/* This file has been prepared for Doxygen automatic documentation generation.*/
/*! \file *********************************************************************
 * \brief
 *      This file contains the USB driver routines.
 * \addtogroup usbstick
 * \author
 *      Atmel Corporation: http://www.atmel.com \n
 *      Support email: avr@atmel.com
/* Copyright (c) 2008  ATMEL Corporation
   All rights reserved.

   Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
   modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

   * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
   * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
     the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
   * Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of
     contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
     from this software without specific prior written permission.


#ifndef _USB_DRV_H_
#define _USB_DRV_H_

#include "compiler.h"

  * \addtogroup usbdriver
  * @{

//_____ I N C L U D E S ____________________________________________________

typedef enum endpoint_parameter{ep_num, ep_type, ep_direction, ep_size, ep_bank, nyet_status} t_endpoint_parameter;

//_____ M A C R O S ________________________________________________________

#define MAX_EP_NB             7

#define EP_CONTROL            0
#define EP_1                  1
#define EP_2                  2
#define EP_3                  3
#define EP_4                  4
#define EP_5                  5
#define EP_6                  6
#define EP_7                  7

#define PIPE_CONTROL          0
#define PIPE_0                0
#define PIPE_1                1
#define PIPE_2                2
#define PIPE_3                3
#define PIPE_4                4
#define PIPE_5                5
#define PIPE_6                6
#define PIPE_7                7

// USB EndPoint
#define MSK_EP_DIR            0x7F
#define MSK_UADD              0x7F
#define MSK_EPTYPE            0xC0
#define MSK_EPSIZE            0x70
#define MSK_EPBK              0x0C
#define MSK_DTSEQ             0x0C
#define MSK_NBUSYBK           0x03
#define MSK_CURRBK            0x03
#define MSK_DAT               0xFF  // UEDATX
#define MSK_BYCTH             0x07  // UEBCHX
#define MSK_BYCTL             0xFF  // UEBCLX
#define MSK_EPINT             0x7F  // UEINT
#define MSK_HADDR             0xFF  // UHADDR

// USB Pipe
#define MSK_PNUM              0x07  // UPNUM
#define MSK_PRST              0x7F  // UPRST
#define MSK_PTYPE             0xC0  // UPCFG0X
#define MSK_PTOKEN            0x30
#define MSK_PEPNUM            0x0F
#define MSK_PSIZE             0x70  // UPCFG1X
#define MSK_PBK               0x0C

#define MSK_NBUSYBK           0x03

#define MSK_ERROR             0x1F

#define MSK_PTYPE             0xC0  // UPCFG0X
#define MSK_PTOKEN            0x30
#define MSK_TOKEN_SETUP       0x30
#define MSK_TOKEN_IN          0x10
#define MSK_TOKEN_OUT         0x20
#define MSK_PEPNUM            0x0F

#define MSK_PSIZE             0x70  // UPCFG1X
#define MSK_PBK               0x0C

// Parameters for endpoint configuration
// These define are the values used to enable and configure an endpoint.
#define TYPE_CONTROL             0
#define TYPE_ISOCHRONOUS         1
#define TYPE_BULK                2
#define TYPE_INTERRUPT           3
 //typedef enum ep_type {TYPE_CONTROL, TYPE_BULK, TYPE_ISOCHRONOUS, TYPE_INTERRUPT} e_ep_type;

#define DIRECTION_OUT            0
#define DIRECTION_IN             1
 //typedef enum ep_dir {DIRECTION_OUT, DIRECTION_IN} e_ep_dir;

#define SIZE_8                   0
#define SIZE_16                  1
#define SIZE_32                  2
#define SIZE_64                  3
#define SIZE_128                 4
#define SIZE_256                 5
#define SIZE_512                 6
#define SIZE_1024                7
 //typedef enum ep_size {SIZE_8,   SIZE_16,  SIZE_32,  SIZE_64,
 //                      SIZE_128, SIZE_256, SIZE_512, SIZE_1024} e_ep_size;

#define ONE_BANK                 0
#define TWO_BANKS                1
 //typedef enum ep_bank {ONE_BANK, TWO_BANKS} e_ep_bank;

#define NYET_ENABLED             0
#define NYET_DISABLED            1
 //typedef enum ep_nyet {NYET_DISABLED, NYET_ENABLED} e_ep_nyet;

#define TOKEN_SETUP              0
#define TOKEN_IN                 1
#define TOKEN_OUT                2

#define Is_ep_addr_in(x)         (  (x&0x80)?   TRUE : FALSE)

//! @ingroup usbdriver
//! @defgroup Endpoints_configuration Configuration macros for endpoints
//! List of the standard macro used to configure pipes and endpoints
//! @{
#define Usb_build_ep_config0(type, dir, nyet)     ((type<<6) | (nyet<<1) | (dir))
#define Usb_build_ep_config1(size, bank     )     ((size<<4) | (bank<<2)        )
#define usb_configure_endpoint(num, type, dir, size, bank, nyet)             \
                                    ( Usb_select_endpoint(num),              \
                                      usb_config_ep(Usb_build_ep_config0(type, dir, nyet),\
                                                    Usb_build_ep_config1(size, bank)    ))

#define Host_build_pipe_config0(type, token, ep_num)     ((type<<6) | (token<<4) | (ep_num))
#define Host_build_pipe_config1(size, bank     )         ((size<<4) | (bank<<2)        )
#define host_configure_pipe(num, type, token,ep_num, size, bank, freq)             \
                                    ( Host_select_pipe(num),              \
                                      Host_set_interrupt_frequency(freq), \
                                      host_config_pipe(Host_build_pipe_config0(type, token, ep_num),\
                                                       Host_build_pipe_config1(size, bank)    ))
//! @}

//! @ingroup usbdriver
//! @defgroup USB_regulator USB Pads Regulator drivers
//! Turns ON/OFF USB pads regulator
//! @{
   //! Enable internal USB pads regulator
#define Usb_enable_regulator()          (UHWCON |= (1<<UVREGE))
   //! Disable internal USB pads regulator
#define Usb_disable_regulator()         (UHWCON &= ~(1<<UVREGE))
   //! Check regulator enable bit
#define Is_usb_regulator_enabled()      ((UHWCON &  (1<<UVREGE))  ? TRUE : FALSE)
//! @}

//! @ingroup usbdriver
//! @defgroup gen_usb USB common management drivers
//! These macros manage the USB controller
//! @{
   //! Enable external UID pin
#define Usb_enable_uid_pin()            (UHWCON |= (1<<UIDE))
   //! Disable external UID pin
#define Usb_disable_uid_pin()           (UHWCON &= ~(1<<UIDE))
   //! Disable external UID pin and force device mode
#define Usb_force_device_mode()         (Usb_disable_uid_pin(), UHWCON |= (1<<UIMOD))
   //! Disable external UID pin and force host mode
#define Usb_force_host_mode()           (Usb_disable_uid_pin(), UHWCON &= ~(1<<UIMOD))
   //! Enable external UVCON pin
#define Usb_enable_uvcon_pin()          (UHWCON |= (1<<UVCONE))
   //! Enable external UVCON pin
#define Usb_disable_uvcon_pin()         (UHWCON &= ~(1<<UVCONE))
   //! Use device full speed mode (default mode)
#define Usb_full_speed_mode()           (UDCON &= ~(1<<LSM))
   //! For device mode, force low speed mode
#define Usb_low_speed_mode()            (UDCON |= (1<<LSM))

   //! Enable both USB interface and Vbus pad
#define Usb_enable()                  (USBCON |= ((1<<USBE) | (1<<OTGPADE)))
   //! Disable both USB interface and Vbus pad
#define Usb_disable()                 (USBCON &= ~((1<<USBE) | (1<<OTGPADE)))
#define Is_usb_enabled()              ((USBCON  &   (1<<USBE))   ? TRUE : FALSE)

   //! Enable VBUS pad
#define Usb_enable_vbus_pad()         (USBCON |= (1<<OTGPADE))
   //! Disable VBUS pad
#define Usb_disable_vbus_pad()        (USBCON &= ~(1<<OTGPADE))

#define Usb_select_device()           (USBCON  &= ~(1<<HOST))
#define Usb_select_host()             (USBCON  |=  (1<<HOST))
#define Is_usb_host_enabled()         ((USBCON  &   (1<<HOST))   ? TRUE : FALSE)

   //! Stop internal USB clock in interface (freeze the interface register)
#define Usb_freeze_clock()            (USBCON  |=  (1<<FRZCLK))
#define Usb_unfreeze_clock()          (USBCON  &= ~(1<<FRZCLK))
#define Is_usb_clock_freezed()        ((USBCON  &   (1<<FRZCLK)) ? TRUE : FALSE)

#define Usb_enable_id_interrupt()     (USBCON  |=  (1<<IDTE))
#define Usb_disable_id_interrupt()    (USBCON  &= ~(1<<IDTE))
#define Is_usb_id_interrupt_enabled() ((USBCON &  (1<<IDTE))     ? TRUE : FALSE)
#define Is_usb_id_device()            ((USBSTA &   (1<<ID))      ? TRUE : FALSE)
#define Usb_ack_id_transition()       (USBINT  = ~(1<<IDTI))
#define Is_usb_id_transition()        ((USBINT &   (1<<IDTI))    ? TRUE : FALSE)

#define Usb_enable_vbus_interrupt()   (USBCON  |=  (1<<VBUSTE))
#define Usb_disable_vbus_interrupt()  (USBCON  &= ~(1<<VBUSTE))
#define Is_usb_vbus_interrupt_enabled() ((USBCON &  (1<<VBUSTE))     ? TRUE : FALSE)
#define Is_usb_vbus_high()            ((USBSTA &   (1<<VBUS))    ? TRUE : FALSE)
#define Is_usb_vbus_low()             ((USBSTA &   (1<<VBUS))    ? FALSE : TRUE)
#define Usb_ack_vbus_transition()     (USBINT  = ~(1<<VBUSTI))
#define Is_usb_vbus_transition()      ((USBINT &   (1<<VBUSTI))  ? TRUE : FALSE)

   //! returns the USB general interrupts (interrupt enabled)
#define Usb_get_general_interrupt()      (USBINT & (USBCON & MSK_IDTE_VBUSTE))
   //! acks the general interrupts (interrupt enabled)
#define Usb_ack_all_general_interrupt()  (USBINT = ~(USBCON & MSK_IDTE_VBUSTE))
#define Usb_ack_cache_id_transition(x)   ((x)  &= ~(1<<IDTI))
#define Usb_ack_cache_vbus_transition(x) ((x)  &= ~(1<<VBUSTI))
#define Is_usb_cache_id_transition(x)    (((x) &   (1<<IDTI))  )
#define Is_usb_cache_vbus_transition(x)  (((x) &   (1<<VBUSTI)))

   //! returns the USB Pad interrupts (interrupt enabled)
#define Usb_get_otg_interrupt()            (OTGINT & OTGIEN)
   //! acks the USB Pad interrupts (interrupt enabled)
#define Usb_ack_all_otg_interrupt()        (OTGINT = ~OTGIEN)
#define Is_otg_cache_bconnection_error(x)  (((x) &   MSK_BCERRI))
#define Usb_ack_cache_bconnection_error(x) ((x)  &= ~MSK_BCERRI)

#define Usb_enter_dpram_mode()        (UDPADDH =  (1<<DPACC))
#define Usb_exit_dpram_mode()         (UDPADDH =  (U8)~(1<<DPACC))
#define Usb_set_dpram_address(addr)   (UDPADDH =  (1<<DPACC) + ((Uint16)addr >> 8), UDPADDL = (Uchar)addr)
#define Usb_write_dpram_byte(val)     (UEDATX=val)
#define Usb_read_dpram_byte()			  (UEDATX)

   //! requests for VBus activation
#define Usb_enable_vbus()             (OTGCON  |=  (1<<VBUSREQ))
   //! requests for VBus desactivation
#define Usb_disable_vbus()            (OTGCON  |=  (1<<VBUSRQC))
   //! Manually request VBUS without UVCON signal from USB interface
#define Usb_enable_manual_vbus()      (PORTE|=0x80,DDRE|=0x80,Usb_disable_uvcon_pin())

   //! initiates a Host Negociation Protocol
#define Usb_device_initiate_hnp()     (OTGCON  |=  (1<<HNPREQ))
   //! accepts a Host Negociation Protocol
#define Usb_host_accept_hnp()         (OTGCON  |=  (1<<HNPREQ))
   //! rejects a Host Negociation Protocol
#define Usb_host_reject_hnp()         (OTGCON  &= ~(1<<HNPREQ))
   //! initiates a Session Request Protocol
#define Usb_device_initiate_srp()     (OTGCON  |=  (1<<SRPREQ))
   //! selects VBus as SRP method
#define Usb_select_vbus_srp_method()  (OTGCON  |=  (1<<SRPSEL))
   //! selects data line as SRP method
#define Usb_select_data_srp_method()  (OTGCON  &= ~(1<<SRPSEL))
   //! enables hardware control on VBus
#define Usb_enable_vbus_hw_control()  (OTGCON  &= ~(1<<VBUSHWC))
   //! disables hardware control on VBus
#define Usb_disable_vbus_hw_control() (OTGCON  |=  (1<<VBUSHWC))
   //! tests if VBus has been requested
#define Is_usb_vbus_enabled()         ((OTGCON &   (1<<VBUSREQ)) ? TRUE : FALSE)
   //! tests if a HNP occurs
#define Is_usb_hnp()                  ((OTGCON &   (1<<HNPREQ))  ? TRUE : FALSE)
   //! tests if a SRP from device occurs
#define Is_usb_device_srp()           ((OTGCON &   (1<<SRPREQ))  ? TRUE : FALSE)

   //! enables suspend time out interrupt
#define Usb_enable_suspend_time_out_interrupt()   (OTGIEN  |=  (1<<STOE))
   //! disables suspend time out interrupt
#define Usb_disable_suspend_time_out_interrupt()  (OTGIEN  &= ~(1<<STOE))
#define Is_suspend_time_out_interrupt_enabled()   ((OTGIEN &  (1<<STOE))   ? TRUE : FALSE)
   //! acks suspend time out interrupt
#define Usb_ack_suspend_time_out_interrupt()      (OTGINT  &= ~(1<<STOI))
   //! tests if a suspend time out occurs
#define Is_usb_suspend_time_out_interrupt()       ((OTGINT &   (1<<STOI))    ? TRUE : FALSE)

   //! enables HNP error interrupt
#define Usb_enable_hnp_error_interrupt()          (OTGIEN  |=  (1<<HNPERRE))
   //! disables HNP error interrupt
#define Usb_disable_hnp_error_interrupt()         (OTGIEN  &= ~(1<<HNPERRE))
#define Is_hnp_error_interrupt_enabled()          ((OTGIEN &  (1<<HNPERRE))   ? TRUE : FALSE)
   //! acks HNP error interrupt
#define Usb_ack_hnp_error_interrupt()             (OTGINT  &= ~(1<<HNPERRI))
   //! tests if a HNP error occurs
#define Is_usb_hnp_error_interrupt()              ((OTGINT &   (1<<HNPERRI)) ? TRUE : FALSE)

   //! enables role exchange interrupt
#define Usb_enable_role_exchange_interrupt()      (OTGIEN  |=  (1<<ROLEEXE))
   //! disables role exchange interrupt
#define Usb_disable_role_exchange_interrupt()     (OTGIEN  &= ~(1<<ROLEEXE))
#define Is_role_exchange_interrupt_enabled()      ((OTGIEN &  (1<<ROLEEXE))   ? TRUE : FALSE)
   //! acks role exchange interrupt
#define Usb_ack_role_exchange_interrupt()         (OTGINT  &= ~(1<<ROLEEXI))
   //! tests if a role exchange occurs
#define Is_usb_role_exchange_interrupt()          ((OTGINT &   (1<<ROLEEXI)) ? TRUE : FALSE)

   //! enables B device connection error interrupt
#define Usb_enable_bconnection_error_interrupt()  (OTGIEN  |=  (1<<BCERRE))
   //! disables B device connection error interrupt
#define Usb_disable_bconnection_error_interrupt() (OTGIEN  &= ~(1<<BCERRE))
#define Is_bconnection_error_interrupt_enabled()  ((OTGIEN &  (1<<BCERRE))   ? TRUE : FALSE)
   //! acks B device connection error interrupt
#define Usb_ack_bconnection_error_interrupt()     (OTGINT  &= ~(1<<BCERRI))
   //! tests if a B device connection error occurs
#define Is_usb_bconnection_error_interrupt()      ((OTGINT &   (1<<BCERRI))  ? TRUE : FALSE)

   //! enables VBus error interrupt
#define Usb_enable_vbus_error_interrupt()         (OTGIEN  |=  (1<<VBERRE))
   //! disables VBus error interrupt
#define Usb_disable_vbus_error_interrupt()        (OTGIEN  &= ~(1<<VBERRE))
#define Is_vbus_error_interrupt_enabled()         ((OTGIEN &  (1<<VBERRE))   ? TRUE : FALSE)
   //! acks VBus error interrupt
#define Usb_ack_vbus_error_interrupt()            (OTGINT  &= ~(1<<VBERRI))
   //! tests if a VBus error occurs
#define Is_usb_vbus_error_interrupt()             ((OTGINT &   (1<<VBERRI))  ? TRUE : FALSE)

   //! enables SRP interrupt
#define Usb_enable_srp_interrupt()                (OTGIEN  |=  (1<<SRPE))
   //! disables SRP interrupt
#define Usb_disable_srp_interrupt()               (OTGIEN  &= ~(1<<SRPE))
#define Is_srp_interrupt_enabled()                ((OTGIEN &  (1<<SRPE))   ? TRUE : FALSE)
   //! acks SRP interrupt
#define Usb_ack_srp_interrupt()                   (OTGINT  &= ~(1<<SRPI))
   //! tests if a SRP occurs
#define Is_usb_srp_interrupt()                    ((OTGINT &   (1<<SRPI))    ? TRUE : FALSE)
//! @}

//! @ingroup usbdriver
//! @defgroup USB_device_driver USB device controller drivers
//! These macros manage the USB Device controller.
//! @{
   //! initiates a remote wake-up
   #define Usb_initiate_remote_wake_up()             (UDCON   |=  (1<<RMWKUP))
   //! detaches from USB bus
   #define Usb_detach()                              (UDCON   |=  (1<<DETACH))
   //! attaches to USB bus
   #define Usb_attach()                              (UDCON   &= ~(1<<DETACH))
   //! test if remote wake-up still running
   #define Is_usb_pending_remote_wake_up()           ((UDCON & (1<<RMWKUP)) ? TRUE : FALSE)
   //! test if the device is detached
   #define Is_usb_detached()                         ((UDCON & (1<<DETACH)) ? TRUE : FALSE)

   //! returns the USB device interrupts (interrupt enabled)
   #define Usb_get_device_interrupt()                (UDINT   &   (1<<UDIEN))
   //! acks the USB device interrupts (interrupt enabled)
   #define Usb_ack_all_device_interrupt()            (UDINT   =  ~(1<<UDIEN))

   //! enables remote wake-up interrupt
   #define Usb_enable_remote_wake_up_interrupt()     (UDIEN   |=  (1<<UPRSME))
   //! disables remote wake-up interrupt
   #define Usb_disable_remote_wake_up_interrupt()    (UDIEN   &= ~(1<<UPRSME))
#define Is_remote_wake_up_interrupt_enabled()     ((UDIEN &  (1<<UPRSME))   ? TRUE : FALSE)
   //! acks remote wake-up
#define Usb_ack_remote_wake_up_start()            (UDINT   = ~(1<<UPRSMI))
   //! tests if remote wake-up still running
#define Is_usb_remote_wake_up_start()             ((UDINT &   (1<<UPRSMI))  ? TRUE : FALSE)

   //! enables resume interrupt
#define Usb_enable_resume_interrupt()             (UDIEN   |=  (1<<EORSME))
   //! disables resume interrupt
#define Usb_disable_resume_interrupt()            (UDIEN   &= ~(1<<EORSME))
#define Is_resume_interrupt_enabled()             ((UDIEN &  (1<<EORSME))   ? TRUE : FALSE)
   //! acks resume
#define Usb_ack_resume()                          (UDINT   = ~(1<<EORSMI))
   //! tests if resume occurs
#define Is_usb_resume()                           ((UDINT &   (1<<EORSMI))  ? TRUE : FALSE)

   //! enables wake-up interrupt
#define Usb_enable_wake_up_interrupt()            (UDIEN   |=  (1<<WAKEUPE))
   //! disables wake-up interrupt
#define Usb_disable_wake_up_interrupt()           (UDIEN   &= ~(1<<WAKEUPE))
#define Is_swake_up_interrupt_enabled()           ((UDIEN &  (1<<WAKEUPE))   ? TRUE : FALSE)
   //! acks wake-up
#define Usb_ack_wake_up()                         (UDINT   = ~(1<<WAKEUPI))
   //! tests if wake-up occurs
#define Is_usb_wake_up()                          ((UDINT &   (1<<WAKEUPI)) ? TRUE : FALSE)

   //! enables USB reset interrupt
#define Usb_enable_reset_interrupt()              (UDIEN   |=  (1<<EORSTE))
   //! disables USB reset interrupt
#define Usb_disable_reset_interrupt()             (UDIEN   &= ~(1<<EORSTE))
#define Is_reset_interrupt_enabled()              ((UDIEN &  (1<<EORSTE))   ? TRUE : FALSE)
   //! acks USB reset
#define Usb_ack_reset()                           (UDINT   = ~(1<<EORSTI))
   //! tests if USB reset occurs
#define Is_usb_reset()                            ((UDINT &   (1<<EORSTI))  ? TRUE : FALSE)

   //! enables Start Of Frame Interrupt
#define Usb_enable_sof_interrupt()                (UDIEN   |=  (1<<SOFE))
   //! disables Start Of Frame Interrupt
#define Usb_disable_sof_interrupt()               (UDIEN   &= ~(1<<SOFE))
#define Is_sof_interrupt_enabled()                ((UDIEN &  (1<<SOFE))   ? TRUE : FALSE)
   //! acks Start Of Frame
#define Usb_ack_sof()                             (UDINT   = ~(1<<SOFI))
   //! tests if Start Of Frame occurs
#define Is_usb_sof()                              ((UDINT &   (1<<SOFI))    ? TRUE : FALSE)

   //! enables suspend state interrupt
#define Usb_enable_suspend_interrupt()            (UDIEN   |=  (1<<SUSPE))
   //! disables suspend state interrupt
#define Usb_disable_suspend_interrupt()           (UDIEN   &= ~(1<<SUSPE))
#define Is_suspend_interrupt_enabled()            ((UDIEN &  (1<<SUSPE))   ? TRUE : FALSE)
   //! acks Suspend
#define Usb_ack_suspend()                         (UDINT   = ~(1<<SUSPI))
   //! tests if Suspend state detected
#define Is_usb_suspend()                          ((UDINT &   (1<<SUSPI))   ? TRUE : FALSE)

   //! enables USB device address
#define Usb_enable_address()                      (UDADDR  |=  (1<<ADDEN))
   //! disables USB device address
#define Usb_disable_address()                     (UDADDR  &= ~(1<<ADDEN))
   //! sets the USB device address
#define Usb_configure_address(addr)               (UDADDR  =   (UDADDR & (1<<ADDEN)) | ((U8)addr & MSK_UADD))

   //! returns the last frame number
#define Usb_frame_number()                        ((U16)((((U16)UDFNUMH) << 8) | ((U16)UDFNUML)))
   //! tests if a crc error occurs in frame number
#define Is_usb_frame_number_crc_error()           ((UDMFN & (1<<FNCERR)) ? TRUE : FALSE)
//! @}

//! @ingroup usbdriver
//! @defgroup usb_gen_ep USB endpoint drivers
//! These macros manage the common features of the endpoints.
//! @{
   //! selects the endpoint number to interface with the CPU
#define Usb_select_endpoint(ep)                   (UENUM = (U8)ep )

   //! get the currently selected endpoint number
#define Usb_get_selected_endpoint()               (UENUM )

   //! resets the selected endpoint
#define Usb_reset_endpoint(ep)                    (UERST   =   1 << (U8)ep, UERST  =  0)

   //! enables the current endpoint
#define Usb_enable_endpoint()                     (UECONX  |=  (1<<EPEN))
   //! enables the STALL handshake for the next transaction
#define Usb_enable_stall_handshake()              (UECONX  |=  (1<<STALLRQ))
   //! resets the data toggle sequence
#define Usb_reset_data_toggle()                   (UECONX  |=  (1<<RSTDT))
   //! disables the current endpoint
#define Usb_disable_endpoint()                    (UECONX  &= ~(1<<EPEN))
   //! disables the STALL handshake
#define Usb_disable_stall_handshake()             (UECONX  |=  (1<<STALLRQC))
   //! selects endpoint interface on CPU
#define Usb_select_epnum_for_cpu()                (UECONX  &= ~(1<<EPNUMS))
   //! tests if the current endpoint is enabled
#define Is_usb_endpoint_enabled()                 ((UECONX & (1<<EPEN))    ? TRUE : FALSE)
   //! tests if STALL handshake request is running
#define Is_usb_endpoint_stall_requested()         ((UECONX & (1<<STALLRQ)) ? TRUE : FALSE)

   //! configures the current endpoint
#define Usb_configure_endpoint_type(type)         (UECFG0X =   (UECFG0X & ~(MSK_EPTYPE)) | ((U8)type << 6))
   //! configures the current endpoint direction
#define Usb_configure_endpoint_direction(dir)     (UECFG0X =   (UECFG0X & ~(1<<EPDIR))  | ((U8)dir))

   //! configures the current endpoint size
#define Usb_configure_endpoint_size(size)         (UECFG1X =   (UECFG1X & ~MSK_EPSIZE) | ((U8)size << 4))
   //! configures the current endpoint number of banks
#define Usb_configure_endpoint_bank(bank)         (UECFG1X =   (UECFG1X & ~MSK_EPBK)   | ((U8)bank << 2))
   //! allocates the current configuration in DPRAM memory
#define Usb_allocate_memory()                     (UECFG1X |=  (1<<ALLOC))
   //! un-allocates the current configuration in DPRAM memory
#define Usb_unallocate_memory()                   (UECFG1X &= ~(1<<ALLOC))

   //! acks endpoint overflow interrupt
#define Usb_ack_overflow_interrupt()              (UESTA0X &= ~(1<<OVERFI))
   //! acks endpoint underflow memory
#define Usb_ack_underflow_interrupt()             (UESTA0X &= ~(1<<UNDERFI))
   //! acks Zero Length Packet received
#define Usb_ack_zlp()                             (UESTA0X &= ~(1<<ZLPSEEN))
   //! returns data toggle
#define Usb_data_toggle()                         ((UESTA0X&MSK_DTSEQ) >> 2)
   //! returns the number of busy banks
#define Usb_nb_busy_bank()                        (UESTA0X &   MSK_NBUSYBK)
   //! tests if at least one bank is busy
#define Is_usb_one_bank_busy()                    ((UESTA0X &  MSK_NBUSYBK) == 0 ? FALSE : TRUE)
   //! tests if current endpoint is configured
#define Is_endpoint_configured()                  ((UESTA0X &  (1<<CFGOK))   ? TRUE : FALSE)
   //! tests if an overflows occurs
#define Is_usb_overflow()                         ((UESTA0X &  (1<<OVERFI))  ? TRUE : FALSE)
   //! tests if an underflow occurs
#define Is_usb_underflow()                        ((UESTA0X &  (1<<UNDERFI)) ? TRUE : FALSE)
   //! tests if a ZLP has been detected
#define Is_usb_zlp()                              ((UESTA0X &  (1<<ZLPSEEN)) ? TRUE : FALSE)

   //! returns the control direction
#define Usb_control_direction()                   ((UESTA1X &  (1<<CTRLDIR)) >> 2)
   //! returns the number of the current bank
#define Usb_current_bank()                        ( UESTA1X & MSK_CURRBK)

   //! clears FIFOCON bit
#define Usb_ack_fifocon()                         (UEINTX &= ~(1<<FIFOCON))
   //! acks NAK IN received
#define Usb_ack_nak_in()                          (UEINTX &= ~(1<<NAKINI))
   //! acks NAK OUT received
#define Usb_ack_nak_out()                         (UEINTX &= ~(1<<NAKOUTI))
   //! acks receive SETUP
#define Usb_ack_receive_setup()                   (UEINTX &= ~(1<<RXSTPI))
   //! acks reveive OUT
#define Usb_ack_receive_out()                     (UEINTX &= ~(1<<RXOUTI), Usb_ack_fifocon())
   //! acks STALL sent
#define Usb_ack_stalled()                         (MSK_STALLEDI=   0)
   //! acks IN ready
#define Usb_ack_in_ready()                        (UEINTX &= ~(1<<TXINI), Usb_ack_fifocon())
   //! Kills last bank
#define Usb_kill_last_in_bank()                   (UENTTX |= (1<<RXOUTI))
   //! tests if endpoint read allowed
#define Is_usb_read_enabled()                     (UEINTX&(1<<RWAL))
   //! tests if endpoint write allowed
#define Is_usb_write_enabled()                    (UEINTX&(1<<RWAL))
   //! tests if read allowed on control endpoint
#define Is_usb_read_control_enabled()             (UEINTX&(1<<TXINI))
   //! tests if SETUP received
#define Is_usb_receive_setup()                    (UEINTX&(1<<RXSTPI))
   //! tests if OUT received
#define Is_usb_receive_out()                      (UEINTX&(1<<RXOUTI))
   //! tests if IN ready
#define Is_usb_in_ready()                         (UEINTX&(1<<TXINI))
   //! sends IN
#define Usb_send_in()                             (UEINTX &= ~(1<<FIFOCON))
   //! sends IN on control endpoint
#define Usb_send_control_in()                     (UEINTX &= ~(1<<TXINI))
   //! frees OUT bank
#define Usb_free_out_bank()                       (UEINTX &= ~(1<<FIFOCON))
   //! acks OUT on control endpoint
#define Usb_ack_control_out()                     (UEINTX &= ~(1<<RXOUTI))

   //! enables flow error interrupt
#define Usb_enable_flow_error_interrupt()         (UEIENX  |=  (1<<FLERRE))
   //! enables NAK IN interrupt
#define Usb_enable_nak_in_interrupt()             (UEIENX  |=  (1<<NAKINE))
   //! enables NAK OUT interrupt
#define Usb_enable_nak_out_interrupt()            (UEIENX  |=  (1<<NAKOUTE))
   //! enables receive SETUP interrupt
#define Usb_enable_receive_setup_interrupt()      (UEIENX  |=  (1<<RXSTPE))
   //! enables receive OUT interrupt
#define Usb_enable_receive_out_interrupt()        (UEIENX  |=  (1<<RXOUTE))
   //! enables STALL sent interrupt
#define Usb_enable_stalled_interrupt()            (UEIENX  |=  (1<<STALLEDE))
   //! enables IN ready interrupt
#define Usb_enable_in_ready_interrupt()           (UEIENX  |=  (1<<TXINE))
   //! disables flow error interrupt
#define Usb_disable_flow_error_interrupt()        (UEIENX  &= ~(1<<FLERRE))
   //! disables NAK IN interrupt
#define Usb_disable_nak_in_interrupt()            (UEIENX  &= ~(1<<NAKINE))
   //! disables NAK OUT interrupt
#define Usb_disable_nak_out_interrupt()           (UEIENX  &= ~(1<<NAKOUTE))
   //! disables receive SETUP interrupt
#define Usb_disable_receive_setup_interrupt()     (UEIENX  &= ~(1<<RXSTPE))
   //! disables receive OUT interrupt
#define Usb_disable_receive_out_interrupt()       (UEIENX  &= ~(1<<RXOUTE))
   //! disables STALL sent interrupt
#define Usb_disable_stalled_interrupt()           (UEIENX  &= ~(1<<STALLEDE))
   //! disables IN ready interrupt
#define Usb_disable_in_ready_interrupt()          (UEIENX  &= ~(1<<TXIN))

   //! returns FIFO byte for current endpoint
#define Usb_read_byte()                           (UEDATX)
   //! writes byte in FIFO for current endpoint
#define Usb_write_byte(byte)                      (UEDATX  =   (U8)byte)

   //! returns number of bytes in FIFO current endpoint (16 bits)
#define Usb_byte_counter()                        ((((U16)UEBCHX) << 8) | (UEBCLX))
   //! returns number of bytes in FIFO current endpoint (8 bits)
#define Usb_byte_counter_8()                      ((U8)UEBCLX)

   //! tests the general endpoint interrupt flags
#define Usb_interrupt_flags()                     (UEINT)
   //! tests the general endpoint interrupt flags
#define Is_usb_endpoint_event()                   (Usb_interrupt_flags() != 0x00)
//! @}

//! @ingroup usbdriver
//! @defgroup host_management USB host controller drivers
//! These macros manage the USB Host controller.
//! @{
   //! allocates the current configuration in DPRAM memory
   #define Host_allocate_memory()                 (UPCFG1X |=  (1<<ALLOC))
   //! un-allocates the current configuration in DPRAM memory
   #define Host_unallocate_memory()               (UPCFG1X &= ~(1<<ALLOC))

   //! enables USB Host function
   #define Host_enable()                          (USBCON |= (1<<HOST))

   #ifndef    SOFEN
   #define    SOFEN           0       //For AVRGCC, SOFEN bit missing in default sfr file
   //! enables SOF generation
   #define Host_enable_sof()                      (UHCON |= (1<<SOFEN))
   //! disables SOF generation
   #define Host_disable_sof()                     (UHCON &= ~(1<<SOFEN))
   //! sends a USB Reset to the device
   #define Host_send_reset()                      (UHCON |= (1<<RESET))
   //! tests if USB Reset running
   #define Host_is_reset()                        ((UHCON & (1<<RESET)) ? TRUE : FALSE)
   //! sends a USB Resume to the device
   #define Host_send_resume()                     (UHCON |= (1<<RESUME))
   //! tests if USB Resume running
   #define Host_is_resume()                       ((UHCON & (1<<RESUME)) ? TRUE : FALSE)

   //! enables host start of frame interrupt
   #define Host_enable_sof_interrupt()            (UHIEN |= (1<<HSOFE))
   //! enables host start of frame interrupt
   #define Host_disable_sof_interrupt()           (UHIEN &= ~(1<<HSOFE))
#define Is_host_sof_interrupt_enabled()        ((UHIEN &  (1<<HSOFE))   ? TRUE : FALSE)
   //! tests if SOF detected
#define Host_is_sof()                          ((UHINT & (1<<HSOFI)) ? TRUE : FALSE)
#define Is_host_sof()                          ((UHINT & (1<<HSOFI)) ? TRUE : FALSE)
#define Host_ack_sof()                         (UHINT &= ~(1<<HSOFI))

   //! enables host wake up interrupt detection
#define Host_enable_hwup_interrupt()            (UHIEN |= (1<<HWUPE))
   //! disables host wake up interrupt detection
#define Host_disable_hwup_interrupt()           (UHIEN &= ~(1<<HWUPE))
#define Is_host_hwup_interrupt_enabled()        ((UHIEN &  (1<<HWUPE))   ? TRUE : FALSE)
   //! tests if host wake up detected
#define Host_is_hwup()                          ((UHINT & (1<<HWUPI)) ? TRUE : FALSE)
   //! Ack host wake up detection
#define Is_host_hwup()                          ((UHINT & (1<<HWUPI)) ? TRUE : FALSE)
#define Host_ack_hwup()                         (UHINT &= ~(1<<HWUPI))

   //! enables host down stream rsm sent interrupt detection
#define Host_enable_down_stream_resume_interrupt()            (UHIEN |= (1<<RSMEDE))
   //! disables host down stream rsm sent interrupt detection
#define Host_disable_down_stream_resume_interrupt()           (UHIEN &= ~(1<<RSMEDE))
#define Is_host_down_stream_resume_interrupt_enabled()        ((UHIEN &  (1<<RSMEDE))   ? TRUE : FALSE)
   //! Ack host down stream resume sent
#define Is_host_down_stream_resume()                          ((UHINT & (1<<RSMEDI)) ? TRUE : FALSE)
#define Host_ack_down_stream_resume()                         (UHINT &= ~(1<<RSMEDI))

   //! enables host remote wake up interrupt detection
#define Host_enable_remote_wakeup_interrupt()         (UHIEN |= (1<<RXRSME))
   //! disables host remote wake up interrupt detection
#define Host_disable_remote_wakeup_interrupt()        (UHIEN &= ~(1<<RXRSME))
#define Is_host_remote_wakeup_interrupt_enabled()     ((UHIEN &  (1<<RXRSME))   ? TRUE : FALSE)
   //! tests if host wake up detected
#define Host_is_remote_wakeup()                       ((UHINT & (1<<RXRSMI)) ? TRUE : FALSE)
   //! Ack host wake up detection
#define Is_host_remote_wakeup()                       ((UHINT & (1<<RXRSMI)) ? TRUE : FALSE)
#define Host_ack_remote_wakeup()                      (UHINT &= ~(1<<RXRSMI))

   //! enables host device connection interrupt
#define Host_enable_device_connection_interrupt()        (UHIEN |= (1<<DCONNE))
   //! disables USB device connection interrupt
#define Host_disable_device_connection_interrupt()    (UHIEN &= ~(1<<DCONNE))
#define Is_host_device_connection_interrupt_enabled()    ((UHIEN &  (1<<DCONNE))   ? TRUE : FALSE)
   //! tests if a USB device has been detected
#define Is_device_connection()                 (UHINT & (1<<DCONNI))
   //! acks device connection
#define Host_ack_device_connection()           (UHINT = ~(1<<DCONNI))

   //! enables host device disconnection interrupt
#define Host_enable_device_disconnection_interrupt()     (UHIEN |= (1<<DDISCE))
   //! disables USB device connection interrupt
#define Host_disable_device_disconnection_interrupt()    (UHIEN &= ~(1<<DDISCE))
#define Is_host_device_disconnection_interrupt_enabled() ((UHIEN &  (1<<DDISCE))   ? TRUE : FALSE)
   //! tests if a USB device has been removed
#define Is_device_disconnection()              (UHINT & (1<<DDISCI)   ? TRUE : FALSE)
   //! acks device disconnection
#define Host_ack_device_disconnection()        (UHINT = ~(1<<DDISCI))

   //! enables host USB reset interrupt
#define Host_enable_reset_interrupt()          (UHIEN   |=  (1<<RSTE))
   //! disables host USB reset interrupt
#define Host_disable_reset_interrupt()         (UHIEN   &= ~(1<<RSTE))
#define Is_host_reset_interrupt_enabled()      ((UHIEN &  (1<<RSTE))   ? TRUE : FALSE)
   //! acks host USB reset sent
#define Host_ack_reset()                       (UHINT   = ~(1<<RSTI))
   //! tests if USB reset has been sent
#define Is_host_reset()                        Host_is_reset()

   //! switches on VBus
#define Host_vbus_request()                    (OTGCON |= (1<<VBUSREQ))
   //! switches off VBus
#define Host_clear_vbus_request()              (OTGCON |= (1<<VBUSRQC))
   //! configures the address to use for the device
#define Host_configure_address(addr)           (UHADDR = addr & MSK_HADDR)

   //! Get connected device speed, returns TRUE when in full speed mode
#define Is_host_full_speed()                   ((USBSTA &  (1<<SPEED))   ? TRUE : FALSE)
//! @}

//! @ingroup usbdriver
//! @defgroup general_pipe USB pipe drivers
//! These macros manage the common features of the pipes.
//! @{
   //! selects pipe for CPU interface
#define Host_select_pipe(p)                    (UPNUM = (U8)p)

   //! get the currently selected pipe number
#define Host_get_selected_pipe()              (UPNUM )

   //! enables pipe
#define Host_enable_pipe()                     (UPCONX |= (1<<PEN))
   //! disables pipe
#define Host_disable_pipe()                    (UPCONX &= ~(1<<PEN))

   //! sets SETUP token
#define Host_set_token_setup()                 (UPCFG0X =  UPCFG0X & ~MSK_TOKEN_SETUP)
   //! sets IN token
#define Host_set_token_in()                    (UPCFG0X = (UPCFG0X & ~MSK_TOKEN_SETUP) | MSK_TOKEN_IN)
   //! sets OUT token
#define Host_set_token_out()                   (UPCFG0X = (UPCFG0X & ~MSK_TOKEN_SETUP) | MSK_TOKEN_OUT)

   //! returns the number of the endpoint associated to the current pipe
#define Host_get_endpoint_number()             (UPCFG0X & (MSK_PEPNUM))

   //! returns pipe interrupt register
#define Host_get_pipe_interrupt()              (UPINT)

   //! sets the interrupt frequency
#define Host_set_interrupt_frequency(frq)      (UPCFG2X = (U8)frq)

   //! tests if current pipe is configured
#define Is_pipe_configured()                   (UPSTAX  &  (1<<CFGOK))
   //! tests if at least one bank is busy
#define Is_host_one_bank_busy()                ((UPSTAX &  (1<<MSK_NBUSYBK)) != 0)
   //! returns the number of busy banks
#define Host_number_of_busy_bank()             (UPSTAX &  (1<<MSK_NBUSYBK))

   //! resets the pipe
#define Host_reset_pipe(p)                     (UPRST = 1<<p , UPRST = 0)

   //! writes a byte into the pipe FIFO
#define Host_write_byte(dat)                   (UPDATX = dat)
   //! reads a byte from the pipe FIFO
#define Host_read_byte()                       (UPDATX)

   //! freezes the pipe
#define Host_freeze_pipe()                     (UPCONX |=  (1<<PFREEZE))
   //! un-freezees the pipe
#define Host_unfreeze_pipe()                   (UPCONX &= ~(1<<PFREEZE))
   //! tests if the current pipe is frozen
#define Is_host_pipe_freeze()                  (UPCONX &   (1<<PFREEZE))

   //! resets data toggle
#define Host_reset_pipe_data_toggle()          (UPCONX |=  (1<<RSTDT)  )

   //! tests if SETUP has been sent
#define Is_host_setup_sent()                   ((UPINTX & (1<<TXSTPI))    ? TRUE : FALSE)
   //! tests if control IN has been received
#define Is_host_control_in_received()          ((UPINTX & (1<<RXINI))    ? TRUE : FALSE)
   //! tests if control OUT has been sent
#define Is_host_control_out_sent()             ((UPINTX & (1<<TXOUTI))    ? TRUE : FALSE)
   //! tests if a STALL has been received
#define Is_host_stall()                        ((UPINTX & (1<<RXSTALLI))    ? TRUE : FALSE)
   //! tests if an error occurs on current pipe
#define Is_host_pipe_error()                   ((UPINTX & (1<<PERRI))    ? TRUE : FALSE)
   //! sends a setup
#define Host_send_setup()                      (UPINTX  &= ~(1<<FIFOCON))
   //! sends a control IN
#define Host_send_control_in()                 (UPINTX  &= ~(1<<FIFOCON))
   //! sends a control OUT
#define Host_send_control_out()                (UPINTX  &= ~(1<<FIFOCON))
   //! acks control OUT
#define Host_ack_control_out()                 (UPINTX  &= ~(1<<TXOUTI))
   //! acks control IN
#define Host_ack_control_in()                  (UPINTX  &= ~(1<<RXINI))
   //! acks setup
#define Host_ack_setup()                       (UPINTX  &= ~(1<<TXSTPI))
   //! acks STALL reception
#define Host_ack_stall()                       (UPINTX  &= ~(1<<RXSTALLI))

   //! sends a OUT
#define Host_send_out()                        (UPINTX &= ~(1<<FIFOCON))
   //! tests if OUT has been sent
#define Is_host_out_sent()                     ((UPINTX & (1<<TXOUTI))    ? TRUE : FALSE)
   //! acks OUT sent
#define Host_ack_out_sent()                    (UPINTX &= ~(1<<TXOUTI))
   //! tests if IN received
#define Is_host_in_received()                  ((UPINTX & (1<<RXINI))    ? TRUE : FALSE)
   //! acks IN reception
#define Host_ack_in_received()                 (UPINTX &= ~(1<<RXINI))
   //! sends a IN
#define Host_send_in()                         (UPINTX &= ~(1<<FIFOCON))
   //! tests if nak handshake has been received
#define Is_host_nak_received()                 ((UPINTX & (1<<NAKEDI))    ? TRUE : FALSE)
   //! acks NAk received sent
#define Host_ack_nak_received()                (UPINTX &= ~(1<<NAKEDI))

   //! tests if endpoint read allowed
#define Is_host_read_enabled()                 (UPINTX&(1<<RWAL))
   //! tests if endpoint read allowed
#define Is_host_write_enabled()                 (UPINTX&(1<<RWAL))

   //! sets IN in standard mode
#define Host_standard_in_mode()                (UPCONX &= ~(1<<INMODE))
   //! sets IN in continuous mode
#define Host_continuous_in_mode()              (UPCONX |=  (1<<INMODE))

   //! sets number of IN requests to perform before freeze
#define Host_in_request_number(in_num)         (UPINRQX = (U8)in_num)
   //! returns number of remaining IN requests
#define Host_get_in_request_number()           (UPINRQX)

   //! returns number of bytes (8 bits)
#define Host_data_length_U8()                  (UPBCLX)
   //! returns number of bytes (16 bits)
#define Host_data_length_U16()                 ((((U16)UPBCHX)<<8) | UPBCLX)
   //! for device compatibility
#define Host_byte_counter()                    Host_data_length_U16()
   //! for device compatibility
#define Host_byte_counter_8()                  Host_data_length_U8()

   //! returns the size of the current pipe
#define Host_get_pipe_length()                 ((U16)0x08 << ((UPCFG1X & MSK_PSIZE)>>4))

   //! returns the type of the current pipe
#define Host_get_pipe_type()                   (UPCFG0X>>6)

   //! tests if error occurs on pipe
#define Host_error_status()                    (UPERRX & MSK_ERROR)
   //! acks all pipe error
#define Host_ack_all_errors()                  (UPERRX = 0x00)

   //! Enable pipe end transmission interrupt
#define Host_enable_transmit_interrupt()       (UPIENX |= (1<<TXOUTE))
   //! Disable pipe end transmission interrupt
#define Host_disable_transmit_interrupt()      (UPIENX &= ~(1<<TXOUTE))

   //! Enable pipe reception interrupt
#define Host_enable_receive_interrupt()        (UPIENX |= (1<<RXINE))
   //! Disable pipe recption interrupt
#define Host_disable_receive_interrupt()       (UPIENX &= ~(1<<RXINE))

   //! Enable pipe stall interrupt
#define Host_enable_stall_interrupt()        (UPIENX |= (1<<RXSTALLE))
   //! Disable pipe stall interrupt
#define Host_disable_stall_interrupt()       (UPIENX &= ~(1<<RXSTALLE))

   //! Enable pipe error interrupt
#define Host_enable_error_interrupt()        (UPIENX |= (1<<PERRE))
   //! Disable pipe error interrupt
#define Host_disable_error_interrupt()       (UPIENX &= ~(1<<PERRE))

   //! Enable pipe NAK interrupt
#define Host_enable_nak_interrupt()        (UPIENX |= (1<<NAKEDE))
   //! Disable pipe NAK interrupt
#define Host_disable_nak_interrupt()       (UPIENX &= ~(1<<NAKEDE))

#define Get_pipe_token(x)                 ((x & (0x80)) ? TOKEN_IN : TOKEN_OUT)

//! @}

//! wSWAP
//! This macro swaps the U8 order in words.
//! @param x        (U16) the 16 bit word to swap
//! @return         (U16) the 16 bit word x with the 2 bytes swaped

#define wSWAP(x)        \
   (   (((x)>>8)&0x00FF) \
   |   (((x)<<8)&0xFF00) \

//! Usb_write_word_enum_struc
//! This macro help to fill the U16 fill in USB enumeration struct.
//! Depending on the CPU architecture, the macro swap or not the nibbles
//! @param x        (U16) the 16 bit word to be written
//! @return         (U16) the 16 bit word written
#if !defined(BIG_ENDIAN) && !defined(LITTLE_ENDIAN)
	#error YOU MUST Define the Endian Type of target: LITTLE_ENDIAN or BIG_ENDIAN
	#define Usb_write_word_enum_struc(x)	(x)
#else //BIG_ENDIAN
	#define Usb_write_word_enum_struc(x)	(wSWAP(x))

//_____ D E C L A R A T I O N ______________________________________________

U8      usb_config_ep                (U8, U8);
U8      usb_select_enpoint_interrupt (void);
U8      usb_send_packet              (U8 , U8*, U8);
U8      usb_read_packet              (U8 , U8*, U8);
void    usb_halt_endpoint            (U8);
U8      usb_init_device              (void);

U8      host_config_pipe             (U8, U8);
U8      host_determine_pipe_size     (U16);
void    host_disable_all_pipe        (void);
U8      usb_get_nb_pipe_interrupt    (void);

#endif  // _USB_DRV_H_

/** @} */