;error channel open jsr CHKIN bcs error jsr CHRIN pha jsr CHRIN sta ptr1 @L4: jsr CHRIN lda ST beq @L4 jsr CLRCHN pla tax lsr cmp #$18 ;no serious error beq opok txa pha lda ptr2 jsr CLOSE ;close pla ldx ptr1 cmp #$37 ;no channel? bne nnoc cpx #$30 bne error ;not no channel lda ptr2+1 cmp #14 bcc nextsa ;try next channel bcs error ;give up opok: ldx ptr2 lda #F_OPEN sta flags-1,x txa ;ok, return file number ldx #0 ret: ldy #F_MAXLEN+8 ; free filename jmp addysp oerr: dec ptr2+1 cmp #2 ;already open, beq next ;retry with next error: lda #$FF tax ;failed bne ret nnoc: inc ptr3 bne error ;no retry cmp #$36 bne error ;no exists cpx #$33 bne error ldx cmdc jsr CHKOUT bcs error lda FNL sec sbc #5 tax lda #$53 ;scratch jsr CHROUT ldy #1 @L4: lda (FN),y iny jsr CHROUT dex bne @L4 lda #$3D jsr CHROUT iny lda (FN),y jsr CHROUT lda #$0d jsr CHROUT jsr CLRCHN jmp retr .proc _pfs_read jsr pfs_rwcommon ; pop params, check handle beq error2 ; not open bmi eof .if F_IDE64 asl bmi nblk ; no block operation jsr CHKIN bcs error2 ; check support jsr ide64_rwprepare bcs norm ; read jsr READ bcs nosup jmp ide64_rwfinish nosup: lda #F_NBLK jsr pfs_rwsetflags .endif ; Valid lfn. Make it the input file nblk: jsr CHKIN bcs error2 ; Decrement the count norm: ldy #0 @L3: inc ptr1 bne @L0 inc ptr1+1 beq done ; branch always ; Read the next byte @L0: jsr CHRIN tax ; save the input byte lda ST ; read the IEEE status cmp #1 ; save it and #%10111111 ; check anything but the EOI bit bne error5 ; assume device not present ; Store the byte just read txa sta (ptr2),y inc ptr2 bne @L1 inc ptr2+1 ; *buf++ = A; ; Get the status again and check the EOI bit @L1: bcc @L3 ; loop if no end of file ; Set the EOI flag and bail out lda #F_EOF jsr pfs_rwsetflags ; Read done, close the input channel done: jsr CLRCHN ; clrchn ; Return the number of chars read eof: jmp pfs_rwcommonend .endproc ; Error entry, file is not open done_pfs: ldx #10 @L2: ldy flags-1,x ; file open? beq @L1 txa jsr _pfs_close @L1: dex bne @L2 rts error5: jsr CLRCHN ; clrchn error2: ldx #255 txa rts _pfs_close: pha jsr CLOSE ;close pla tax lda #0 sta flags-1,x rts .proc pfs_rwcommon eor #$FF sta ptr1 txa eor #$FF sta ptr1+1 ; remember -count-1 jsr popax ; get buf sta ptr2 stx ptr2+1 sta ptr3 stx ptr3+1 ; for length jsr popax ; get the handle sta LF lda #0 beq pfs_rwsetflags .endproc .if F_IDE64 .proc ide64_rwprepare sec lda ptr1+1 eor #255 beq small ; too small, not worth it tay lda ptr1 ; setup registers eor #255 tax lda $031B eor #$DE bne noide ; open vector set? lda $DE60 eor #$49 bne noide ; check identification lda $DE61 eor #$44 bne noide lda $DE62 eor #$45 bne noide clc lda #ptr2 small: rts noide: lda #F_NBLK bne pfs_rwsetflags .endproc .endif .proc pfs_rwsetflags ldx LF ora flags-1,x sta flags-1,x rts .endproc .if F_IDE64 .proc ide64_rwfinish txa pha tya pha jsr CLRCHN pla tax pla rts .endproc .endif .proc pfs_rwcommonend lda ptr2 sec sbc ptr3 pha lda ptr2+1 sbc ptr3+1 tax pla rts .endproc