/** \addtogroup platform_common
 * \brief Compiler and Platform specific definitions and typedefs common to
 * all platforms.  
 * platform-common.h provides PLATFORM_HEADER defaults and common definitions.
 * This head should never be included directly, it should only be included
 * by the specific PLATFORM_HEADER used by your platform.
 * See platform-common.h for source code.

/** \file hal/micro/generic/compiler/platform-common.h
 * See \ref platform_common for detailed documentation.
 * <!--(C) COPYRIGHT 2010 STMicroelectronics. All rights reserved.        -->

  //  This header should only be included by a PLATFORM_HEADER
  #error  platform-common.h should not be included directly

// Many of the common definitions must be explicitly enabled by the 
//  particular PLATFORM_HEADER being used

  /** \name Master Program Memory Declarations
   * These are a set of defines for simple declarations of program memory.
   * \brief Standard program memory delcaration.
  #define PGM     const

   * \brief Char pointer to program memory declaration.
  #define PGM_P   const char *

   * \brief Unsigned char pointer to program memory declaration.
  #define PGM_PU  const unsigned char *

   * \brief Sometimes a second PGM is needed in a declaration.  Having two
   * 'const' declarations generates a warning so we have a second PGM that turns
   * into nothing under gcc.
  #define PGM_NO_CONST

  /** \name Divide and Modulus Operations
   * Some platforms can perform divide and modulus operations on 32 bit 
   * quantities more efficiently when the divisor is only a 16 bit quantity.
   * C compilers will always promote the divisor to 32 bits before performing the
   * operation, so the following utility functions are instead required to take 
   * advantage of this optimisation.
   * \brief Provide a portable name for the uint32_t by uint16_t division
   * library function (which can perform the division with only a single 
   * assembly instruction on some platforms)
  #define halCommonUDiv32By16(x, y) ((uint16_t) (((uint32_t) (x)) / ((uint16_t) (y))))

   * \brief Provide a portable name for the int32_t by int16_t division
   * library function (which can perform the division with only a single
   * assembly instruction on some platforms)
  #define halCommonSDiv32By16(x, y) ((int16_t) (((int32_t) (x)) / ((int16_t) (y))))

   * \brief Provide a portable name for the uint32_t by uint16_t modulo
   * library function (which can perform the division with only a single
   * assembly instruction on some platforms)
  #define halCommonUMod32By16(x, y) ((uint16_t) (((uint32_t) (x)) % ((uint16_t) (y))))

   * \brief Provide a portable name for the int32_t by int16_t modulo
   * library function (which can perform the division with only a single
   * assembly instruction on some platforms)
  #define halCommonSMod32By16(x, y) ((int16_t) (((int32_t) (x)) % ((int16_t) (y))))

  /** \name C Standard Library Memory Utilities
   * These should be used in place of the standard library functions.
   * These functions have the same parameters and expected results as their C
   * Standard Library equivalents but may take advantage of certain implementation
   * optimizations.
   * Unless otherwise noted, these functions are utilized by the StStack and are 
   * therefore required to be implemented in the HAL. Additionally, unless otherwise
   * noted, applications that find these functions useful may utilze them.

   * \brief Refer to the C stdlib memcpy().
  void halCommonMemCopy(void *dest, const void *src, uint8_t bytes);

   * \brief Refer to the C stdlib memset().
  void halCommonMemSet(void *dest, uint8_t val, uint16_t bytes);

   * \brief Refer to the C stdlib memcmp().
  int8_t halCommonMemCompare(const void *source0, const void *source1, uint8_t bytes);

   * \brief Friendly convenience macro pointing to the full HAL function.
  #define MEMSET(d,v,l)  halCommonMemSet(d,v,l)
  #define MEMCOPY(d,s,l) halCommonMemCopy(d,s,l)
  #define MEMCOMPARE(s0,s1,l) halCommonMemCompare(s0, s1, l)
  #define MEMPGMCOMPARE(s0,s1,l) halCommonMemPGMCompare(s0, s1, l)

  //@}  // end of C Standard Library Memory Utilities

//  The following sections are common on all platforms

 * @name Generic Types

 * \brief An alias for one, used for clarity.
#define TRUE  1

 * \brief An alias for zero, used for clarity.
#define FALSE 0

#ifndef NULL
 * \brief The null pointer.
#define NULL ((void *)0)

//@} \\END Generic Types

 * @name  Bit Manipulation Macros

 * \brief Useful to reference a single bit of a byte.
#define BIT(x) (1U << (x))  // Unsigned avoids compiler warnings re BIT(15)

 * \brief Useful to reference a single bit of an uint32_t type.
#define BIT32(x) (((uint32_t) 1) << (x))

 * \brief Sets \c bit in the \c reg register or byte.
 * @note Assuming \c reg is an IO register, some platforms
 * can implement this in a single atomic operation.
#define SETBIT(reg, bit)      reg |= BIT(bit)

 * \brief Sets the bits in the \c reg register or the byte 
 * as specified in the bitmask \c bits. 
 * @note This is never a single atomic operation.
#define SETBITS(reg, bits)    reg |= (bits)

 * \brief Clears a bit in the \c reg register or byte. 
 * @note Assuming \c reg is an IO register, some platforms (such as the AVR) 
 * can implement this in a single atomic operation.
#define CLEARBIT(reg, bit)    reg &= ~(BIT(bit))

 * \brief Clears the bits in the \c reg register or byte 
 * as specified in the bitmask \c bits. 
 * @note This is never a single atomic operation.
#define CLEARBITS(reg, bits)  reg &= ~(bits)

 * \brief Returns the value of \c bit within the register or byte \c reg.
#define READBIT(reg, bit)     (reg & (BIT(bit)))

 * \brief Returns the value of the bitmask \c bits within 
 * the register or byte \c reg.
#define READBITS(reg, bits)   (reg & (bits))

//@} \\END Bit Manipulation Macros

 * @name  Byte Manipulation Macros

 * \brief Returns the low byte of the 16-bit value \c n as an \c uint8_t.
#define LOW_BYTE(n)                     ((uint8_t)((n) & 0xFF))

 * \brief Returns the high byte of the 16-bit value \c n as an \c uint8_t.
#define HIGH_BYTE(n)                    ((uint8_t)(LOW_BYTE((n) >> 8)))

 * \brief Returns the value built from the two \c uint8_t 
 * values \c high and \c low.
#define HIGH_LOW_TO_INT(high, low) (                              \
                                    (( (uint16_t) (high) ) << 8) +  \
                                    (  (uint16_t) ( (low) & 0xFF))  \

 * \brief Returns the low byte of the 32-bit value \c n as an \c uint8_t.
#define BYTE_0(n)                    ((uint8_t)((n) & 0xFF))

 * \brief Returns the second byte of the 32-bit value \c n as an \c uint8_t.
#define BYTE_1(n)                    ((uint8_t)(BYTE_0((n) >> 8)))

 * \brief Returns the third byte of the 32-bit value \c n as an \c uint8_t.
#define BYTE_2(n)                    ((uint8_t)(BYTE_0((n) >> 16)))

 * \brief Returns the high byte of the 32-bit value \c n as an \c uint8_t.
#define BYTE_3(n)                    ((uint8_t)(BYTE_0((n) >> 24)))

//@} \\END Byte manipulation macros

 * @name  Time Manipulation Macros

 * \brief Returns the elapsed time between two 8 bit values.  
 *        Result may not be valid if the time samples differ by more than 127
#define elapsedTimeInt8u(oldTime, newTime)       \
  ((uint8_t) ((uint8_t)(newTime) - (uint8_t)(oldTime)))

 * \brief Returns the elapsed time between two 16 bit values.  
 *        Result may not be valid if the time samples differ by more than 32767
#define elapsedTimeInt16u(oldTime, newTime)      \
  ((uint16_t) ((uint16_t)(newTime) - (uint16_t)(oldTime)))

 * \brief Returns the elapsed time between two 32 bit values.  
 *   Result may not be valid if the time samples differ by more than 2147483647
#define elapsedTimeInt32u(oldTime, newTime)      \
  ((uint32_t) ((uint32_t)(newTime) - (uint32_t)(oldTime)))

 * \brief Returns TRUE if t1 is greater than t2.  Can only account for 1 wrap
 * around of the variable before it is wrong.
#define MAX_INT8U_VALUE 0xFF
#define timeGTorEqualInt8u(t1, t2)           \
  (elapsedTimeInt8u(t2, t1) <= ((MAX_INT8U_VALUE + 1) / 2))

 * \brief Returns TRUE if t1 is greater than t2.  Can only account for 1 wrap
 * around of the variable before it is wrong.
#define timeGTorEqualInt16u(t1, t2)           \
  (elapsedTimeInt16u(t2, t1) <= ((MAX_INT16U_VALUE + 1) / 2))

 * \brief Returns TRUE if t1 is greater than t2.  Can only account for 1 wrap
 * around of the variable before it is wrong.
#define timeGTorEqualInt32u(t1, t2)           \
  (elapsedTimeInt32u(t2, t1) <= ((MAX_INT32U_VALUE + 1) / 2))

//@} \\END Time manipulation macros


/** @}  END addtogroup */