/* * Copyright (c) 2010, Swedish Institute of Computer Science. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the Institute nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE INSTITUTE AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE INSTITUTE OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** * \file * Platform configuration for the Z1 platform * \author * Joakim Eriksson <joakime@sics.se> */ #ifndef PLATFORM_CONF_H_ #define PLATFORM_CONF_H_ /* * Definitions below are dictated by the hardware and not really * changeable! */ #define ZOLERTIA_Z1 1 /* Enric */ /* Delay between GO signal and SFD: radio fixed delay + 4Bytes preample + 1B SFD -- 1Byte time is 32us * ~327us + 129preample = 456 us */ #define RADIO_DELAY_BEFORE_TX ((unsigned)US_TO_RTIMERTICKS(456)) /* Delay between GO signal and start listening * ~50us delay + 129preample + ?? = 183 us */ #define RADIO_DELAY_BEFORE_RX ((unsigned)US_TO_RTIMERTICKS(183)) /* Delay between the SFD finishes arriving and it is detected in software */ #define RADIO_DELAY_BEFORE_DETECT 0 #define PLATFORM_HAS_LEDS 1 #define PLATFORM_HAS_BUTTON 1 #define PLATFORM_HAS_RADIO 1 #define PLATFORM_HAS_BATTERY 1 /* CPU target speed in Hz */ #define F_CPU 8000000uL /* 8MHz by default */ /* Our clock resolution, this is the same as Unix HZ. */ #define CLOCK_CONF_SECOND 128UL #define BAUD2UBR(baud) ((F_CPU / baud)) #define CCIF #define CLIF #define HAVE_STDINT_H #include "msp430def.h" /* XXX Temporary place for defines that are lacking in mspgcc4's gpio.h */ #ifdef __IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__ #ifndef P1SEL2_ #define P1SEL2_ (0x0041u) /* Port 1 Selection 2*/ DEFC(P1SEL2, P1SEL2_) #endif #ifndef P5SEL2_ #define P5SEL2_ (0x0045u) /* Port 5 Selection 2*/ DEFC(P5SEL2, P5SEL2_) #endif #else /* __IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__ */ #ifdef __GNUC__ #ifndef P1SEL2_ #define P1SEL2_ 0x0041 /* Port 1 Selection 2*/ sfrb(P1SEL2, P1SEL2_); #endif #ifndef P5SEL2_ #define P5SEL2_ 0x0045 /* Port 5 Selection 2*/ sfrb(P5SEL2, P5SEL2_); #endif #endif /* __GNUC__ */ #endif /* __IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__ */ /* Types for clocks and uip_stats */ typedef unsigned short uip_stats_t; typedef unsigned long clock_time_t; typedef unsigned long off_t; /* the low-level radio driver */ #define NETSTACK_CONF_RADIO cc2420_driver /* * Definitions below are dictated by the hardware and not really * changeable! */ /* LED ports */ #ifdef Z1_IS_Z1SP #define LEDS_PxDIR P4DIR #define LEDS_PxOUT P4OUT #define LEDS_CONF_RED 0x04 #define LEDS_CONF_GREEN 0x01 #define LEDS_CONF_YELLOW 0x80 #else #define LEDS_PxDIR P5DIR #define LEDS_PxOUT P5OUT #define LEDS_CONF_RED 0x10 #define LEDS_CONF_GREEN 0x40 #define LEDS_CONF_YELLOW 0x20 #endif /* Z1_IS_Z1SP */ /* DCO speed resynchronization for more robust UART, etc. */ #define DCOSYNCH_CONF_ENABLED 0 #define DCOSYNCH_CONF_PERIOD 30 #define ROM_ERASE_UNIT_SIZE 512 #define XMEM_ERASE_UNIT_SIZE (64 * 1024L) #define CFS_CONF_OFFSET_TYPE long /* Use the first 64k of external flash for node configuration */ #define NODE_ID_XMEM_OFFSET (0 * XMEM_ERASE_UNIT_SIZE) /* Use the second 64k of external flash for codeprop. */ #define EEPROMFS_ADDR_CODEPROP (1 * XMEM_ERASE_UNIT_SIZE) #define CFS_XMEM_CONF_OFFSET (2 * XMEM_ERASE_UNIT_SIZE) #define CFS_XMEM_CONF_SIZE (1 * XMEM_ERASE_UNIT_SIZE) #define CFS_RAM_CONF_SIZE 4096 /* * SPI bus configuration for the Z1 mote. */ /* SPI input/output registers. */ #define SPI_TXBUF UCB0TXBUF #define SPI_RXBUF UCB0RXBUF /* USART0 Tx ready? */ #define SPI_WAITFOREOTx() while((UCB0STAT & UCBUSY) != 0) /* USART0 Rx ready? */ #define SPI_WAITFOREORx() while((IFG2 & UCB0RXIFG) == 0) /* USART0 Tx buffer ready? */ #define SPI_WAITFORTxREADY() while((IFG2 & UCB0TXIFG) == 0) #define MOSI 1 /* P3.1 - Output: SPI Master out - slave in (MOSI) */ #define MISO 2 /* P3.2 - Input: SPI Master in - slave out (MISO) */ #define SCK 3 /* P3.3 - Output: SPI Serial Clock (SCLK) */ /* * SPI bus - M25P80 external flash configuration. */ /* FLASH_PWR P4.3 Output ALWAYS POWERED ON Z1 */ #define FLASH_CS 4 /* P4.4 Output */ #define FLASH_HOLD 7 /* P5.7 Output */ /* Enable/disable flash access to the SPI bus (active low). */ #define SPI_FLASH_ENABLE() (P4OUT &= ~BV(FLASH_CS)) #define SPI_FLASH_DISABLE() (P4OUT |= BV(FLASH_CS)) #define SPI_FLASH_HOLD() (P5OUT &= ~BV(FLASH_HOLD)) #define SPI_FLASH_UNHOLD() (P5OUT |= BV(FLASH_HOLD)) /* * SPI bus - CC2420 pin configuration. */ #define CC2420_CONF_SYMBOL_LOOP_COUNT 1302 /* 326us msp430X @ 8MHz */ /* P1.2 - Input: FIFOP from CC2420 */ #define CC2420_FIFOP_PORT(type) P1##type #define CC2420_FIFOP_PIN 2 /* P1.3 - Input: FIFO from CC2420 */ #define CC2420_FIFO_PORT(type) P1##type #define CC2420_FIFO_PIN 3 /* P1.4 - Input: CCA from CC2420 */ #define CC2420_CCA_PORT(type) P1##type #define CC2420_CCA_PIN 4 /* P4.1 - Input: SFD from CC2420 */ #define CC2420_SFD_PORT(type) P4##type #define CC2420_SFD_PIN 1 /* P3.0 - Output: SPI Chip Select (CS_N) */ #define CC2420_CSN_PORT(type) P3##type #define CC2420_CSN_PIN 0 /* P4.5 - Output: VREG_EN to CC2420 */ #define CC2420_VREG_PORT(type) P4##type #define CC2420_VREG_PIN 5 /* P4.6 - Output: RESET_N to CC2420 */ #define CC2420_RESET_PORT(type) P4##type #define CC2420_RESET_PIN 6 #define CC2420_IRQ_VECTOR PORT1_VECTOR /* Pin status. */ #define CC2420_FIFOP_IS_1 (!!(CC2420_FIFOP_PORT(IN) & BV(CC2420_FIFOP_PIN))) #define CC2420_FIFO_IS_1 (!!(CC2420_FIFO_PORT(IN) & BV(CC2420_FIFO_PIN))) #define CC2420_CCA_IS_1 (!!(CC2420_CCA_PORT(IN) & BV(CC2420_CCA_PIN))) #define CC2420_SFD_IS_1 (!!(CC2420_SFD_PORT(IN) & BV(CC2420_SFD_PIN))) /* The CC2420 reset pin. */ #define SET_RESET_INACTIVE() (CC2420_RESET_PORT(OUT) |= BV(CC2420_RESET_PIN)) #define SET_RESET_ACTIVE() (CC2420_RESET_PORT(OUT) &= ~BV(CC2420_RESET_PIN)) /* CC2420 voltage regulator enable pin. */ #define SET_VREG_ACTIVE() (CC2420_VREG_PORT(OUT) |= BV(CC2420_VREG_PIN)) #define SET_VREG_INACTIVE() (CC2420_VREG_PORT(OUT) &= ~BV(CC2420_VREG_PIN)) /* CC2420 rising edge trigger for external interrupt 0 (FIFOP). */ #define CC2420_FIFOP_INT_INIT() do { \ CC2420_FIFOP_PORT(IES) &= ~BV(CC2420_FIFOP_PIN); \ CC2420_CLEAR_FIFOP_INT(); \ } while(0) /* FIFOP on external interrupt 0. */ #define CC2420_ENABLE_FIFOP_INT() do { CC2420_FIFOP_PORT(IE) |= BV(CC2420_FIFOP_PIN); } while(0) #define CC2420_DISABLE_FIFOP_INT() do { CC2420_FIFOP_PORT(IE) &= ~BV(CC2420_FIFOP_PIN); } while(0) #define CC2420_CLEAR_FIFOP_INT() do { CC2420_FIFOP_PORT(IFG) &= ~BV(CC2420_FIFOP_PIN); } while(0) /* * Enables/disables CC2420 access to the SPI bus (not the bus). * (Chip Select) */ /* ENABLE CSn (active low) */ #define CC2420_SPI_ENABLE() (CC2420_CSN_PORT(OUT) &= ~BV(CC2420_CSN_PIN)) /* DISABLE CSn (active low) */ #define CC2420_SPI_DISABLE() (CC2420_CSN_PORT(OUT) |= BV(CC2420_CSN_PIN)) #define CC2420_SPI_IS_ENABLED() ((CC2420_CSN_PORT(OUT) & BV(CC2420_CSN_PIN)) != BV(CC2420_CSN_PIN)) /* * I2C configuration */ #define I2C_PxDIR P5DIR #define I2C_PxIN P5IN #define I2C_PxOUT P5OUT #define I2C_PxSEL P5SEL #define I2C_PxSEL2 P5SEL2 #define I2C_PxREN P5REN #define I2C_SDA (1 << 1) /* SDA == P5.1 */ #define I2C_SCL (1 << 2) /* SCL == P5.2 */ #define I2C_PRESC_1KHZ_LSB 0x00 #define I2C_PRESC_1KHZ_MSB 0x20 #define I2C_PRESC_100KHZ_LSB 0x50 #define I2C_PRESC_100KHZ_MSB 0x00 #define I2C_PRESC_400KHZ_LSB 0x14 #define I2C_PRESC_400KHZ_MSB 0x00 /* Set rate as high as possible by default */ #ifndef I2C_PRESC_Z1_LSB #define I2C_PRESC_Z1_LSB I2C_PRESC_400KHZ_LSB #endif #ifndef I2C_PRESC_Z1_MSB #define I2C_PRESC_Z1_MSB I2C_PRESC_400KHZ_MSB #endif /* I2C configuration with RX interrupts */ #ifdef I2C_CONF_RX_WITH_INTERRUPT #define I2C_RX_WITH_INTERRUPT I2C_CONF_RX_WITH_INTERRUPT #else /* I2C_CONF_RX_WITH_INTERRUPT */ #define I2C_RX_WITH_INTERRUPT 1 #endif /* I2C_CONF_RX_WITH_INTERRUPT */ #endif /* PLATFORM_CONF_H_ */