/* * Copyright (c) 2002, Adam Dunkels. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote * products derived from this software without specific prior * written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE * GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * This file is part of the "contiki" web browser. * * $Id: webclient.c,v 1.2 2006/08/14 23:32:29 oliverschmidt Exp $ * */ #include "contiki-net.h" #include "webclient.h" #include <string.h> #define WEBCLIENT_TIMEOUT 100 #define WEBCLIENT_STATE_STATUSLINE 0 #define WEBCLIENT_STATE_HEADERS 1 #define WEBCLIENT_STATE_DATA 2 #define WEBCLIENT_STATE_CLOSE 3 #define HTTPFLAG_NONE 0 #define HTTPFLAG_OK 1 #define HTTPFLAG_MOVED 2 #define HTTPFLAG_ERROR 3 #define ISO_nl 0x0a #define ISO_cr 0x0d #define ISO_space 0x20 struct webclient_state { u8_t timer; u8_t state; u8_t httpflag; u16_t port; char host[40]; char file[WWW_CONF_MAX_URLLEN]; u16_t getrequestptr; u16_t getrequestleft; char httpheaderline[200]; u16_t httpheaderlineptr; char mimetype[32]; }; static struct webclient_state s; /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ char * webclient_mimetype(void) { return s.mimetype; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ char * webclient_filename(void) { return s.file; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ char * webclient_hostname(void) { return s.host; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned short webclient_port(void) { return s.port; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void webclient_init(void) { } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void init_connection(void) { s.state = WEBCLIENT_STATE_STATUSLINE; s.getrequestleft = sizeof(http_get) - 1 + 1 + sizeof(http_10) - 1 + sizeof(http_crnl) - 1 + sizeof(http_host) - 1 + sizeof(http_crnl) - 1 + (u16_t)strlen(http_user_agent_fields) + (u16_t)strlen(s.file) + (u16_t)strlen(s.host); s.getrequestptr = 0; s.httpheaderlineptr = 0; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void webclient_close(void) { s.state = WEBCLIENT_STATE_CLOSE; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned char webclient_get(char *host, u16_t port, char *file) { struct uip_conn *conn; u16_t *ipaddr; static u16_t addr[2]; /* First check if the host is an IP address. */ ipaddr = &addr[0]; if(uiplib_ipaddrconv(host, (unsigned char *)addr) == 0) { ipaddr = resolv_lookup(host); if(ipaddr == NULL) { return 0; } } conn = tcp_connect((uip_ipaddr_t *)ipaddr, htons(port), NULL); if(conn == NULL) { return 0; } s.port = port; strncpy(s.file, file, sizeof(s.file)); strncpy(s.host, host, sizeof(s.host)); init_connection(); return 1; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static unsigned char * CC_FASTCALL copy_string(unsigned char *dest, const unsigned char *src, unsigned char len) { return strcpy(dest, src) + len; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void senddata(void) { u16_t len; char *getrequest; char *cptr; if(s.getrequestleft > 0) { cptr = getrequest = (char *)uip_appdata; cptr = copy_string(cptr, http_get, sizeof(http_get) - 1); cptr = copy_string(cptr, s.file, (unsigned char)strlen(s.file)); *cptr++ = ISO_space; cptr = copy_string(cptr, http_10, sizeof(http_10) - 1); cptr = copy_string(cptr, http_crnl, sizeof(http_crnl) - 1); cptr = copy_string(cptr, http_host, sizeof(http_host) - 1); cptr = copy_string(cptr, s.host, (unsigned char)strlen(s.host)); cptr = copy_string(cptr, http_crnl, sizeof(http_crnl) - 1); cptr = copy_string(cptr, http_user_agent_fields, (unsigned char)strlen(http_user_agent_fields)); len = s.getrequestleft > uip_mss()? uip_mss(): s.getrequestleft; uip_send(&(getrequest[s.getrequestptr]), len); } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void acked(void) { u16_t len; if(s.getrequestleft > 0) { len = s.getrequestleft > uip_mss()? uip_mss(): s.getrequestleft; s.getrequestleft -= len; s.getrequestptr += len; } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static u16_t parse_statusline(u16_t len) { char *cptr; while(len > 0 && s.httpheaderlineptr < sizeof(s.httpheaderline)) { s.httpheaderline[s.httpheaderlineptr] = *(char *)uip_appdata; ++((char *)uip_appdata); --len; if(s.httpheaderline[s.httpheaderlineptr] == ISO_nl) { if((strncmp(s.httpheaderline, http_10, sizeof(http_10) - 1) == 0) || (strncmp(s.httpheaderline, http_11, sizeof(http_11) - 1) == 0)) { cptr = &(s.httpheaderline[9]); s.httpflag = HTTPFLAG_NONE; if(strncmp(cptr, http_200, sizeof(http_200) - 1) == 0) { /* 200 OK */ s.httpflag = HTTPFLAG_OK; } else if(strncmp(cptr, http_301, sizeof(http_301) - 1) == 0 || strncmp(cptr, http_302, sizeof(http_302) - 1) == 0) { /* 301 Moved permanently or 302 Found. Location: header line will contain thw new location. */ s.httpflag = HTTPFLAG_MOVED; } else { s.httpheaderline[s.httpheaderlineptr - 1] = 0; } } else { uip_abort(); webclient_aborted(); return 0; } /* We're done parsing the status line, so we reset the pointer and start parsing the HTTP headers.*/ s.httpheaderlineptr = 0; s.state = WEBCLIENT_STATE_HEADERS; break; } else { ++s.httpheaderlineptr; } } return len; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static char casecmp(char *str1, const char *str2, char len) { static char c; while(len > 0) { c = *str1; /* Force lower-case characters. */ if(c & 0x40) { c |= 0x20; } if(*str2 != c) { return 1; } ++str1; ++str2; --len; } return 0; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static u16_t parse_headers(u16_t len) { char *cptr; static unsigned char i; while(len > 0 && s.httpheaderlineptr < sizeof(s.httpheaderline)) { s.httpheaderline[s.httpheaderlineptr] = *(char *)uip_appdata; ++((char *)uip_appdata); --len; if(s.httpheaderline[s.httpheaderlineptr] == ISO_nl) { /* We have an entire HTTP header line in s.httpheaderline, so we parse it. */ if(s.httpheaderline[0] == ISO_cr) { /* This was the last header line (i.e., and empty "\r\n"), so we are done with the headers and proceed with the actual data. */ s.state = WEBCLIENT_STATE_DATA; return len; } s.httpheaderline[s.httpheaderlineptr - 1] = 0; /* Check for specific HTTP header fields. */ if(casecmp(s.httpheaderline, http_content_type, sizeof(http_content_type) - 1) == 0) { /* Found Content-type field. */ cptr = strchr(s.httpheaderline, ';'); if(cptr != NULL) { *cptr = 0; } strncpy(s.mimetype, s.httpheaderline + sizeof(http_content_type) - 1, sizeof(s.mimetype)); } else if(casecmp(s.httpheaderline, http_location, sizeof(http_location) - 1) == 0) { cptr = s.httpheaderline + sizeof(http_location) - 1; if(strncmp(cptr, http_http, 7) == 0) { cptr += 7; for(i = 0; i < s.httpheaderlineptr - 7; ++i) { if(*cptr == 0 || *cptr == '/' || *cptr == ' ' || *cptr == ':') { s.host[i] = 0; break; } s.host[i] = *cptr; ++cptr; } } strncpy(s.file, cptr, sizeof(s.file)); /* s.file[s.httpheaderlineptr - i] = 0;*/ } /* We're done parsing, so we reset the pointer and start the next line. */ s.httpheaderlineptr = 0; } else { ++s.httpheaderlineptr; } } return len; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void newdata(void) { u16_t len; len = uip_datalen(); if(s.state == WEBCLIENT_STATE_STATUSLINE) { len = parse_statusline(len); } if(s.state == WEBCLIENT_STATE_HEADERS && len > 0) { len = parse_headers(len); } if(len > 0 && s.state == WEBCLIENT_STATE_DATA && s.httpflag != HTTPFLAG_MOVED) { webclient_datahandler((char *)uip_appdata, len); } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void webclient_appcall(void *state) { if(uip_connected()) { s.timer = 0; s.state = WEBCLIENT_STATE_STATUSLINE; senddata(); webclient_connected(); tcp_markconn(uip_conn, &s); return; } if(uip_timedout()) { webclient_timedout(); } if(state == NULL) { uip_abort(); return; } if(s.state == WEBCLIENT_STATE_CLOSE) { webclient_closed(); uip_abort(); return; } if(uip_aborted()) { webclient_aborted(); } if(uip_acked()) { s.timer = 0; acked(); } if(uip_newdata()) { s.timer = 0; newdata(); } if(uip_rexmit() || uip_newdata() || uip_acked()) { senddata(); } else if(uip_poll()) { ++s.timer; if(s.timer == WEBCLIENT_TIMEOUT) { webclient_timedout(); uip_abort(); return; } /* senddata();*/ } if(uip_closed()) { tcp_markconn(uip_conn, NULL); if(s.httpflag != HTTPFLAG_MOVED) { /* Send NULL data to signal EOF. */ webclient_datahandler(NULL, 0); } else { /* conn = uip_connect(uip_conn->ripaddr, s.port); if(conn != NULL) { dispatcher_markconn(conn, NULL); init_connection(); }*/ if(resolv_lookup(s.host) == NULL) { resolv_query(s.host); } webclient_get(s.host, s.port, s.file); } } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/