#include <AT91SAM7S64.h> #include <interrupt-utils.h> #include <string.h> #include <debug-uart.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <net/uip.h> #include "net/uip-fw-drv.h" #include "net/uaodv.h" #include <dev/cc2420.h> #include <dev/cc2420_const.h> #include <dev/spi.h> #include <dev/leds.h> #include <sys/process.h> #include <sys/procinit.h> #include <sys/autostart.h> #include <sys/etimer.h> #include <net/psock.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stepper-steps.h> #include <stepper.h> #include <stepper-move.h> #ifndef RF_CHANNEL #define RF_CHANNEL 15 #endif extern char __heap_end__; extern char __heap_start__; static const uint32_t stepper0_steps_acc[] = MICRO_STEP(0,3); static const uint32_t stepper0_steps_run[] = MICRO_STEP(0,2); static const uint32_t stepper0_steps_hold[] = MICRO_STEP(0,1); static const uint32_t stepper1_steps_acc[] = MICRO_STEP(1,3); static const uint32_t stepper1_steps_run[] = MICRO_STEP(1,2); static const uint32_t stepper1_steps_hold[] = MICRO_STEP(1,1); static StepperAccSeq seq_heap[40]; static void init_seq_heap() { unsigned int i; for(i = 0; i < sizeof(seq_heap)/sizeof(seq_heap[0]); i++) { seq_heap[i].next = NULL; stepper_free_seq(&seq_heap[i]); } } static void robot_stepper_init() { init_seq_heap(); stepper_init(AT91C_BASE_TC0, AT91C_ID_TC0); *AT91C_PIOA_OER = STEPPER_INHIBIT; *AT91C_PIOA_MDER = STEPPER_INHIBIT; /* | STEPPER0_IOMASK; */ *AT91C_PIOA_CODR = STEPPER_INHIBIT; stepper_init_io(1, STEPPER_IOMASK(0), stepper0_steps_acc, stepper0_steps_run, stepper0_steps_hold, (sizeof(stepper0_steps_run) / sizeof(stepper0_steps_run[0]))); stepper_init_io(0, STEPPER_IOMASK(1), stepper1_steps_acc, stepper1_steps_run, stepper1_steps_hold, (sizeof(stepper1_steps_run) / sizeof(stepper1_steps_run[0])));} struct uip_fw_netif cc2420if = {UIP_FW_NETIF(172,16,0,2, 255,255,0,0, cc2420_send_ip)}; #if 0 PROCESS(udprecv_process, "UDP recv process"); PROCESS_THREAD(udprecv_process, ev, data) { static struct uip_udp_conn *c; PROCESS_EXITHANDLER(goto exit); PROCESS_BEGIN(); printf("udprecv_process starting\n"); { uip_ipaddr_t any; uip_ipaddr(&any, 0,0,0,0); c = udp_new(&any, HTONS(0), NULL); uip_udp_bind(c, HTONS(4321)); } while(1) { PROCESS_YIELD(); if(ev == tcpip_event && uip_newdata()) { u8_t *src = ((struct uip_udpip_hdr *)uip_buf)->srcipaddr.u8; printf("%d.%d.%d.%d: %s\n", src[0], src[1], src[2], src[3], (char *)uip_appdata); } } exit: /* Contiki does automatic garbage collection of uIP state and we * need not worry about that. */ printf("udprecv_process exiting\n"); PROCESS_END(); } PROCESS(wd_test_process, "Watchdog test process"); PROCESS_THREAD(wd_test_process, ev, data) { static struct etimer timer; PROCESS_BEGIN(); printf("tcp_test_process starting\n"); etimer_set(&timer, 25*CLOCK_SECOND); while(1) { PROCESS_WAIT_EVENT_UNTIL(ev == PROCESS_EVENT_EXIT || ev== PROCESS_EVENT_TIMER); if (ev == PROCESS_EVENT_EXIT) break; printf("Blocking execution\n"); while(1); } PROCESS_END(); } #endif #if 0 /* Wathcdog is already disabled in startup code */ static void wdt_setup() { } #endif static void wdt_reset() { *AT91C_WDTC_WDCR = (0xa5<<24) | AT91C_WDTC_WDRSTT; } #if 0 static uip_ipaddr_t gw_addr = {{172,16,0,1}}; #endif PROCINIT(&etimer_process, &tcpip_process, &cc2420_process, &uip_fw_process /*, &uaodv_process */ ); int main() { disableIRQ(); disableFIQ(); *AT91C_AIC_IDCR = 0xffffffff; *AT91C_PMC_PCDR = 0xffffffff; *AT91C_PMC_PCER = (1 << AT91C_ID_PIOA); dbg_setup_uart(); printf("Initialising\n"); leds_arch_init(); clock_init(); uip_sethostaddr(&cc2420if.ipaddr); uip_setnetmask(&cc2420if.netmask); /*uip_setdraddr(&gw_addr);*/ cc2420_init(); cc2420_set_chan_pan_addr(RF_CHANNEL, HTONS(0x2024), uip_hostaddr.u16[1], NULL); process_init(); uip_init(); uip_fw_default(&cc2420if); tcpip_set_forwarding(1); printf("Heap size: %ld bytes\n", &__heap_end__ - (char*)sbrk(0)); printf("Started\n"); robot_stepper_init(); procinit_init(); enableIRQ(); cc2420_on(); autostart_start(autostart_processes); printf("Processes running\n"); while(1) { do { /* Reset watchdog. */ wdt_reset(); } while(process_run() > 0); /* Idle! */ /* Stop processor clock */ *AT91C_PMC_SCDR |= AT91C_PMC_PCK; } return 0; }