/* * Copyright (c) 2010, Swedish Institute of Computer Science * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the Institute nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE INSTITUTE AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE INSTITUTE OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** * \file * Logic engine used for quickly evaluating data constraints in relations. * \author * Nicolas Tsiftes <nvt@sics.se> */ #include <limits.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "aql.h" #include "lvm.h" #define DEBUG DEBUG_NONE #include "debug.h" /* * The logic engine determines whether a logical predicate is true for * each tuple in a relation. It uses a stack-based execution model of * operations that are arranged in prefix (Polish) notation. */ /* Default option values. */ #ifndef LVM_MAX_NAME_LENGTH #define LVM_MAX_NAME_LENGTH 16 #endif #ifndef LVM_MAX_VARIABLE_ID #define LVM_MAX_VARIABLE_ID 8 #endif #ifndef LVM_USE_FLOATS #define LVM_USE_FLOATS 0 #endif #define IS_CONNECTIVE(op) ((op) & LVM_CONNECTIVE) struct variable { operand_type_t type; operand_value_t value; char name[LVM_MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 1]; }; typedef struct variable variable_t; struct derivation { operand_value_t max; operand_value_t min; uint8_t derived; }; typedef struct derivation derivation_t; /* Registered variables for a LVM expression. Their values may be changed between executions of the expression. */ static variable_t variables[LVM_MAX_VARIABLE_ID - 1]; /* Range derivations of variables that are used for index searches. */ static derivation_t derivations[LVM_MAX_VARIABLE_ID - 1]; #if DEBUG static void print_derivations(derivation_t *d) { int i; for(i = 0; i < LVM_MAX_VARIABLE_ID; i++) { if(d[i].derived) { printf("%s is constrained to (%ld,%ld)\n", variables[i].name, d[i].min.l, d[i].max.l); } } } #endif /* DEBUG */ static variable_id_t lookup(char *name) { variable_t *var; for(var = variables; var <= &variables[LVM_MAX_VARIABLE_ID - 1] && var->name[0] != '\0'; var++) { if(strcmp(var->name, name) == 0) { break; } } return (variable_id_t)(var - &variables[0]); } static operator_t * get_operator(lvm_instance_t *p) { operator_t *operator; operator = (operator_t *)&p->code[p->ip]; p->ip += sizeof(operator_t); return operator; } static void get_operand(lvm_instance_t *p, operand_t *operand) { memcpy(operand, &p->code[p->ip], sizeof(*operand)); p->ip += sizeof(*operand); } static node_type_t get_type(lvm_instance_t *p) { node_type_t node_type; node_type = *(node_type_t *)(p->code + p->ip); p->ip += sizeof(node_type); return node_type; } static long operand_to_long(operand_t *operand) { switch(operand->type) { case LVM_LONG: return operand->value.l; #if LVM_USE_FLOATS case LVM_FLOAT: return (long)operand->value.f; break; #endif /* LVM_USE_FLOATS */ case LVM_VARIABLE: return variables[operand->value.id].value.l; default: return 0; } } static lvm_status_t eval_expr(lvm_instance_t *p, operator_t op, operand_t *result) { int i; node_type_t type; operator_t *operator; operand_t operand[2]; long value[2]; long result_value; lvm_status_t r; for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) { type = get_type(p); switch(type) { case LVM_ARITH_OP: operator = get_operator(p); r = eval_expr(p, *operator, &operand[i]); if(LVM_ERROR(r)) { return r; } break; case LVM_OPERAND: get_operand(p, &operand[i]); break; default: return SEMANTIC_ERROR; } value[i] = operand_to_long(&operand[i]); } switch(op) { case LVM_ADD: result_value = value[0] + value[1]; break; case LVM_SUB: result_value = value[0] - value[1]; break; case LVM_MUL: result_value = value[0] * value[1]; break; case LVM_DIV: if(value[1] == 0) { return MATH_ERROR; } result_value = value[0] / value[1]; break; default: return EXECUTION_ERROR; } result->type = LVM_LONG; result->value.l = result_value; return TRUE; } static int eval_logic(lvm_instance_t *p, operator_t *op) { int i; int r; operand_t operand; long result[2]; node_type_t type; operator_t *operator; long l1, l2; int logic_result[2]; unsigned arguments; if(IS_CONNECTIVE(*op)) { arguments = *op == LVM_NOT ? 1 : 2; for(i = 0; i < arguments; i++) { type = get_type(p); if(type != LVM_CMP_OP) { return SEMANTIC_ERROR; } operator = get_operator(p); logic_result[i] = eval_logic(p, operator); if(LVM_ERROR(logic_result[i])) { return logic_result[i]; } } if(*op == LVM_NOT) { return !logic_result[0]; } else if(*op == LVM_AND) { return logic_result[0] == TRUE && logic_result[1] == TRUE; } else { return logic_result[0] == TRUE || logic_result[1] == TRUE; } } for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) { type = get_type(p); switch(type) { case LVM_ARITH_OP: operator = get_operator(p); r = eval_expr(p, *operator, &operand); if(LVM_ERROR(r)) { return r; } break; case LVM_OPERAND: get_operand(p, &operand); break; default: return SEMANTIC_ERROR; } result[i] = operand_to_long(&operand); } l1 = result[0]; l2 = result[1]; PRINTF("Result1: %ld\nResult2: %ld\n", l1, l2); switch(*op) { case LVM_EQ: return l1 == l2; case LVM_NEQ: return l1 != l2; case LVM_GE: return l1 > l2; case LVM_GEQ: return l1 >= l2; case LVM_LE: return l1 < l2; case LVM_LEQ: return l1 <= l2; default: break; } return EXECUTION_ERROR; } void lvm_reset(lvm_instance_t *p, unsigned char *code, lvm_ip_t size) { memset(code, 0, size); p->code = code; p->size = size; p->end = 0; p->ip = 0; p->error = 0; memset(variables, 0, sizeof(variables)); memset(derivations, 0, sizeof(derivations)); } lvm_ip_t lvm_jump_to_operand(lvm_instance_t *p) { lvm_ip_t old_end; old_end = p->end; p->end += sizeof(operator_t) + sizeof(node_type_t); if(p->end >= p->size) { p->error = __LINE__; p->end = old_end; } return old_end; } lvm_ip_t lvm_shift_for_operator(lvm_instance_t *p, lvm_ip_t end) { unsigned char *ptr; lvm_ip_t old_end; old_end = p->end; if(p->end + sizeof(operator_t) > p->size || end >= old_end) { p->error = __LINE__; return 0; } ptr = p->code + end; memmove(ptr + sizeof(operator_t) + sizeof(node_type_t), ptr, old_end - end); p->end = end; return old_end + sizeof(operator_t) + sizeof(node_type_t); } lvm_ip_t lvm_get_end(lvm_instance_t *p) { return p->end; } lvm_ip_t lvm_set_end(lvm_instance_t *p, lvm_ip_t end) { lvm_ip_t old_end; if(end >= p->size) { p->error = __LINE__; return p->end; } old_end = p->end; p->end = end; return old_end; } void lvm_set_type(lvm_instance_t *p, node_type_t type) { *(node_type_t *)(p->code + p->end) = type; p->end += sizeof(type); } lvm_status_t lvm_execute(lvm_instance_t *p) { node_type_t type; operator_t *operator; lvm_status_t status; p->ip = 0; status = EXECUTION_ERROR; type = get_type(p); switch(type) { case LVM_CMP_OP: operator = get_operator(p); status = eval_logic(p, operator); if(!LVM_ERROR(status)) { PRINTF("The statement is %s\n", status == TRUE ? "true" : "false"); } else { PRINTF("Execution error: %d\n", (int)status); } break; default: PRINTF("Error: The code must start with a relational operator\n"); } return status; } void lvm_set_op(lvm_instance_t *p, operator_t op) { lvm_set_type(p, LVM_ARITH_OP); memcpy(&p->code[p->end], &op, sizeof(op)); p->end += sizeof(op); } void lvm_set_relation(lvm_instance_t *p, operator_t op) { lvm_set_type(p, LVM_CMP_OP); memcpy(&p->code[p->end], &op, sizeof(op)); p->end += sizeof(op); } void lvm_set_operand(lvm_instance_t *p, operand_t *op) { lvm_set_type(p, LVM_OPERAND); memcpy(&p->code[p->end], op, sizeof(*op)); p->end += sizeof(*op); } void lvm_set_long(lvm_instance_t *p, long l) { operand_t op; op.type = LVM_LONG; op.value.l = l; lvm_set_operand(p, &op); } lvm_status_t lvm_register_variable(char *name, operand_type_t type) { variable_id_t id; variable_t *var; id = lookup(name); if(id == LVM_MAX_VARIABLE_ID) { return VARIABLE_LIMIT_REACHED; } var = &variables[id]; if(var->name[0] == '\0') { strncpy(var->name, name, sizeof(var->name) - 1); var->name[sizeof(var->name) - 1] = '\0'; var->type = type; } return TRUE; } lvm_status_t lvm_set_variable_value(char *name, operand_value_t value) { variable_id_t id; id = lookup(name); if(id == LVM_MAX_VARIABLE_ID) { return INVALID_IDENTIFIER; } variables[id].value = value; return TRUE; } void lvm_set_variable(lvm_instance_t *p, char *name) { operand_t op; variable_id_t id; id = lookup(name); if(id < LVM_MAX_VARIABLE_ID) { PRINTF("var id = %d\n", id); op.type = LVM_VARIABLE; op.value.id = id; lvm_set_operand(p, &op); } } void lvm_clone(lvm_instance_t *dst, lvm_instance_t *src) { memcpy(dst, src, sizeof(*dst)); } static void create_intersection(derivation_t *result, derivation_t *d1, derivation_t *d2) { int i; for(i = 0; i < LVM_MAX_VARIABLE_ID; i++) { if(!d1[i].derived && !d2[i].derived) { continue; } else if(d1[i].derived && !d2[i].derived) { result[i].min.l = d1[i].min.l; result[i].max.l = d1[i].max.l; } else if(!d1[i].derived && d2[i].derived) { result[i].min.l = d2[i].min.l; result[i].max.l = d2[i].max.l; } else { /* Both derivations have been made; create an intersection of the ranges. */ if(d1[i].min.l > d2[i].min.l) { result[i].min.l = d1[i].min.l; } else { result[i].min.l = d2[i].min.l; } if(d1[i].max.l < d2[i].max.l) { result[i].max.l = d1[i].max.l; } else { result[i].max.l = d2[i].max.l; } } result[i].derived = 1; } #if DEBUG PRINTF("Created an intersection of D1 and D2\n"); PRINTF("D1: \n"); print_derivations(d1); PRINTF("D2: \n"); print_derivations(d2); PRINTF("Result: \n"); print_derivations(result); #endif /* DEBUG */ } static void create_union(derivation_t *result, derivation_t *d1, derivation_t *d2) { int i; for(i = 0; i < LVM_MAX_VARIABLE_ID; i++) { if(!d1[i].derived && !d2[i].derived) { continue; } else if(d1[i].derived && !d2[i].derived) { result[i].min.l = d1[i].min.l; result[i].max.l = d1[i].max.l; } else if(!d1[i].derived && d2[i].derived) { result[i].min.l = d2[i].min.l; result[i].max.l = d2[i].max.l; } else { /* Both derivations have been made; create a union of the ranges. */ if(d1[i].min.l > d2[i].min.l) { result[i].min.l = d2[i].min.l; } else { result[i].min.l = d1[i].min.l; } if(d1[i].max.l < d2[i].max.l) { result[i].max.l = d2[i].max.l; } else { result[i].max.l = d1[i].max.l; } } result[i].derived = 1; } #if DEBUG PRINTF("Created a union of D1 and D2\n"); PRINTF("D1: \n"); print_derivations(d1); PRINTF("D2: \n"); print_derivations(d2); PRINTF("Result: \n"); print_derivations(result); #endif /* DEBUG */ } static int derive_relation(lvm_instance_t *p, derivation_t *local_derivations) { operator_t *operator; node_type_t type; operand_t operand[2]; int i; int var; int variable_id; operand_value_t *value; derivation_t *derivation; type = get_type(p); operator = get_operator(p); if(IS_CONNECTIVE(*operator)) { derivation_t d1[LVM_MAX_VARIABLE_ID]; derivation_t d2[LVM_MAX_VARIABLE_ID]; if(*operator != LVM_AND && *operator != LVM_OR) { return DERIVATION_ERROR; } PRINTF("Attempting to infer ranges from a logical connective\n"); memset(d1, 0, sizeof(d1)); memset(d2, 0, sizeof(d2)); if(LVM_ERROR(derive_relation(p, d1)) || LVM_ERROR(derive_relation(p, d2))) { return DERIVATION_ERROR; } if(*operator == LVM_AND) { create_intersection(local_derivations, d1, d2); } else if(*operator == LVM_OR) { create_union(local_derivations, d1, d2); } return TRUE; } for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) { type = get_type(p); switch(type) { case LVM_OPERAND: get_operand(p, &operand[i]); break; default: return DERIVATION_ERROR; } } if(operand[0].type == LVM_VARIABLE && operand[1].type == LVM_VARIABLE) { return DERIVATION_ERROR; } /* Determine which of the operands that is the variable. */ if(operand[0].type == LVM_VARIABLE) { if(operand[1].type == LVM_VARIABLE) { return DERIVATION_ERROR; } var = 0; variable_id = operand[0].value.id; value = &operand[1].value; } else { var = 1; variable_id = operand[1].value.id; value = &operand[0].value; } if(variable_id >= LVM_MAX_VARIABLE_ID) { return DERIVATION_ERROR; } PRINTF("variable id %d, value %ld\n", variable_id, *(long *)value); derivation = local_derivations + variable_id; /* Default values. */ derivation->max.l = LONG_MAX; derivation->min.l = LONG_MIN; switch(*operator) { case LVM_EQ: derivation->max = *value; derivation->min = *value; break; case LVM_GE: derivation->min.l = value->l + 1; break; case LVM_GEQ: derivation->min.l = value->l; break; case LVM_LE: derivation->max.l = value->l - 1; break; case LVM_LEQ: derivation->max.l = value->l; break; default: return DERIVATION_ERROR; } derivation->derived = 1; return TRUE; } lvm_status_t lvm_derive(lvm_instance_t *p) { return derive_relation(p, derivations); } lvm_status_t lvm_get_derived_range(lvm_instance_t *p, char *name, operand_value_t *min, operand_value_t *max) { int i; for(i = 0; i < LVM_MAX_VARIABLE_ID; i++) { if(strcmp(name, variables[i].name) == 0) { if(derivations[i].derived) { *min = derivations[i].min; *max = derivations[i].max; return TRUE; } return DERIVATION_ERROR; } } return INVALID_IDENTIFIER; } #if DEBUG static lvm_ip_t print_operator(lvm_instance_t *p, lvm_ip_t index) { operator_t operator; struct operator_map { operator_t op; char *representation; }; struct operator_map operator_map[] = { {LVM_ADD, "+"}, {LVM_SUB, "-"}, {LVM_MUL, "*"}, {LVM_DIV, "/"}, {LVM_GE, ">"}, {LVM_GEQ, ">="}, {LVM_LE, "<"}, {LVM_LEQ, "<="}, {LVM_EQ, "="}, {LVM_NEQ, "<>"}, {LVM_AND, "/\\"}, {LVM_OR, "\\/"}, {LVM_NOT, "!"} }; int i; memcpy(&operator, p->code + index, sizeof(operator)); for(i = 0; i < sizeof(operator_map) / sizeof(operator_map[0]); i++) { if(operator_map[i].op == operator) { PRINTF("%s ", operator_map[i].representation); break; } } return index + sizeof(operator_t); } static lvm_ip_t print_operand(lvm_instance_t *p, lvm_ip_t index) { operand_t operand; memcpy(&operand, p->code + index, sizeof(operand)); switch(operand.type) { case LVM_VARIABLE: if(operand.value.id >= LVM_MAX_VARIABLE_ID || variables[operand.value.id].name == NULL) { PRINTF("var(id:%d):?? ", operand.value.id); } else { PRINTF("var(%s):%ld ", variables[operand.value.id].name, variables[operand.value.id].value.l); } break; case LVM_LONG: PRINTF("long:%ld ", operand.value.l); break; default: PRINTF("?? "); break; } return index + sizeof(operand_t); } static lvm_ip_t print_relation(lvm_instance_t *p, lvm_ip_t index) { /* Relational operators are stored as ordinary operators. */ return print_operator(p, index); } #endif /* DEBUG */ void lvm_print_code(lvm_instance_t *p) { #if DEBUG lvm_ip_t ip; PRINTF("Code: "); for(ip = 0; ip < p->end;) { switch(*(node_type_t *)(p->code + ip)) { case LVM_CMP_OP: ip = print_relation(p, ip + sizeof(node_type_t)); break; case LVM_ARITH_OP: ip = print_operator(p, ip + sizeof(node_type_t)); break; case LVM_OPERAND: ip = print_operand(p, ip + sizeof(node_type_t)); break; default: PRINTF("Invalid opcode: 0x%x ", p->code[ip]); ip = p->end; break; } } putchar('\n'); #endif } void lvm_print_derivations(lvm_instance_t *p) { #if DEBUG print_derivations(derivations); #endif /* DEBUG */ } #ifdef TEST int main(void) { lvm_instance_t p; unsigned char code[256]; lvm_reset(&p, code, sizeof(code)); lvm_register_variable("z", LVM_LONG); lvm_set_variable_value("z", (operand_value_t)15L); lvm_register_variable("y", LVM_LONG); lvm_set_variable_value("y", (operand_value_t)109L); /* Infix: 109 = y /\ 20 > 70 - (6 + z * 3) => 109 = 109 /\ 20 > 19 => true */ lvm_set_relation(&p, LVM_AND); lvm_set_relation(&p, LVM_EQ); lvm_set_long(&p, 109); lvm_set_variable(&p, "y"); lvm_set_relation(&p, LVM_GE); lvm_set_long(&p, 20); lvm_set_op(&p, LVM_SUB); lvm_set_long(&p, 70); lvm_set_op(&p, LVM_ADD); lvm_set_long(&p, 6); lvm_set_op(&p, LVM_MUL); lvm_set_variable(&p, "z"); lvm_set_long(&p, 3); lvm_print_code(&p); lvm_execute(&p); /* Infix: !(9999 + 1 < -1 + 10001) => !(10000 < 10000) => true */ lvm_reset(&p, code, sizeof(code)); lvm_set_relation(&p, LVM_NOT); lvm_set_relation(&p, LVM_LE); lvm_set_op(&p, LVM_ADD); lvm_set_long(&p, 9999); lvm_set_long(&p, 1); lvm_set_op(&p, LVM_ADD); lvm_set_long(&p, -1); lvm_set_long(&p, 10001); lvm_print_code(&p); lvm_execute(&p); /* Derivation tests */ /* Infix: a = 5 => a:(5,5) */ lvm_reset(&p, code, sizeof(code)); lvm_register_variable("a", LVM_LONG); lvm_set_relation(&p, LVM_EQ); lvm_set_variable(&p, "a"); lvm_set_long(&p, 5); lvm_derive(&p); lvm_print_derivations(&p); /* Infix: a < 10 => a:(-oo,9) */ lvm_reset(&p, code, sizeof(code)); lvm_register_variable("a", LVM_LONG); lvm_set_relation(&p, LVM_LE); lvm_set_variable(&p, "a"); lvm_set_long(&p, 10); lvm_derive(&p); lvm_print_derivations(&p); /* Infix: a < 100 /\ 10 < a => a:(11,99) */ lvm_reset(&p, code, sizeof(code)); lvm_register_variable("a", LVM_LONG); lvm_set_relation(&p, LVM_AND); lvm_set_relation(&p, LVM_LE); lvm_set_variable(&p, "a"); lvm_set_long(&p, 100); lvm_set_relation(&p, LVM_GE); lvm_set_long(&p, 10); lvm_set_variable(&p, "a"); lvm_derive(&p); lvm_print_derivations(&p); /* Infix: a < 100 /\ b > 100 => a:(-oo,99), b:(101,oo) */ lvm_reset(&p, code, sizeof(code)); lvm_register_variable("a", LVM_LONG); lvm_register_variable("b", LVM_LONG); lvm_set_relation(&p, LVM_AND); lvm_set_relation(&p, LVM_LE); lvm_set_variable(&p, "a"); lvm_set_long(&p, 100); lvm_set_relation(&p, LVM_GE); lvm_set_variable(&p, "b"); lvm_set_long(&p, 100); lvm_derive(&p); lvm_print_derivations(&p); /* Infix: a < 100 \/ a < 1000 \/ a < 1902 => a:(-oo,1901) */ lvm_reset(&p, code, sizeof(code)); lvm_register_variable("a", LVM_LONG); lvm_set_relation(&p, LVM_OR); lvm_set_relation(&p, LVM_LE); lvm_set_variable(&p, "a"); lvm_set_long(&p, 100); lvm_set_relation(&p, LVM_OR); lvm_set_relation(&p, LVM_LE); lvm_set_long(&p, 1000); lvm_set_variable(&p, "a"); lvm_set_relation(&p, LVM_LE); lvm_set_variable(&p, "a"); lvm_set_long(&p, 1902); lvm_derive(&p); lvm_print_derivations(&p); /* Infix: (a < 100 /\ a < 90 /\ a > 80 /\ a < 105) \/ b > 10000 => a:(81,89), b:(10001:oo) */ lvm_reset(&p, code, sizeof(code)); lvm_register_variable("a", LVM_LONG); lvm_register_variable("b", LVM_LONG); lvm_set_relation(&p, LVM_OR); lvm_set_relation(&p, LVM_GE); lvm_set_variable(&p, "b"); lvm_set_long(&p, 10000); lvm_set_relation(&p, LVM_AND); lvm_set_relation(&p, LVM_LE); lvm_set_variable(&p, "a"); lvm_set_long(&p, 100); lvm_set_relation(&p, LVM_AND); lvm_set_relation(&p, LVM_LE); lvm_set_variable(&p, "a"); lvm_set_long(&p, 90); lvm_set_relation(&p, LVM_AND); lvm_set_relation(&p, LVM_GE); lvm_set_variable(&p, "a"); lvm_set_long(&p, 80); lvm_set_relation(&p, LVM_LE); lvm_set_variable(&p, "a"); lvm_set_long(&p, 105); lvm_derive(&p); lvm_print_derivations(&p); printf("Done\n"); return 0; } #endif