# srf06-cc26xx platform makefile ifndef CONTIKI $(error CONTIKI not defined! You must specify where CONTIKI resides!) endif ### Board and BSP selection ifeq ($(BOARD),) BOARD=srf06 endif ### Configure the build for the board and pull in board-specific sources CONTIKI_TARGET_DIRS += . $(BOARD) PLATFORM_ROOT_DIR = $(CONTIKI)/platform/$(TARGET) ### Include the board dir if one exists -include $(PLATFORM_ROOT_DIR)/$(BOARD)/Makefile.$(BOARD) CONTIKI_TARGET_SOURCEFILES += contiki-main.c CONTIKI_TARGET_SOURCEFILES += sensors.c leds.c CONTIKI_TARGET_SOURCEFILES += $(BOARD_SOURCEFILES) CONTIKI_SOURCEFILES += $(CONTIKI_TARGET_SOURCEFILES) CLEAN += *.srf06-cc26xx ### Unless the example dictates otherwise, build with code size optimisations ifndef SMALL SMALL = 0 endif ### Define the CPU directory CONTIKI_CPU=$(CONTIKI)/cpu/cc26xx include $(CONTIKI_CPU)/Makefile.cc26xx MODULES += core/net core/net/mac core/net/mac/contikimac core/net/llsec