Entries in ram are processed by SMACinitfrommemory and executeentry
(which does the work). I suspect that these entries are loaded in from
the rom from the rom_data_init call in the beginning stub. For now
we'll do the simple thing of performing the actions they do, but for
real it would be better to load out from ROM and execute the entries
in a similar way. That way, if the cal data changes in the ROM, our
code should still work.

When radioinit first starts it seems to do checks for a 24MHZ clock
and if the buck should be enabled. Assuming 24MHZ and no buck the next
things it does is 5 entries in cal1 (40 bytes, 4 bytes per word, = 10
words, 2 words per entry = 5 entrys)



the next entry is zero addr with val 0x000161a8... this is a delay
entry. Loop here 0x000161a8 times. then return.


Then two more memory stuffs:



then it seems like the emulator dies on the stack munging they do at
the end of InitFromMemory... but I think I've decoded the entry
enough to figure out the rest.

then they do one entry of r4 base + 48 (gRadioTOCCal2_24MHz_c[0])


then they do 11 entries in cal3  and reg replacment  (first two have delays)

0x402b8c <gRadioTOCCal3_c>:     0x80009400      0x00020017      0x80009a04      0x8185a0a4
0x402b9c <gRadioTOCCal3_c+16>:  0x80009a00      0x8c900025      0x00000000      0x00011194
0x402bac <gRadioTOCCal3_c+32>:  0x80009a00      0x8c900021      0x80009a00      0x8c900027
0x402bbc <gRadioTOCCal3_c+48>:  0x00000000      0x00011194      0x80009a00      0x8c90002b
0x402bcc <gRadioTOCCal3_c+64>:  0x80009a00      0x8c90002f      0x00000000      0x00011194
0x402bdc <gRadioTOCCal3_c+80>:  0x80009a00      0x8c900000      

then 4 entries from r5+24 (buffer_radio_init and cal5)

0x80009400      0x00000017
0x405230 <gRadioTOCCal5+8>:     0x8000a050      0x00000000      0x8000a054      0x00000000
0x405240 <gRadioTOCCal5+24>:    0x80003048      0x00000f00

then 43 entries from r4+152 (reg replacement)

0x402bec <gRadioInit_RegReplacement_c>:         0x80004118      0x00180012      0x80009204      0x00000605
0x402bfc <gRadioInit_RegReplacement_c+16>:      0x80009208      0x00000504      0x8000920c      0x00001111
0x402c0c <gRadioInit_RegReplacement_c+32>:      0x80009210      0x0fc40000      0x80009300      0x20046000
0x402c1c <gRadioInit_RegReplacement_c+48>:      0x80009304      0x4005580c      0x80009308      0x40075801
0x402c2c <gRadioInit_RegReplacement_c+64>:      0x8000930c      0x4005d801      0x80009310      0x5a45d800
0x402c3c <gRadioInit_RegReplacement_c+80>:      0x80009314      0x4a45d800      0x80009318      0x40044000
0x402c4c <gRadioInit_RegReplacement_c+96>:      0x80009380      0x00106000      0x80009384      0x00083806
0x402c5c <gRadioInit_RegReplacement_c+112>:     0x80009388      0x00093807      0x8000938c      0x0009b804
0x402c6c <gRadioInit_RegReplacement_c+128>:     0x80009390      0x000db800      0x80009394      0x00093802
0x402c7c <gRadioInit_RegReplacement_c+144>:     0x8000a008      0x00000015      0x8000a018      0x00000002
0x402c8c <gRadioInit_RegReplacement_c+160>:     0x8000a01c      0x0000000f      0x80009424      0x0000aaa0
0x402c9c <gRadioInit_RegReplacement_c+176>:     0x80009434      0x01002020      0x80009438      0x016800fe
0x402cac <gRadioInit_RegReplacement_c+192>:     0x8000943c      0x8e578248      0x80009440      0x000000dd
0x402cbc <gRadioInit_RegReplacement_c+208>:     0x80009444      0x00000946      0x80009448      0x0000035a
0x402ccc <gRadioInit_RegReplacement_c+224>:     0x8000944c      0x00100010      0x80009450      0x00000515
0x402cdc <gRadioInit_RegReplacement_c+240>:     0x80009460      0x00397feb      0x80009464      0x00180358
0x402cec <gRadioInit_RegReplacement_c+256>:     0x8000947c      0x00000455      0x800094e0      0x00000001
0x402cfc <gRadioInit_RegReplacement_c+272>:     0x800094e4      0x00020003      0x800094e8      0x00040014
0x402d0c <gRadioInit_RegReplacement_c+288>:     0x800094ec      0x00240034      0x800094f0      0x00440144
0x402d1c <gRadioInit_RegReplacement_c+304>:     0x800094f4      0x02440344      0x800094f8      0x04440544
0x402d2c <gRadioInit_RegReplacement_c+320>:     0x80009470      0x0ee7fc00      0x8000981c      0x00000082
0x402d3c <gRadioInit_RegReplacement_c+336>:     0x80009828      0x0000002a

then flash init. (hrmm.. this might be important)

then flyback init.

then maybe buckbypass sequence... 4 entries from r4+16

0x402b64 <gBuckByPass_c>:       0x80003000      0x00000018      0x80003048      0x00000f04
0x402b74 <gBuckByPass_c+16>:    0x00000000      0x000161a8      0x80003048      0x00000ffc

RadioInit is (roughly):



    uint8_t i;
    uint8_t buffer_radio_init[16];
    for(i=0; i<16; i++) {
    	     buffer_radio_init[i] = get_ctov(i,u8RamValues[3]);

Some kind of success!

This replacment works:

 //   RadioInit(PLATFORM_CLOCK, gDigitalClock_PN_c, u32LoopDiv);   // need this to work
    /* my replacment for RadioInit, flyback and vreg have been separated out */
      //    SMAC_InitFromMemory(gRadioTOCCal1,40);
      //     *(volatile uint32_t *)0x80009000 = 0x80050100;
      //    SMAC_InitFromMemory(gRadioTOCCal2_24MHz_c,8);
      //    SMAC_InitFromMemory(gRadioTOCCal3_c,88);
      //    SMAC_InitFromMemory(gRadioTOCCal5,32);
      //    SMAC_InitFromMemory(gRadioInit_RegReplacement_c,344);
//      SMAC_InitFromFlash(0x1F000);
      // SMAC_InitFlybackSettings();
      //  SMAC_InitFromMemory(gBuckByPass_c,16);
      *((uint32_t *)&u8RamValues) = 0x4c20030a;   
      for(j=0; j<16; j++) {
         //        buffer_radio_init[j] = get_ctov(j,u8RamValues[3]);
                   buffer_radio_init[j] = get_ctov(j,0x4c); //0x4c loads the right values into buffer_radio_init... but why isn't RamValues correct?

Which means my radio_init, and vreg_init are good. It also means that
my intreprtation of buffer_radio_init is correct. It may also mean
that u8RamValues isn't important since I just set it's value.

That means I only have InitFromFlash to replace now!

Actually, I should test if that is necessary --- I still find it a
little hard to believe that they put essential data on NVM --- except
they could set codeprotect so that clods won't erase it on accident.

See PLM/LibInterface/NVM.h for some docs. Looks like they put a
standard SST, ST, or Atmel spi flash in there (note the comment about
continuous read mode).

MACPHY.a might use a ROM service for the flash init:

0000f97c g     F *ABS*  00000000 InitFromFlash

  ac:   4668            mov     r0, sp
  ae:   f7ff fffe       bl      0 <GetInitTranslationTablePtr>
  b2:   4669            mov     r1, sp
  b4:   780a            ldrb    r2, [r1, #0]
  b6:   0001            lsls    r1, r0, #0
  b8:   20f8            movs    r0, #248
  ba:   0240            lsls    r0, r0, #9
  bc:   f7ff fffe       bl      0 <InitFromFlash>

uint32_t InitFromFlash(uint32_t nvmAddress, uint32_t nLength);

Which looks like InitFromFlash(0x1F00,?);

Good news! It doesn't look like InitFromFlash is necessary. It might
just be a hook for them to patch the init that is grabbed from rom or

Checking if buffer_radio_init is important. If so, then I need to
figure out how it's used and, preferably, what it means.

So buffer_radio_init is necessary for their code to work. I'm not sure
if it is necessary for the radio of if it's necessary for there app. 

Now I need to figure these out:


#define gPowerLevel_m30dBm_c 0x00
#define gPowerLevel_m28dBm_c 0x01
#define gPowerLevel_m26dBm_c 0x02
#define gPowerLevel_m24dBm_c 0x03
#define gPowerLevel_m22dBm_c 0x04
#define gPowerLevel_m20dBm_c 0x05
#define gPowerLevel_m18dBm_c 0x06
#define gPowerLevel_m16dBm_c 0x07 
#define gPowerLevel_m14dBm_c 0x08
#define gPowerLevel_m12dBm_c 0x09 
#define gPowerLevel_m10dBm_c 0x0a
#define gPowerLevel_m8dBm_c  0x0b
#define gPowerLevel_m6dBm_c  0x0c
#define gPowerLevel_m4dBm_c  0x0d
#define gPowerLevel_m2dBm_c  0x0e
#define gPowerLevel_0dBm_c   0x0f
#define gPowerLevel_2dBm_c   0x10
#define gPowerLevel_4dBm_c   0x11
#define gPowerLevel_6dBm_c   0x12

gu8CurrentPowerLevel is set to gPowerLevel_0dBm_c = 0x0f

some kind of look-up table for setpower

004037e4 <gPSMVAL_c>:
  4037e4:       0000080f        .word   0x0000080f
  4037e8:       0000080f        .word   0x0000080f
  4037ec:       0000080f        .word   0x0000080f
  4037f0:       0000080f        .word   0x0000080f
  4037f4:       0000081f        .word   0x0000081f
  4037f8:       0000081f        .word   0x0000081f
  4037fc:       0000081f        .word   0x0000081f
  403800:       0000080f        .word   0x0000080f
  403804:       0000080f        .word   0x0000080f
  403808:       0000080f        .word   0x0000080f
  40380c:       0000001f        .word   0x0000001f
  403810:       0000000f        .word   0x0000000f
  403814:       0000000f        .word   0x0000000f
  403818:       00000816        .word   0x00000816
  40381c:       0000001b        .word   0x0000001b
  403820:       0000000b        .word   0x0000000b
  403824:       00000802        .word   0x00000802
  403828:       00000817        .word   0x00000817
  40382c:       00000003        .word   0x00000003

00403830 <gPAVAL_c>:
  403830:       000022c0        .word   0x000022c0
  403834:       000022c0        .word   0x000022c0
  403838:       000022c0        .word   0x000022c0
  40383c:       00002280        .word   0x00002280
  403840:       00002303        .word   0x00002303
  403844:       000023c0        .word   0x000023c0
  403848:       00002880        .word   0x00002880
  40384c:       000029f0        .word   0x000029f0
  403850:       000029f0        .word   0x000029f0
  403854:       000029f0        .word   0x000029f0
  403858:       000029c0        .word   0x000029c0
  40385c:       00002bf0        .word   0x00002bf0
  403860:       000029f0        .word   0x000029f0
  403864:       000028a0        .word   0x000028a0
  403868:       00002800        .word   0x00002800
  40386c:       00002ac0        .word   0x00002ac0
  403870:       00002880        .word   0x00002880
  403874:       00002a00        .word   0x00002a00
  403878:       00002b00        .word   0x00002b00

0040387c <gAIMVAL_c>:
  40387c:       000123a0        .word   0x000123a0
  403880:       000163a0        .word   0x000163a0
  403884:       0001a3a0        .word   0x0001a3a0
  403888:       0001e3a0        .word   0x0001e3a0
  40388c:       000223a0        .word   0x000223a0
  403890:       000263a0        .word   0x000263a0
  403894:       0002a3a0        .word   0x0002a3a0
  403898:       0002e3a0        .word   0x0002e3a0
  40389c:       000323a0        .word   0x000323a0
  4038a0:       000363a0        .word   0x000363a0
  4038a4:       0003a3a0        .word   0x0003a3a0
  4038a8:       0003a3a0        .word   0x0003a3a0
  4038ac:       0003e3a0        .word   0x0003e3a0
  4038b0:       000423a0        .word   0x000423a0
  4038b4:       000523a0        .word   0x000523a0
  4038b8:       000423a0        .word   0x000423a0
  4038bc:       0004e3a0        .word   0x0004e3a0
  4038c0:       0004e3a0        .word   0x0004e3a0
  4038c4:       0004e3a0        .word   0x0004e3a0

Ok, rftest-rx and tx are working but the range isn't very good. I
suspect that InitFromFlash is a factory trim for each part. Since I'm
not doing that then the range and reliability are suffering. Getting
the NVM to work should probably be my next step.

Debugging with JLink has shown there absolutely is init entries in the
flash set in the factory that are important. e.g. this is where the
0x00607707 number get turned into something more like 0x00685...